Styrofoam cake

Styrofoam cake


in recipes for: ,

One of these cakes, which has long been pounding in my head. I was interested in the name, because we admit, it is interesting 🙂 . I found them already really long, because even before I put the blog. I do not know herself why I waited so long of baking it. Maybe I was not entirely convinced, that something called Styrofoam, can be good. And I assure you, that is! And how good! Cake tastes a bit like cheesecake, light and fluffy, with a hint of coconut, for a delicious shortcrust pastry. I added the fruits on top of the cake, I thought, that will fit well. I was not wrong. Very quick to do and delicious in taste. Really anyone who ate the cake, wondered, it is not a cheesecake. I did a version with cream and Greek yogurt version. Both excellent.
Pozlecam you very much!

Recipe found centuries ago in the GP.

Styrofoam cake

Ingredients for pastry:

  • 3 glass of flour
  • 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 5 yolks
  • 250g cold butter
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • a few tablespoons of sour jam or jam (me blackcurrant jam)

Z podanych składników (oprócz dżemu) zagnieść szybko ciasto. Divided into two parts. One of them hide the refrigerator for at least half an hour (otherwise it will be difficult to wipe them, I put it in the freezer).
Plaque measuring 25×30 cm baking parchment paper and then the bottom of the plaque put up half the dough. Apply a thin layer of cake jam. Put in the fridge while preparing the mass.

Ingredients for the mass:

  • 5 egg white
  • 1 liter of thick cream 18% (or thick Greek yoghurt type)
  • 200g desiccated coconut
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 vanilla pudding
  • 1 tablespoon of potato flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • any fruit in an amount to cover the top of the cake (with me a few handfuls of red currant)

Egg white with a pinch of salt beat stiff. At the end of the compaction add sugar batch, mixing thoroughly each time. Then add the extract, pudding, baking powder and cornstarch and mix thoroughly. Should there be a thick and shiny mass, so, as for meringue. Protein to the mix, add the cream and coconut and gently mix everything together (no longer mixer, just a spoon).
The weight put on the cooled bottom, put fruit on top (not too densely). Top dough grate with thick mesh remainder of the dough.
Bake in oven preheated to 180 ° C for about 1 hour, to a nice golden brown dough. Leave cake in the oven until slightly cooling off. Then remove and let cool completely. Piping preferably after a few hours. Best of the day.

Styrofoam cakeStyrofoam cakeStyrofoam cakeStyrofoam cake



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Urszula Marchlewska
Urszula Marchlewska
6 years ago

Ubustwiam such cakes,they look delicious,but I am a fan of serników.Pozdrawiam.

8 years ago

I did not work out, measure is too thin ;( whether it be blamed on the lack coconut chips???

8 years ago

Czy zamiast śmietany można dodać śmietankę dekoracyjną “decor” ??
Liczę na szybką odpowiedź i pozdrawiam cieplutko :*

8 years ago

Hello. Delicious cake, wyszło idealnie właśnie z tego przepisu. Użyłam jogurtu greckiego i dodałam borówki. I greet

8 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you for the recipe. W sobotę zamierzam upiec ciasto z budyniową pianką i malinami.

8 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Serdecznie dziękuję za przepis. W sobotę zamierzam upiec ciasto z budyniową pianką i malinami.

8 years ago

Ciasto upieczone,eaten ,pochwalone:)) Zamówienie na następne.
Thank you for the recipe.

8 years ago

Napiszę krótko:))
Thank you for the recipe

8 years ago

Witam.Czy z tego przepisu moznaby upiec “male styropianki”? np. muffins? Co pani o tym mysli? takie niby mini-serniczki?

9 years ago

I love the rules so precisely described 🙂 colleague praised this provision so get down to burning 🙂

9 years ago

Czy budyń, który dodajemy do masy ma być w proszku czy ugotowany?

9 years ago

actually tasty cake, I made the little Greek yogurt-type feel their taste, I will do so another time with cream. In fact, you should try berries with yogurt. My sprinkle frozen blueberries, I recommend

10 years ago

Is the jam in a shortcrust pastry ingredients, mix well (these components)?????

10 years ago

in components is jam shortbread, which (also) Mix all of these components????

10 years ago

I make this cake for years but instead I add cream and fruit 2 large fruit yoghurts eg forest fruit flavor. The cake is delicious, interesting, and the older the tastier 🙂

10 years ago

on which the guide put the dough and bake them which program? please help

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

thanks for the answer 🙂 and if not better on the first (Lowest guide) ? because the cake recipe is similar to shortbread. Plans on Friday to bake this cake and I want my teeth came out, Zeby they upiekło:) some time ago cheesecake baked in flaky and gave to the middle of the oven and it was not until the end of baked:(

10 years ago

or may be there is printed sliced ​​apples , or grated on a coarse grater ?????

10 years ago

Asiu, whether this cake needs to be stored in the refrigerator?

10 years ago

And a fan of coconut cake on your photos looks heavenly 🙂 Saving recipe to try 🙂

10 years ago

This cake is sensational. I was making it with some other provision of the( mass consists only of cream, sugar, proteins and pudding), Next time will test your versions of Greek yogurt:)

10 years ago

The first cake from Mrs. regulations, that it did not work. 🙁

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

The bottom of the cake is not baked in the middle of the lamina, but other than that it is all in all very good. 🙂

10 years ago

Super looks like you Asia!
Very tasty it is Spread, I did and everything tasted.
Greetings cordial.:)

10 years ago

I love – is such a wonderfully delicate… 🙂

10 years ago

Delicious cake, me some did not work out, but that's because, that does not manifest culinary talents.

10 years ago

I really like this cake 😉

10 years ago

It looks wonderful, I have to try another recipe you! I greet