Wonderful cake! So in two words can describe it, what I managed to bake. I ate a lot of pastry with apples and each is for me a unique and delicious, I like them very much, but this cake is different. Crispy apple bottom and packed inside… No exaggeration to say, this is the best apple pie I managed to do! And yet you say, that barely had time to take pictures, behind his back because I felt the breath waiting for ciacho:). I recommend you very much, very much and I promise, that you will not regret!


Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 300g flour
  • 200g butter
  • 175g of sugar
  • 1 1 egg
  • skin wiped with 1 lemons

Sift flour into a bowl, Knead quickly with butter, sugar, egg and lemon peel. Wrap in foil and chill in refrigerator for 2 hours.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1,5 kg of hard, sour apples
  • juice 1 lemons
  • 50g raisins (minor)
  • 50g brown sugar
  • 1,5 teaspoon of cinnamon


  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • vanilla sugar (16g)
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla pudding (powder)

Peel the apples, divided into quarters, remove seeds and cut into thin slices. Stir in lemon juice, raisins, sugar and cinnamon.

The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter 26 cm parchment paper for baking. Grease the sides of the cake. 2/3 Roll out dough and put the bottom and sides of springform pan. Ponakłuwać crust with a fork and put on the apples.

Blend eggs with milk, sugar and custard. Pour egg apples.

Roll out remaining dough and cover the apples. I cut out a small apple, You can do a box.

Bake at 200 ° C for 50 -60 minutes. Hell 1 hour, the last 10 minutes covered the cake with foil.



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9 years ago

przepis jest świetny, ciasto już za 1-szym razem wyszło idealnie tak jak na zdjęciu. (o smaku nie wspomnę – delicious!) Nie przepadam za szarlotkami z obrobionych już jabłek, uważam że najlepsze są te ze świeżych – dlatego bardzo się cieszę że trafiłam na ten jabłecznik. I recommend to all :)))

9 years ago

Wlasnie zagniotlam to ciasto, no i dopiero zauwazylam ze nie ma proszku do pieczenia. Czy faktycznie nie potrzeba? For 3 godziny sie przekonam.

11 years ago

zakończyłen cake with plums time for apples .
I put it in the oven apple pie w / g your recipe!!

11 years ago

Delicious!!! My, married a lemon, but probably because that instead of lemon juice, I gave in.! She pulled out of the furnace 8 in the evening, At breakfast was one piece.

11 years ago

That goes into the oven!!

12 years ago

already tried!Extra! In asobote doing next to your collection,I do not know that yet but we will change your rules głosowanie.Odrobine ie doing less ciasta.jesteśmy diabetics and flour a raise sugar,cheesecakes with more cheese and less cakes and pies as well jabłkami.Serników without a bottom but we do not like such przepisy.mam have a recipe for a jabłeczni where the pudding is cooked apple wine or juice ,mass pudding mixed with apples and .. the cake and the oven. too wypróbuje.pozdrawiam

12 years ago

not a very good picture but I put in ,,garnek.pl”

12 years ago

Last year, they were all,repeat ,all your serniki.Ranking won the mousse brzoskwiniowym.Nowy year I decided to cider,has just been removed from the oven. first so maybe a little too successful but we'll see how cool,degustacja.Jabłek tomorrow for this year and with so much to ask for to try out all wykorzystanie.Myslę,thank you for being you ,for your extra page .!!

13 years ago

Beautiful pictures, and probably very tasty apple pie;)

13 years ago

I made a delightful! Thanks for the recipe :*

13 years ago

Asieńka apple pie looks delicious !

co by tu zjesc
co by tu zjesc
13 years ago

Asya looks divine,I love apple cake in any form but yours is so beautiful with the contents of apples and smell like lubię.Smak feel at home:)

13 years ago

It looks beautiful…;) I smell az;)

13 years ago

very, much pride in presenting this ciacho:)

13 years ago

Looks like a winner! I'll have to bake them, necessarily.

13 years ago

I love ciders…for me are the ideals of the apple cake. Your looks so appetizing…the essence of autumn in one batter 🙂

13 years ago

Asiu, not have been the bottom podpiekać?
It smells great :-)))) I imagined the smell of cakes 🙂

13 years ago

It looks brilliant 🙂

13 years ago

but it looks beautiful, narobiłaś my appetite! 🙂 I just pulled out of the oven chocolate cake with zucchini

moje pasje
13 years ago

It looks insanely 😀 And yet I also really like this plateau 😉

13 years ago

I love cider 🙂 This is wonderful!

13 years ago

I think I fell in love * _ * It looks insanely!!! :-)))))

13 years ago

Fantastic idea with these jabłuszkami! 😉 so too do the next apple pie! Cisto lovely! And you Pafka, probably forgotten, that your wife is a professional! 😀 Haha, Such a ciders rozłażące even spared me, but generally a beginner go. ;>

13 years ago

pride 🙂

13 years ago

Proud! and there is rozłazi, does not spill on the plate – form a dough and filling the whole. Just how I like it. Just super!

13 years ago

It looks insanely 🙂

13 years ago

Mrrrauuuu…I will write on this apple cudeńko 🙂 :*