Chocolate-Coffee Cake | Chocolate&coffee cake

Chocolate and coffee cake in cuffs (+film)

This is probably the last birthday cake this year. At least I hope so, because a lot of them were tired and gave me. Although I have to admit, that was a lot of satisfaction. Today is a very special cake baking. Ready for a birthday party- surprise, for my mother. She was a joy, There were tears and a huge surprise. A tort… Not Coz. I will not tell, it was easy. And even tell, on the contrary. Frills of me did not listen and cake initially looked not so, as I imagined. I was close to surrender. No but my persistence prevailed and won the unruly frills.
I hope, that not only the appearance of, but the taste will encourage you to face this challenge. Sponge cake soaked in coffee and liqueur baileys, superior coffee and chocolate cream. Not too sweet, melts in your mouth. All the guests really enjoyed. I recommend you a very hot.

The recipe for the cake own, frills spied on the web.

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Ingredients for the sponge:

  • 6 large eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • glass* wheat flour
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of potato flour
  • 3/4 glass caster sugar

Beat egg whites until stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing all the time. Then add one egg mix, each. Finally, gently stir in sifted flour (I did it on the slowest speed mixer).

The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter of 26cm parchment paper for baking, Do not grease the sides of the grease or lined paper. Transfer the dough and smooth surface.

Bake at 170 – 175° C for about 30 minutes, or what is called a dry stick. If I ubiliście protein, This sponge cake is not your right to decline, but if you have a problem with falling ladyfingers, in order to, as I used to, should you remove it from the oven and drop on a soft surface (np. on a folded blanket on the floor) from a height of about 60 cm in diameter. Do not be afraid of, this is a brilliant way to nieopadanie sponge cake, and I assure you, it works. Set aside to cool. Quenched sponge cake cut into three rings (it is best to bake a sponge cake the day before, then it is much easier to cut). Each of the discs soaked.

*my glass = 250ml

To soak:

  • a glass of lukewarm water
  • 2 teaspoon of instant coffee
  • 2 teaspoon Baileys (it can also be any coffee liqueur)

Mix all ingredients together and soak the sponge every board.

Ingredients for chocolate cream:

  • 250g mascarpone
  • 200ml double cream
  • 200g dark chocolate

Mascarpone cheese and cream should be well chilled.
Chocolate broken into small pieces and dissolved in a water bath. Set aside to cool.
Beat cream cheese with fondant and fluffy, at the end of churning pour the melted chocolate, mixing all the time.

Ingredients for the mass of coffee:

  • 250g mascarpone
  • 200ml double cream
  • 3 teaspoons coffee dissolved in a minimum volume of water
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (or at the discretion of)

Mix all the ingredients together and fluffy.

The first place on top of sponge cake paterze, put on the mass of coffee, align. Cover with a second counter, put him cream chocolate, level and cover the last counter. Put in the fridge to cool.
Prepare the cream-based Swiss meringue.

Swiss Meringue:

  • 600g butter, softened, cut into small pieces
  • ok.200g large egg proteins
  • 400g of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ teaspoon cream of tartar (Potassium tartrate, I did not add)
  • selected dye (in my red)
  • optional optional teaspoon vanilla extract

The type and instructional video can be found in the entry on Cream butter.

A small smear of cream finished the sides and top of cake, postpone the remaining cream into the bag with the tip of the teardrop-shaped (Wilton No 104). The wide part of the side to put butts cake and cream squeeze zigzag sides of cake, from bottom to top. It is part of indescribable, because he shot a short video for you, which will definitely help you work (after finishing the whole sprinkled edible glitter, in fact, he looked just beautiful!):

Photo lot, but I wanted to show you the pictures of the preparation of the pie.

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Tort czekoladowo-kawowy | Chocolate&coffee cake

Good luck and bon appetit!

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7 years ago

Hello, which you had used Mrs. Dye? I have gel, but I never got so intense red color! Usually goes pink, as butter cream was mixed with the dye. And here! even carmine!

7 years ago

Is frills can be done with the classic butter cream? I do not take a chance with raw eggs, because the cake has to be for children. decoration cudna!

8 years ago

Hello! Czy można taką bezą szwajcarską przykryć tort z przepisu na 40 urodziny Pana Pawła? A jeśli tak to czy ganache powinno otaczać cały tort czy służyć tylko za warstwę masy do przekładania, a wtedy tort otaczamy masą z bezy szwajcarskiej? Regards!

8 years ago

المسؤولية التقصيرية wyszedł naprawdę smaczny, نيه robiłam falbanek tylko różyczki, TAKIE JAK przy instrukcji القيام szwajcarskiej bezy. Kremy bardzo, very good, naprawdę مالو słodkie, شارك było idealnym rozwiązaniem القيام تيجو kremu (który المزاح نادي زوارق شاطئ دبي słodki). Zdjęcia tortu prześlę Ci babeczko na maila. Nie mam tylko zdjęcia po rozkrojeniu, because too quickly disappeared 🙂

9 years ago

I have a technical question 🙂
jakiej firmy dekoratora Pani używa.Bo wszystkie co miałam są do niczego.

9 years ago

Hello! I have a question that I can dissolve the chocolate in the cream 30%, cool and the next day, beat the mascarpone? Recently I made you a cake (ten z batonikami milky way) and there just so dissolves. Or, it is irrelevant?? Congratulations talent and a great hand to decorate these marvelous cakes!

10 years ago

hello sweet muffin:) Today entertained guests cake chocolate coffee and were impressed-very delicious :)no, some can be found with more alcohol but great for me:) and when it comes to decorations waves I did not go because I had a bit of a bad end, and I did with the previous red roses cake :)yummy buttery cream of today just so I do:) already getting ready for the next cake thanks 🙂

10 years ago

Hello 🙂 cake if I can do a day sooner?

10 years ago

hello:) for a few days I'm going to make a cake just I'm wondering how you added the dye flows or powder? thank you

Ewa Kus
Ewa Kus
10 years ago

Hello,I made recently, this mass is brilliant!Only I added butter in the ankle and later a twarte these frills,if so, is to be ?I live in the abroad and there is butter in the ankle and in a box slightly salty very squishy(as in Poland, vegetable butter in a cup)Please write what I use the butter in a cube or is in a box?
Thank you for your reply 🙂

10 years ago

I'm going tomorrow morning bake this cake just do not know whether this is to be orginal baileys or coffie ?? Please prompt response 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much for your quick reply 🙂

10 years ago

Piekny tort, frills touched my heart, and it will certainly have the makings 😉 only pytanko, on the cake, you can see the specks of shiny red, Mrs. sprinkled them at the end of, on ready-frills or has added to the weight ? They look wonderfully 😉

gosi @
gosi @
11 years ago

You have no idea the way I am impressed, can not be described, everything is so wonderful, flattering, my intention is to make cream-based Swiss meringue, However, I do not have such a fantastic robot like you and I'm scared that this will come out the normal weight, because I want to and I'm afraid, may, however, to decide, if I wrote, or a normal robot is a chance for success. I warmly greet !

gosi @
gosi @
11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much, I bow your head on your artistry

Kulinarny Zenit
11 years ago

OO matko! What cudeńko… laborious, but it is worth 🙂 As soon as the opportunity arises (any birthday or imieninki) I'll try it for sure these cute frills 🙂

11 years ago

I did it 2 days. My version came out pink. Cake is delicious. I added yet 2 top cherry jam. Cream-pychotka, and the latter on the basis of meringue-revelation, Add recipe to my favorites, checked-large and small-okazjE.falbanki due to lack of equipment gave up and did a quick decoration. Thank you for the inspiration.

11 years ago

Somewhere out there already on this, I came across… 🙂 As for me, is this a big challenge and a lot of work, but it looks przesłodko, already imagined it in every color of the rainbow ! 🙂

11 years ago

The mother!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))))))))))))))))))

11 years ago

Is the cream of purchasing such CAKE able to do these frills or those laughing as the second film?I greet

11 years ago
Reply to gosc

The frill of the cream of the package does not come out because of the consistency of the finished cream.

11 years ago

Hi, I have a question for the masses used in this beautiful cake, or do not require any “stiffener” such as gelatin? I will soon make a birthday cake for the baby, and I want to try something new to surprise 🙂 household 🙂 I cordially greet and congratulate the effects of work:)

HAART gallery of good ideas

These frills look fabulous!
11 years ago

It looks beautiful. Congratulations perseverance to apply ruffles. I'm impressed. Work magnitude. And...… but it looks delectable and incredibly.

11 years ago

Well the first cats for the fences. Taken first frills. I was afraid, with ordinary hand mixer will be problems with the mass – and nothing but nothing that does not stop. Hmm, I do not how to insert pictures here. But the cake came out as good 🙂

11 years ago

hats off! 🙂

11 years ago

As always delight your performance!!:)

11 years ago

Great idea with frills, certainly be using!

11 years ago

beautiful 🙂

11 years ago

With these frilly looks delicious!

11 years ago

It looks great :).

11 years ago

Super Filmik! but tell me, check “szpachla” with the same mass but in smaller amounts?

Eva Capri
11 years ago

but lovely, I admire the diligence and skill of course ! 🙂

11 years ago

Perseverance paid off, beautiful frills, congratulations:)

11 years ago

Welcome Asiu…cake looks wonderful…I have a small question about weight for decoration…or heat-hand weight does not get thin??..I decorate my cakes weight of milk and sugar .. I cook… (then sponge cake with butter)and after a while my feel so .. i just do it gently changes color to me….

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you …tzn.że so it has to be:):)..nice and warm greet:)