Component: milk
Precle smażone
Precelki, I prepared for you that are very tasty, very soft and fragrant. The hand itself goes back to the next and the next…
Cake with plum and pudding
I invite you to a chocolate cake on the bottom, and plum pudding. It smells of cinnamon and is really pyszniutkie. Try it and you will not regret.
Easy cake with strawberries
I know, you probably already a little tired of strawberries. But I have not yet:) So today I serve this simple, quick and delicious cake for the time. Maybe it is not exceptional beauty, but tastes perfectly.
Crispy tips
Today I made cookies for my husband's special request, who likes to munch them. It is my suggestion for the carnival. I recommend a very!
The provisions for this type of muffin is very much, but today I propose is this. Simple, simple and very, so delicious.
Chocolate Muffins
In anticipation of inspired me, which disappeared with the passing of the old year, I made a delicious, Classic cupcakes with chocolate flecks in the middle.
Delicious wheat buns
Delicious for breakfast, dinner and in the meantime, the so-called. The recipe for these buns Susan gave me my, when I turn one already looked through his 'Book of the experiments'. So, in order to, well-read.
Cranberry Noel – cake with cranberries
This is my next Christmas proposal. Delicious, Butter, cookies. Appendix cranberries makes, they are not sweet and the nuts add to the character.
Chalk with bread crumbs
When I bake it so chalk, like retreat with time. Because chalk reminds me of childhood, family home, Heat…
Tiny pączusie with a hole, taste like donuts, perhaps a little less fluffy. But as good, that only smell when they left. I recommend a very!
Danish rolls with apple
Delicious, soft and fragrant buns. Two in one – yeast and apple pie:) Buns are delicious and I can only say, had disappeared well before wystygły. I recommend a very!
Chocolate roulade – with walnuts
This fragrance which spreads out around the house, when the dough is baked is so wonderful, I could bake yeast every day. I do not know, what I did with him, I eat because I probably could not have been:).
Buns with poppy seeds
Once I did not like baking yeast. Neither eat, nor do. We may never found a good yeast dough, maybe just my taste taste has changed. Fortunately, things are different now and making pastries gives me great pleasure!