Component: apples
Honey tops postponed two masses – One is a cream pudding, a second that jabłka. Perfect cake for larger parties, or a festive table
Cake with apples and cranberries
The usual, simple, fast. And such an extraordinary… Very autumn. Wonderfully fragrant and very moist cake. I recommend a very!
Ewelina's apple pie with custard
You can not go past this dough matter:) I did have often apple pie with custard, but this provision in all tested by me is the best.
Tatra pie
Tatra pie has long been entangled me on the head and in the end I decided to do it. Very shortcrust pastry and lots of delicious apples. It's like the most – the apple is so much. I recommend a very!
Mazurka with four layers
Four different layers of cake – Chocolate, Coconut, Poppy and Nut, apple mass postponed. I'll tell you, it is very tasty. A little time consuming, because you have to bake four cakes separately, but it is worth.
"Sękaczek" - Pastry with apples and wallnuts
Cake looks very nice and feels even better, so it may well satisfy itself as one of the Christmas cakes. I recommend you very much!
Easy Apple Pie
Easy, known and popular. I like it as well. I've made it the first time 10 years ago, or better. It is delicious. Try, and you'll find yourself.
Apple Cookies – with walnuts
They are like small biscuits, apple and walnuts smell and delicious taste. Check as an addition to your kids śniadaniówek. I recommend you very much!
Styrian apple pie
I was captivated by both, its taste, and appearance. I hope, that it does not miss the chance to. I recommend you very much.
Exclusive apple pie
A delicate sponge cake, apples surrounded by a tangy jelly, and sweet cream pudding on the top, sprinkled with crispy coconut. Great. Anyway, see for yourself. I recommend a very!
Apple pie with crumble topping
I love ciders and apple pie. The smell in the house… Wonderful. Today's cake for some time Zerkalo at me and smiled encouragingly at me.
Apple pie with foam
She came at the end of time and at her, though I regret that not pressed her somewhere closer in line, because it is delicious! Pie crust dough, plenty of apples and at the end of a delicate foam. The ideal!
Serowiec with apples
Heavily wondered, and this cake will settle on the blog, for I was not completely happy with the result of a savory. That is, like everything ok, like it was meant to be , but something did not fit me. But after visiting guests came to the conclusion, to show that the provision.
Muffinki – mini apple pie
If you do not have time for a traditional apple pie I suggest these particular muffins. You certainly will not disappoint. I recommend a very!
Yeast cones with apples
Today I propose you a yeast triangles stuffed with apples, but you can use any favorite fruit and it will be proudly. Very soft, fluffy and smaczniutkie. I recommend!
Wonderful cake! So in two words can describe it, what I managed to bake. I ate a lot of pastry with apples and each is for me a unique and delicious, I like them very much, but this cake is different.
Danish rolls with apple
Delicious, soft and fragrant buns. Two in one – yeast and apple pie:) Buns are delicious and I can only say, had disappeared well before wystygły. I recommend a very!
Coconut muffins with apples and carrots
Ease of making muffins, I love doing them. Particularly when, when I'm tired of the more demanding baking cakes. Today's muffins are wonderfully fragrant, soft and very, very tasty.
Traditional Apple Pie
For a long time to walk with me… I do not know, whether by the autumnal aura, or by a, that so many beautiful apples in warzywniakach. Maybe both. So when I saw the blog Sweet fantasies of this provision is not thinking long.
Butter Cake – cream with apples
I had a great desire for an apple pie. But I had also the conditions, they must meet. I wanted, that was the taste of butter, soft and fluffy as a down time. Browse through a large body of, but I no I'm not impressed.
Apple pie with cabbage
I've always liked cake with apples. Most probably the smell go through the house, when the dough is baked. Tenderness and flavor of cinnamon pastry making, that want to reach for the next and the next song. A to, that some associate with autumn? Well, Spring is the time, when the rain and cloudy days is also not lacking.