Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

So it has already adopted among my friends, meetings that always bring something sweet. I am happy, because I can bake some news, and friends, that will be able to satisfy your fancy sweets. Benefit sided :). This cake set its sights on some time ago, but of course I forgot about him. And when I found a backlog of protein, I knew it, at this time will serve up a meeting with friends. Sam cake is delicious. It literally melts in your mouth. Sweet, because both the meringue, and cream are sweet, and crusty. At the bottom of the chocolate cake – peanut. It is one of the best cakes I ate the last. You have to convince themselves, necessarily! I recommend you very much!

The recipe comes from the blog Home-baked.

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

Ingredients for the cake chocolate-peanut:

  • 3 eggs
  • 100g of sugar
  • 100g butter, softened
  • 180g ground hazelnuts
  • 20g cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 75g dark chocolate

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a water bath. Allow to cool.
Cream the butter and sugar to a light and fluffy, then add one egg, whisking all the time (if you have the impression, that the weight of a blighted, never mind, anything that does not affect). Nuts and cocoa mix with baking powder, add to the weight of an egg and mix buttered. Finally, add the cooled chocolate and mix together.
The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter of 26cm parchment paper for baking, Grease the sides of the fat. Pass the cake, align. Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 30 – 35 minutes, dry swab. After this time, remove and cool.

Meringue ingredients

  • 3 egg whites
  • pinch of salt
  • 170g caster sugar
  • level tablespoon cornstarch
  • teaspoon lemon juice

Egg white with a pinch of salt beat stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing thoroughly until sugar is dissolved. In the meantime, add the lemon juice. Finally, add the potato flour. Well whipped meringue should be stiff and shiny.

Lamina of the oven, baking parchment paper, to trace a circle with a diameter of 23cm. Put him meringue. Meringue during baking increasing, therefore teaches meringue on a smaller diameter than the bottom of the pie we have prepared.
Bake in oven preheated to 120 ° C with hot air (My oven bakes hard, So I baked at 100 °, and after an hour I covered meringue, to not browned), by 2,5 hours. After this time, turn off the oven, repeal the door slightly and leave the meringue to cool down completely (You can bake in the evening and leave overnight in the oven).

Weight puddings:

  • 3 yolk
  • 250ml of milk
  • half a glass of sugar (125ml) (mass is very sweet, zmniejszyłabym amount of sugar to a minimum, np. 2 Bucket)
  • 1 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 200g vanilla halva
  • 250g butter, softened


  • 100g peeled, podpieczonych in a pan and chopped hazelnuts

Half a cup of milk to boil with sugar. For the rest of the milk add the egg yolks, potato flour and mix. To the boiling milk flour and mix well- egg, vigorously stirring, that no lumps formed. Cook the pudding. Allow to cool.
Halva crumble. Beat softened butter on the bright and fluffy. To add batches of slaughtered butter pudding quenched (should have the same temperature as the butter). Then add the halva and mix together.

For paterze lay chocolate cake, put half cream, align, cover with meringue disc, put meringue on top of the remaining cream. Sprinkle with nuts cream uprażonymi.

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym

Meringue cake with cream chałwowym





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1 a year ago

I have made it many times and each time I am delighted with its taste. Halva is hard to find in England, so I buy tahini paste and add exactly the amount of sugar specified in the recipe.. In this way, a very concentrated halva is obtained in the form of a cream. I recommend it to all sesame fans!

5 years ago

I would like to do if I have a rectangular plaque components increase? the amount of this mass is sufficient for two layers ?

6 years ago

And what way do you nuts with peeling skin? I soaked them in water at the moment

5 years ago
Reply to Sylwia

Podprażyć need them in a frying pan. Skin leave alone

6 years ago

Is the weight of pudding can be prepared the day before?

7 years ago

Best recipe. Once I made this cake in accordance with the stated amounts of ingredients and came out great. Tomorrow take again for its implementation. Guests will be delighted.

7 years ago

If I do that on Saturday it will still be good Monday?

There is
There is
7 years ago

W jakiej temperaturze przechowywać gotowy tort?

8 years ago

HIT!!! Rewelacyjny przepis i tort – zrobił furorę na mojej imprezie.

8 years ago

ile tej chałwy ? po widze w opisie żeby dodać ale nie widzę w liście składników ile trzeba:) or not dowidzam 🙂
I greet

8 years ago

Czy w masie mogę pominąć żółtka? Cake will consume pregnant so I would like to skip them 🙂

8 years ago

Hello,ciasto wygląda bardzo pięknie!
Spróbuje je upiec , I have one pytanko;
czy ciasto czekoladowo-orzechowe można posmarować dzemem?kofiturą?
czarna porzeczka?czerwona?wiśnia,sliwka?co będzie pasowało?
tak dla lekkiego przełamania słodyczy.

8 years ago

Good morning,
I have a question, jaką ma Pani średnicę tortownicy? I czy zamiast orzechów na górę mogę zrobić polewę np czekoladową? Chciałabym umieścić napis na tej polewie oraz ozdobić tylko nie wiem czy mi nie spłynie za bardzo ta polewa, jak Pani uważa? Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.

8 years ago

jak upiec bezę jak nie mam w piekarniku termoobiegu?

9 years ago

write, że po godzinie przykryłaś bezę w piekarniku aby nie ściemniała….czym i jak przykryłaś bo nie mogę tego rozgryźć? drugim arkuszem papieru czy jak?

9 years ago

Zrobiłam ten tort z małymi modyfikacjami. Sama piekę od kilku lat ciasta i torty, a ten jest naprawdę wyjątkowy jak z najlepszej cukierni. Polecam go na większe uroczystości. Pracy w nim nie wiele, a efekt zniewalający. Regards:)

10 years ago

I was making a cake a few times,is really great. I am writing, because I have a mission! I have to carry the train, The journey continues 4 hours. Do not have a fridge of mobile and do not intend to invest in it. Of course it well before cooling down. If I will pack it in a box, covered with some dry ice, or will put it in a bag insulation strength? I'm just afraid of temperature on the train. Sometimes it's cold and it sometimes very game. What do you think? Do you have a think???

10 years ago

My dear! Hell this cake several times already,is super. Therefore, I have a mission, and I stated, Can you help me with. I have to carry the train cake. The journey takes 4 hours. Previously, I'm going to desire cake cool in the refrigerator. It does not have a small refrigerator transportable and will not invest in it. Doradz my! Do you like will put it in a box with dry ice for example, wall to wall, or in a bag if he can withstand thermal? Most afraid of temperature on the train,because sometimes it is cold and sometimes it tight game… Do you have any idea?

10 years ago

OK. Interest of the overhang proteins did not. But I learned to make meringue. It 🙂 outside competition. Cake waited their, for it came out great. As to the soak during storage of meringue, I would look at the wine. When the cake is sitting nicely in the refrigerator, this difference rozmaka mi, and the mass is a solid,.
And yet attention. Generally, This bad stores. Disappears from the refrigerator immediately – yum 😉

10 years ago

Good, but I do not compares. I have populated refrigerator proteins – Christmas cakes. I hope:
Cake – whole eggs, So proteins from the refrigerator does not diminish.
Meringue – 3 egg whites, These yolks from the pulp pudding.
Where profit? I develop protein! 🙂

10 years ago

My meringue soaked after a few hours .

10 years ago

My meringue soaked on the second day she was gone already for , why?

10 years ago

Last, when everything came out perfectly baked, but meringue 'stuck’ Sheet, When I wanted to challenge it and move on layer cake cracked. Whether it should be placed under the baking paper? In addition there was a little low, which may be the cause ( did not grow at all,but it was good )

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks I 🙂, it was the oven. My unlike your longer bakes all, baked in 150 degrees, and still did not grow, not to mention the browning 😀

10 years ago

Is the cake will still be good after 3 On?

10 years ago

The waiting time for the meringue is very long, if I can do at this time, the weight of pudding and leave it? Will it be too hard and will not be suitable for subsequent lining on the cake?

Marten :)
Marta 🙂
10 years ago

I have a small question, because I have a fairly short time:
-pudding or mass must be made according to, Can I use the pudding finished with the pack or weight to Karpatka?
-if the cake can be made a day / two before, and whether it will continue crisps?

10 years ago

OMG!!! HOW BEAUTIFUL!! 😀 necessarily I have to try, normally fall in love with this cake when I saw him, until I can not wait to do it 😀
thank you!!

10 years ago

I would like to ask what proportions should take on a rectangular metal plate 24×32?
Do you do a double proportion?

10 years ago

And where is the halva?

10 years ago

Cake came out sensational. Guests delighted. Thank you for the recipe

10 years ago

And if instead of hazelnuts can add Italian?

There is
There is
10 years ago

Is this top beige does not soften “Melts” under the influence of the weight after some time? I have a similar recipe for the cake chałwowy but there can be little beziki. However, this top looks insanely, and I would do it next time instead of bezików.

10 years ago

I always find it difficult to cream ” of a pudding ” mash with butter,I always weighs me I do not know what I'm doing so. what you use butter?

10 years ago

Babeczko, cake looks wonderful! It is an elegant, beautiful and guess, that tastes great. I would like to someday make meringue cake.
Pozdrówki 🙂

10 years ago

I also have long wanted him 😉 Beautifully looks

10 years ago

Welcome muffin ♡
I have a question:)
I want to bake this baby on Easter and as always I have problems with the size of tortownicy.Poniewaz this year we have a guest needs to use the diameter of this o28cm
and as always do not know whether to do it with a half portion or do wg.twoich proportion
and have hope that somehow come:) at most lower parts:) Could you please advise:)
Thank you and best regards from sunny Bremerhaven;)

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much:))

10 years ago

My wife recently did a cake chałwowy. In a slightly different issue but I know, that such miracles are delicious. Looks like a winner. Congratulations!

10 years ago

Looks Ludicrous!!! so much goodness in one piece!injury, that you can not eat from the screen!

10 years ago

Looks very tasty and ślicznie.Na sure I'll try it,and it will be the next Święta.POzdrawiam 🙂

10 years ago

Delicious 🙂 I guess, it is also very sweet 🙂