Component: cynamon
Coconut muffins with apples and carrots
Ease of making muffins, I love doing them. Particularly when, when I'm tired of the more demanding baking cakes. Today's muffins are wonderfully fragrant, soft and very, very tasty.
Chocolate roulade – with walnuts
This fragrance which spreads out around the house, when the dough is baked is so wonderful, I could bake yeast every day. I do not know, what I did with him, I eat because I probably could not have been:).
Traditional Apple Pie
For a long time to walk with me… I do not know, whether by the autumnal aura, or by a, that so many beautiful apples in warzywniakach. Maybe both. So when I saw the blog Sweet fantasies of this provision is not thinking long.
Butter Cake – cream with apples
I had a great desire for an apple pie. But I had also the conditions, they must meet. I wanted, that was the taste of butter, soft and fluffy as a down time. Browse through a large body of, but I no I'm not impressed.
Pluszki – Russian yeast rolls
I had never thought, that used to fall in love with yeast dough. Because they are so hard to do and is so capricious. Now is a lie! According to. me there is nothing simpler. I love making yeast cakes and enjoy this wonderful fragrance which spreads through the house while baking.
Apple pie with cabbage
I've always liked cake with apples. Most probably the smell go through the house, when the dough is baked. Tenderness and flavor of cinnamon pastry making, that want to reach for the next and the next song. A to, that some associate with autumn? Well, Spring is the time, when the rain and cloudy days is also not lacking.
Muffins like a donuts
It is true that fat Thursday has long since behind us but I am tempted to these muffins. They are simple to do - and I like any muffins. Would be wrong to anyone, who thinks, the taste buds as our. Not, rather like the American Donuts.
Spiral Cheese stuffed peanut
When I saw this recipe, at first I'm not impressed, but even so I decided to try, due to the appearance of the cookies. Cool, very large spirals like croissants. Proved to be very simple to do. The delicious taste. Recipe from the book, Hilaire Walden 'Cakes, cookies and muffins'. I recommend, because they are amazing!