Recipe for: with fruit
Sernik na zimno z serków Almette Fruit
Zapraszam na bardzo puszysty i pachnący latem sernk. Żeby jeszcze bardziej podkreślić letni charakter deseru, na wierzchu ułożyłam owoce, a całość zalałam galaretką jagodową. I recommend you very much!
Sernik waniliowy z musem truskawkowym.
Delikatny mus truskawkowy na puszystym biszkopcie, otulony lekkim waniliowym sernikiem. I recommend a very!
Styrofoam cake
Cake tastes a bit like cheesecake, light and fluffy, with a hint of coconut, for a delicious shortcrust pastry. I added the fruits on top of the cake, I thought, that will fit well.
Tart with mascarpone without baking
Today I propose you a delicious and instant tart, which you do not including oven. You will only need biscuits or an old sponge cake, mascarpone, fondant and fruit.
Vanilla cheesecake cold
What to do, when the heat comes an irresistible craving for something sweet, Spread some delicious? Well, like what? Best on the day will be a cake without baking!
Tart with berries
Chocolate underside fits perfectly with berries, a time delikatna, which reminds a little light cheesecake, completes the whole. Perfectly located in one…
Buttermilk Cake with fruit and crumble
Very simple and quick cake, which does not even have to pull out the blender. The cake is delicious and disappears in the blink of an eye 🙂 highly recommend!
Sponge cake with fruit
Cake easy, fast and fun. Perfect for afternoon tea. I always associate with childhood will. I recommend you very much!
Cake with apples and cranberries
The usual, simple, fast. And such an extraordinary… Very autumn. Wonderfully fragrant and very moist cake. I recommend a very!
Ewelina's apple pie with custard
You can not go past this dough matter:) I did have often apple pie with custard, but this provision in all tested by me is the best.
Tatra pie
Tatra pie has long been entangled me on the head and in the end I decided to do it. Very shortcrust pastry and lots of delicious apples. It's like the most – the apple is so much. I recommend a very!
Cake with plum and pudding
I invite you to a chocolate cake on the bottom, and plum pudding. It smells of cinnamon and is really pyszniutkie. Try it and you will not regret.
Yoghurt Cake with Strawberries
So I announce my big success, I finally made it! I think it's my first time, when I'm in 100% satisfied with yoghurt cake. Light, fluffy and very moist.
Cold Strawberry Cheesecake
Light, refreshing, slightly acidic. If you are amateurs such desserts, I encourage you to try, because not enough, that is really delicious, this is very easy.
Cheesecake with Strawberries
Smooth, but no cream, rather heavy and dense. The addition of strawberries adds to its character. It is simply delicious. Perfect for summer days. I recommend you very much!
Mazurka with four layers
Four different layers of cake – Chocolate, Coconut, Poppy and Nut, apple mass postponed. I'll tell you, it is very tasty. A little time consuming, because you have to bake four cakes separately, but it is worth.
"Sękaczek" - Pastry with apples and wallnuts
Cake looks very nice and feels even better, so it may well satisfy itself as one of the Christmas cakes. I recommend you very much!
Spotted cake with pears and custard
Very moist cake, additional flavor gives it much chocolate pudding, which crowns the whole. If you love cakes babkowe, This will certainly you tasted.
Easy Apple Pie
Easy, known and popular. I like it as well. I've made it the first time 10 years ago, or better. It is delicious. Try, and you'll find yourself.
Chocolate cake with pears
The usual, simple, no frills. Quite compact, very informative, and the addition of pears makes, that is wet. And when they have baked, I thought it, that will be a perfect complement to mass pudding.
Exotic cake – goodbye to summer
All together is perfectly moist and so refreshing, that if I eat another piece, I have the impression, that the summer is a little stopped:). Stop for a second home summer:)
Styrian apple pie
I was captivated by both, its taste, and appearance. I hope, that it does not miss the chance to. I recommend you very much.
Cake with foam and raspberries
The cake is really excellent. Very fragile, delicate, with a light foam and lots of fruit puddings. Not too sweet. At the same time,. I recommend to all and in particular the, who have not yet had a chance to try it out.