Autor: Asiek
Buttermilk Cake with fruit and crumble
Very simple and quick cake, which does not even have to pull out the blender. The cake is delicious and disappears in the blink of an eye 🙂 highly recommend!
Blueberry Cheesecake cold
It is good from time to time to clean out the freezer drawers, because you never know, what there may lie 🙂 I discovered a large quantity of berries, that it was high time to utilize.
Babka serowo – Lemon
Delicious and very aromatic bun. With the addition of quark is strongly moist. Hassle-free in execution.
Cupcakes sheep
Delightful little lambs, that will bring a smile not only on the faces of children, and adults but they do not resist. Tell yourself, are they not disarming?
Babka week
Grandma, which has always been in my house. Very fast and easy to do. And of course, delicious. Moist and fluffy, with a slight aroma of almond.
Meringue cake with cream chałwowym
Cake is delicious. It literally melts in your mouth. Sweet, because both the meringue, and cream are sweet, and crusty. At the bottom of the chocolate cake – peanut. It is one of the best cakes I ate the last.
Sponge cake with fruit
Cake easy, fast and fun. Perfect for afternoon tea. I always associate with childhood will. I recommend you very much!
Croissants Breakfast
I do not know anyone, Who would not like fresh, still warm bread for breakfast. So I prepared for you a recipe for the perfect croissant. Perfect for a lazy breakfast.
New York Cheesecake
Compact, very unctuous and creamy, with a delicate hint of lemon. Baked at a low temperature is not rising and falling, remained flat as a table. And it pleases me most 🙂
Tart with mascarpone and whipped cream
Chocolate – almost consummate the bottom, on the fluffy cream with mascarpone and white chocolate and everything covered with blanket of whipped cream. I recommend a very!
Precle smażone
Precelki, I prepared for you that are very tasty, very soft and fragrant. The hand itself goes back to the next and the next…
The taste of defeat
Failure can taste differently ... says the, that has a bitter taste. My had a sweet taste. This will be the entry of Sweet defeat.
Competition - Christmas Pastries
Competition for the holidays I planned a long time ago ... has accumulated too little, I hope cool 'prizes' for awards.
Gingerbread cottage
Do you ever tried your hand at building? I yes, This phase is behind me. But this time I got into the building of cottages. Of course, gingerbread cottages.
Honey tops postponed two masses – One is a cream pudding, a second that jabłka. Perfect cake for larger parties, or a festive table
Round gingerbread cookies
Today ginger without punching, very quick to do and delicious. Ginger cookies are slightly crispy on the outside and very soft inside. Melt in your mouth.
Marysieńka cake
Fluffy cream and sponge cake boss between moist walnut cake. You have to try and convince themselves. And I sincerely recommend them!
Bajaderki II
You do use their old grandmother, sponge cake, cake, that did not work, or just plain biscuits. They are delicious and very quick to do.
Toffee Cake (fudge)
The cake is very tasty and melts in your mouth:) The only minus is the, that must lie two days in the refrigerator… I recommend you very much!
Cake with apples and cranberries
The usual, simple, fast. And such an extraordinary… Very autumn. Wonderfully fragrant and very moist cake. I recommend a very!