Cake - Asienka

Tart with mascarpone and whipped cream


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This tart should rather be called “Cleaning the fridge” :). With this turned out to be just cleaning, that both mascarpone and cream cake soon lose their shelf life. I do not like waste and dispose of food, So I had to find a use for my finds. Ideas, as usual, a thousand, but none on 100% did not speak to me. I did not want to bake, so I made up, Tart it will. And it was a hit! Fast, fluffy, light… Who could ask for more? She disappeared in the blink of an eye, but I do not blame, because it was really excellent. Chocolate – almost consummate the bottom, on the fluffy cream with mascarpone and white chocolate and everything covered with blanket of whipped cream. You can lay on top of your favorite fruit – well I'll be here blueberries or raspberries fit. Due to this, that my child does not like, for me it was not. I recommend a very!

This is my own recipe.

Cake - Asienka

Ingredients for the bottom:

  • 225g of wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa
  • pinch of salt
  • 150g cold butter
  • 2 tablespoons of caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of very cold water

For mixing bowl sift the flour and cocoa, add salt and diced butter. Knead the dough. If necessary, add cold water. The form of the tarts with a diameter of 24cm smear butter. Ready to roll out the dough the size of the plaque and place it in a. Cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. At this time, put on the bottom of the aluminum foil, sprinkle her ceramic balls (lub fasole, loud) bottom and bake at 190 ° C for about 15 minutes. After this time, remove from the oven, Remove the foil and bake for another 10 – 15 minutes, up the sides of the tart will stand out from the mold. Baked underside remove from oven and set aside to cool completely.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 400g mascarpone
  • 200ml double cream (strongly cooled)
  • 200g of white chocolate
  • 150g of natural yoghurt
  • 2 teaspoon of gelatine

Chocolate broken into small pieces and dissolved in a water bath. Set aside to cool. At this time in the mixer bowl place the mascarpone, yogurt and heavy cream. Beat together until fluffy, When all the components are connected to each other, add chocolate and continue to churn. In the meantime, in a minimal amount of hot water to dissolve the gelatin, mix thoroughly, that there are no lumps. When the mass is almost ready, trickle add gelatin and mix thoroughly. Dough is put on the bottom of the quenched, align.

Ingredients for the top:

  • 350 – 400ml double cream (strongly cooled)
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (or at the discretion of)

In mixer bowl put the cream and beat until fluffy. The plug was put on top of the cream tarts. Mount sprinkle with dark chocolate.


  • a few cubes of dark chocolate grated on the coarse mesh

Cake - Asienka

Cake - Asienka

Cake - Asienka

Cake - Asienka






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6 years ago

How long it takes to get well cool ? 😉

6 years ago

Welcome Asia, great recipe:) What you can be replaced with white chocolate? Come out if it does not I will add ? What are the dimensions of the mold? I am a layman in this topic 😉 What Regards!

6 years ago

Ani mascarpone ani śmietana kremówka nie są codziennymi gośćmi mojej lodówki tym bardziej w takich ilościach, więc nie mogę tego przepisu zaliczyć do “sprzątających lodówkę”. Nie mniej jednak korzystam z tego przepisu dość regularnie jako, że moja druga połowa jest wielbicielem bitej śmietany. Jak większość komentujących też mam zawsze problem z żelatyną, także zamiast niej dodaje smiet-fix i też wychodzi. Tart is delicious 🙂

8 years ago

Hello 🙂 This inspired me deserek, It looks appetizing 😉 I want to do on your birthday cake son Oreo.Czy this cream could serve as a base cream oreo,or something to change ?greetings

8 years ago

Mi krem rowniez sie zwazyl wszystkie skladniki do smietnika:/

8 years ago

Mi także podczas dodawania żelatyny krem się zważył, mimo że żelatyna i biała czekolada były przestudzone. Czy zna Pani jakiś sposób żeby w przyszłości nie mieć takich niespodzianek? Ciasto na zdjęciach wygląda bardzo ładnie i z pewnością jest pyszne o czym chętnie sama bym się przekonała gdyby nie nieudany krem…

9 years ago

Ja w ten krem z mascarpone z biala czekolada, wmiksowalbym jeszcze banana, I think that the flavors complement to August zarabiscie 😉

9 years ago

🙁 after the addition of gelatin cream weighed I,musiałam zaginać po produkty i zacząć od nowa.Zrobiłam bez żelatyny.Krem pyszny.Kremem przełożyłam biszkopt.

9 years ago

It looks very elegant 🙂

10 years ago

Was this mass of mascarpone be suitable to put the cake? Trzymalaby it?

10 years ago

Very delicious cake,everyone licking…….thank you !!!!

10 years ago

And if all the ingredients you need to whip together cream, or example, you can. to firstly beat cream , then add the mascarpone and yogurt? buoys are, that the weight could go wrong,when all at once I'd start to mix…

10 years ago

I weighed Cream…but made sure to chocolate and gelatin were summer. Or maybe this is how it looks when applied ? Not yet rozkrajałam.

10 years ago

And I did not come tart…Fortunately, I started making cream, so not much is wasted. Bottom left so fragile, that when removed from the mold – all the broke. More'm not going to try to rule. Regards.

10 years ago

cream on top of August gelatin does not stiffen??

10 years ago

Tart really recommendable…Delicious, fluffy and most importantly, – not too sweet:).
Although I have to admit that one piece is more than enough to satisfy even the biggest gourmand.
Highly recommended and thank you for this recipe Asya…..

10 years ago

I did this tart so far twice, the first time by Mrs. recipe, and the second time I modified it slightly and instead of white chocolate, I added weight with chocolate fudge. They were delicious, my husband ate, is a terrible greedy, but picky. All cakes, which have so far done using Mrs. rules he tasted incredibly, became a hit, carrot cake, from which it all began. Thank you very much, that you created this blog and I can enjoy the dining experience you and I will continue to do so. I greet warmly

10 years ago

I disagree with the entry of Ursa, I ate it in a fruit version of the serials holidays. served on crusty white bottom and sprinkled with raspberries and blueberries U.S.- pride ! when I saw this post reminded me of the taste of holidays. pozdr.

10 years ago

The tartarate musi (!!) 🙂 be without fruit. They would only “sknociły” 🙂 softness and fluffiness cream cream. I did and I was in “heaven” :-).
A fruit always be in other Tatras, because the rules for any, is much.
PZD. The bear,Kapsztad.

10 years ago

It looks beautiful Asya. She must be very tasty.
pozdrowionka 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Majana

I have seen it know, but I can not have a good look. 😉

Kasia :)
Kasia 🙂
10 years ago

Piekna:)jiffy do before I finished the 🙂 soon will find out how it tastes 🙂

10 years ago

Oh, but beautiful!! Until almost feel in the mouth of the melts mascarpone cheese with white chocolate!!

10 years ago

Mascarpone is one of my weaknesses, looks great. For me, the last coconut 😉

10 years ago

Beautiful, delicate. I really like.
greetings 🙂

10 years ago

This looks beautifully tart… elegant and refined, He had to be delicious 🙂

10 years ago

Asieńko thank you,you are and never more zostawiaj.Całkiem us soon bloga.Masz I follow your super cool rules that I use,and even some of them have already gone in świat.Dzięki.Pozdrawiam.

10 years ago

Welcome, I love your rules… tart looks delectable, But never this type of cake is not baked, and I do not understand why these beads, ceramic or optional peas? you can not bake the bottom of the tart with the same foil?

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you for your response, However, I do not understand a bit further, These balls can be on the cake? a folię pod? sorki too trivial question, but it looks delectable and I would like to try out for the weekend

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Bright as the sun, so heartily

10 years ago

I got ptyalism:)

10 years ago
Reply to wiosenka27

I also 😉

10 years ago

Oh, these ingredients can bear straight to heaven I'll definitely 🙂 per week 🙂 looks wonderfully:)

Eva Capri
10 years ago

cool, just that, there is no fruit gives it a unique and specific style, super