Apple pie with crumble topping / Apple pie with crumble

Apple pie with crumble topping

I love ciders and apple pie. What is the difference between them, always been a mystery to me. Apparently the apple pie apples can be severe, and ciders is made from apples processed. Apparently. For me it is of no great importance, I love the one and the other. The smell in the house… Wonderful. Today's cake for some time Zerkalo at me and smiled encouragingly at me. I found it on the blog at Margarytki. I knew, that it must be delicious and was not disappointed. Anyway, what I will talk a lot. See, Do and see for yourself. I recommend a very!

Jabłecznik z kruszonką / Apple pie with crumble

Margarytko, thank you for the recipe! It's great!


Ingredients for the dough:

  • 2 glass of flour (1 cup krupczatki, 1 cup cake)
  • 1/3 cups granulated sugar
  • 180 g butter
  • 3 yolk
  • 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 2 spoonfuls of thick cream (I used 18%)
  • pinch of salt

To the mixer bowl sift flour, add finely chopped butter, sugar, yolk, baking powder, salt and cream. Knead the dough. Shape into a ball, wrap in foil and put in the fridge for mass preparation time apple and crumbled.


  • 150g of wheat flour
  • 80g butter
  • 100g caster sugar

Rub all the ingredients crumbled between the fingers so, that was 'wet sand'. Put together with a bowl in the freezer, the time of preparation of apple pulp.

Apple mass:

  • 1,5 kg of apples
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract (can be omitted if you do not have)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 teaspoon cinnamon

Peel the apples, cut out the seeds and cut into small cubes. In a pot boil water with sugar and vanilla extract. Cook for a while, to a thick syrup. Pour the apples and simmer covered about 15 minutes. Apples should be soft, but not overcooked completely. At the end add the cinnamon and mix thoroughly.

Plaque with dimensions of 30×25 cm smear with fat and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or parchment paper for baking. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, Roll out and put it, bottom plates and slightly sideways. Preheat oven to 200 ° C and bake the dough for 10 minutes. At the bottom podpieczony put the prepared mass of the apple and sprinkle the crumble on top. Bake for about 30 minutes, until the crumble is lightly browned. Remove from oven and cool briefly. Still warm cake polukrować.

Royal icing decoration(you can skip):

  • glass granulated sugar
  • hot water
  • half tablespoons lemon juice

Jabłecznik z kruszonką / Apple pie with crumbleJabłecznik z kruszonką / Apple pie with crumbleJabłecznik z kruszonką / Apple pie with crumbleJabłecznik z kruszonką / Apple pie with crumbleEnjoy!


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6 years ago

Instead of sour cream or plain yogurt can be?

7 years ago

Cider crispy base of a thick layer of apples and almonds crispy crumble. Palce lizac!

empty war
8 years ago

Wlasnie upieklam jablecznik z tego przepisu i musze powiedziec ze wyszedl przepyszny. Dzieciaki nie moga sie go najesc. Korzystalam z wielu roznych przepisow ale jablecznik z tego przepisu zdecydowanie wyszedl najsmaczniejsze!

8 years ago

Chciałam się zapytać,czy zamiast tych mąk ,można dać mąkę kukurydzianą?

8 years ago

Jeden z niewielu przepisów, w którym jest mowa żeby najpierw podpiec spód. Cool cake greet 🙂

9 years ago

Przepis super bardzo dziękuje! 🙂

9 years ago

Szarlotka super,super,super.W ciągu jednego tygodnia pieczona trzy razy. Zajadali się i młodzi i starzy. Dziękuję.Świetny przepis.

9 years ago

It came out delicious. W ciągu ostatnich 2 tygodni zagościło u mnie na stole juz 3 times, finally crumbled with a double portion of all household 🙂 tasted and even the fussy grandmother tempted 🙂

Many of the
Many of the
10 years ago

Is if I'm ready to apples is more or less how long it takes to prepare yourself apples?

10 years ago

Wow 😀 my first apple pie in my life 😀 I immediately went to! With 🙂! I ate the first portion. Of course, I did the same apples, because these jars have the composition dobijający, that in my life I would not have bought. At the beginning of this cake from the sides of me dropped, but it's probably no difference, It came out great 😀

10 years ago

Are these to be 200stopni or convection heater up and down

10 years ago

Gourmet recipe;))wprowadziałam one change, just do not throw them slaughtered only proteins and adds just a bit of powdered sugar and apple sauce lecture on it and crumble;)Pychota;))

10 years ago

Proud, WŁASNE upieklam go mmmmmm….. super recipe 🙂
Very tasty and delicious recommend 😀

10 years ago

Delicious cake, crispy crumble. I used the hints “Asiorka” And I used protein. Came forth sensational, has long been looking for such a provision. Thank you “Asiek” for super recipe. I warmly greet -:)

11 years ago

As for me, the icing on the cider adds to its grace, cake looks beautiful and definitely delectable tastes:-)

11 years ago

Step by step and cider SUPER! I suggest, also use the proteins. I kill the z 3/4 szkl. sugar, and at the end I add 1,5 teaspoons cornstarch. Beaten egg whites lecture between apples and crumble, additionally it is a stick, tastes great!

11 years ago

wonderful apple cake with frosting and even better warm thanks

11 years ago

Apple pie is really delicious and recommendable. It is very very light and sweet, respectively. RECOMMEND!

11 years ago

I have a problem usually crumble was preparing the pan,and here he writes about it ( do not think it's trivial, after I passed this year 6 kl. sp) This crust is mixed and put in the freezer or rozczynia of butter in a pan and only then put into the freezer

11 years ago

Today we baked her first cake in my life, because of this provision.. I do not know how it happened, but I came 😉 Thank you very much! 🙂

11 years ago

I put him right into the oven!

12 years ago

Sampling!a delicious crumble.. !!!!!
I think that should be done crumble eg casseroles : Noodles!!

12 years ago

is seated in the oven! I'm doing a little different apples[fry in butter-recipe my grandmother] like the rest of you but without będzie.Jak taste the icing when cool to write to taste!Regards

12 years ago

A great recipe. I have tried it a month and a half ago and my husband since then do not eat other cakes. Every week, when I ask what I hear the answer to bake – apple pie with streusel. By the way, this is my taste of childhood, the same hell my grandma. Regards.

12 years ago

I saw this recipe for apple pie so delicious that smoothes itself be seduced unless thanks for the recipe greet

12 years ago

wow * _ * looks amazing ;))
I'm going to try it out ;D and I question whether it is necessary to add the flour cakes and krupczatka ? whether it has any significance ? if you can substitute regular wheat dalachowską krupczatka you just have on hand or cakes ? 😉

12 years ago

Hi, girls:) I had a supply of apples and apple pie so I decided to do 🙂 Actually this is my first apple pie:) Of course, recourse to this provision, he was very accurate! We'll see what comes up;) For 20 minutes apple pie should be ready:))

12 years ago

Wonderful cake, A tasty 🙂 lovely plateau. For those interested, is that the allegro

12 years ago

absolutely stunning, smashing and amazing 😉

12 years ago

Asiu, I take in the dark! If you have done this in 100% Delicious!

Aga in the kitchen
12 years ago

must be pyszniutkie;) because it looks insanely, until I salivate flies 🙂

Magda K.
12 years ago

wonderful'd eat with great pleasure 🙂

12 years ago

Delicious. As the best pastry shop. I'm impressed.

12 years ago

Delights !
Not despise the good pie, even if it is called cider 😉

For me this one and the same, although I usually use the name “apple pie” regardless of the, or throw her apple raw or roasted 🙂

12 years ago

But it all looks insanely, and the crumble… 🙂

12 years ago

Ooooo, I look at the pictures and I'm drooling. It looks insanely!

12 years ago

These photos are delicious overthrow ..:)

12 years ago

Also, Classic. And they have a nice shoulder to impose cake 🙂

moje pasje
12 years ago

wounds… Asya This pie looks like a winner!!!! A Patera…. knocks on your knees…. Strangle her husband…. where to buy it??? Regards 😉 🙂

12 years ago

apple pie is good for all

12 years ago

This pie is wonderful, I love it and my friends also know 😉 and provision of Margarytki 🙂 also a big thanks

12 years ago

have a great plateau on the cake, where did you buy? 🙂 in your cider and fell in love (I was there all called apple pie :D)

12 years ago

Beautiful… and flew up to me salivate, I know how wonderful it tastes…. But this plateau knocked me over, – is beautiful.

12 years ago

Very nice this cider, and the whole picture:)))

12 years ago

the photos are lovely, apple pie looks lovely.. nothing but eat 🙂

12 years ago

Tale cider;) This frosting gives it even greater charm;)

12 years ago

Excellent, this looks like apple pie. A long time it was not for me. It can be enticed to your?

12 years ago

Delicious Cake (as he called as he called :), beautiful pictures!

12 years ago

Asiu….cider gorgeous looks with this crumble and icing 😉