Component: yogurt
Whole wheat buns
A little mess of things in a bowl, and the resultant those delicious scones. The wholemeal flour, so they are quite heavy and very filling. But of course, very tasty.
Blueberry Cheesecake cold
It is good from time to time to clean out the freezer drawers, because you never know, what there may lie 🙂 I discovered a large quantity of berries, that it was high time to utilize.
Croissants, melted
As I lay my head for a long time, ale zawsze były spychane przez inne wypieki na dalszy plan. But as you can see, which is delayed… it still bake:) Croissants are soft and fragrant. I recommend you very much!
Yoghurt Cake with Strawberries
So I announce my big success, I finally made it! I think it's my first time, when I'm in 100% satisfied with yoghurt cake. Light, fluffy and very moist.
Cold Strawberry Cheesecake
Light, refreshing, slightly acidic. If you are amateurs such desserts, I encourage you to try, because not enough, that is really delicious, this is very easy.
Muffins with surprise
I have not done muffins long, long time.. So long, I almost forgot that if the baby can bring joy. These muffins are very moist, and also delicious stuffed. Anyway, see for yourself:)
Chocolate bundt cake with yogurt
The grandmother was not planned. It was created spontaneously and as a result of various pleasant circumstances. And that is - my cookies photo was published on the detector as a Taste 1000 and thus I got some nice surprises.