Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie

Styrian apple pie

The closer autumn, the more they go after me all the pies with apples. I probably will in the near future here are some suggestions. But today, I want you to propose a slightly different cider, because of the addition of raisins and nuts firmly palpable. Active on the cake półkruchym, adorned with beautiful grill. I was captivated by both, its taste, and appearance. I hope, that it does not miss the chance to. I recommend you very much.

Cake from the book 'Baking', I only adjusted the proportions to my new beautiful baking tray, which I got from the store AleDobre.pl. And it will be the end of the entry:).

Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 500g of wheat flour
  • 160g butter
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 40g of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 190ml of milk

Sift flour, add baking powder, butter, sugar, salt and milk and knead the dough. Wrap in foil and sweetened in a refrigerator for about 1 hour.

Apple mass:

  • about 1,5 kg of apples
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 100g of sugar
  • skin wiped with 1 lemons
  • 100g raisins
  • 100g chopped hazelnuts
  • 1,5 teaspoon cinnamon


  • about 100g apricot jam (I did not have, I gave Peach)

Peel the apples, cut out the core and grate with thick rings. Stir in lemon juice, peel, sugar, cinnamon, raisins and nuts.

Measuring 33x23cm baking tray with parchment paper for baking, or smear grease and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. 3/4 Roll out the dough, put the bottom and sides of the blade. Put apples and level the surface. Roll out remaining dough and cut into thin strips. On top of the frame box cake.

Bake at 200 ° C for about 35 minutes. After this time, remove from the oven. Heat the jam and brush the grill.

And as usual, a few words about the tested Wilton baking sheet. As I mentioned, plate has dimensions of 33×23 cm and it feels like the perfect size for me. Not too large, not too small, this just in time. According to the manufacturer, form a coating, will make our baked goods are not adhered to it and also conducts heat well, so that the dough will be evenly baked. I'm always very skeptical about this kind of news, I decided to take a chance and do not natłuszczałam sheet, nor lectured baking paper. And what can I say? I have not had any problems with removing the cake from the lamina, do not cling, and in fact the bottom of the cake was perfectly baked. I can say with a clear conscience, I am very pleased that the ownership of the new plaque (the more, that tries to be asked about the exchange) and recommend to all, who reflect on their buying.

Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie

Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie

Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie

Jabłecznik styryjski | Styrian apple pie


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10 years ago

Are hazelnuts instead I add Italian?

10 years ago

This cake will definitely be without eggs?

Iwona Piasecka
Iwona Piasecka
11 years ago

We made this pie yesterday. No've read, what to jam and a pair of paddles went apples tasted 🙂! Only I'm so dry grid – It grew out of the hard pieces, husband laughed, that as salty sticks, but not salty. Smeared them after removing the jam. What advice to the? Do you have a thick sheeted? The heavily toasted (hot air)? Doradźcie.

11 years ago

I made, is delicious !!!! Super recipe, Asia thanks 🙂
Regards ,Jola.P.

12 years ago

I always wonder how to remove the cake from the blaszki.Nigdy I failed because I bought a sweatshirt form of the broadside .

12 years ago

pisalam, This went out with a wonderful cider. a true autumn) must be delicious))

I asked you too, how you exercise this badge from Wilton. takla mam ja sam. I used it for the first time on Saturday to do sponge cake and the cake is not grown. zakalcowate but there was no such flat(( I also przypomnialao, that my aunt was telling me, with its gingerbread did not grow in the same lamina. you have similar problems with this mold? I have an electric oven, who is always well-baked, and I added the biscuit 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder to the recipe…

thanks for the reply and I cordially greet))

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I'm no super-blonde, I have not noticed((((

I greet once more!!

12 years ago

yes, I'm lost somewhere my comment…

12 years ago

Super ciasto, very tasty. Cool lemon flavor thanks 🙂
A grid is a very simple. Maybe it was not as perfect as here, but even the uneven bars make a big impression and inspire pride 😀

I recommend !

12 years ago

Beautiful cider!! a of filizanka, what a romance))
just today I baked sponge cake in the same blaszcze. Nothing has grown pie, although there was no raw spot. my aunt told me Latest firmware, with its gingerbread did not grow in the same lamina, but I did not believe until today. or some other pieklas cake in the lamina?

12 years ago

The provisions of this data honestly and cakes wychodzą.Bazuję only on the provisions of the blog and I thank Asi:-)A pie for a Sunday roast,I have even made their peach jam.

12 years ago

Wow. Cider is perfect. I ta kratka . Revelation.

Tasty Kąsek
12 years ago

My dear, Your photos are getting apetyczniejsze! I want to reach out a piece of the pie! Delights! 🙂

moje pasje
12 years ago

Asya is a wonderful cake!!! You look so amazing and equally amazing poukładałaś strips 🙂're 😀

12 years ago

What 🙂 equal to the ideal baking 😀
I invite you to: http://fast-gotowanie.blog.pl

12 years ago

but it looks beautiful – would not be able to resist!

12 years ago
Reply to Jagienka

Asiek, This apple pie looks beautiful! Wonderful grid, and pretty much packed apples and cinnamon, and for this beautiful cup of tea.
All charming ,beautifully composed. I wish I came up to you on a piece of Charlotte's tea.:)

12 years ago

A great apple pie. And lamina I like it:)

12 years ago

looks beautiful.

Pan Deserek :)
12 years ago

Something delicious and fantastic yum yum 🙂 lick your fingers 🙂

12 years ago

Cake looks beautiful! A cake walk for me with apples, also with pears and plums. Your cake is so perfect!

12 years ago

the same look he should be a reward:D

12 years ago

marvelous grid! 🙂

12 years ago

It looks beautifully, and yet this rowniutka grid…

12 years ago

I snatch a piece wonderfully looks

12 years ago

It looks insanely, but this grille is beyond me, the bank would have had some unspecified kulfony.

Plant Discoveries Culinary Mniamm

How many times I repeated myself kartując cookbooks and seeing the apple pie, that when I grow up… Grow up to the grill on top is enough to understand that its not spitolić. This moment has not yet come 🙂 So I wait further. As for the metal, I am also skeptical of a news in the kitchen but in exchange for not utytłanych hands spread sheet cake when I'm ready to kiss the heels of. Well I do not think I would have, just buy the plate. Best wishes kami

12 years ago

Third picture already love 😉
I like the addition of nuts;)

12 years ago

as strips arranged evenly 😛

12 years ago

Cake looks great, especially the krateczka. I love the styling hits on all – cinnamon sticks and red apples perfectly complete the pictures.

12 years ago

beautiful and certainly delicious