the prizes - Bake something for Sweet Muffins

Contest – bake a cake for Sweet Cupcakes!


in recipes for:

The long-promised and long-awaited by some. In the end, it is! I invite everyone to participate in the competition for sweet. Reading my blog entries and fejsbuku, watchful should not have much problem with the task. Because this time the seals for me! The task is:
Bake the cake for me – Sweet Cupcakes, given my taste preferences and aesthetic, invite me to your sweet dessert and justify, why it is your baking I choose. Truth, it easy?

The deadline for entries has been extended to 16.11.2014 to midnight!!

I collected for you some, I hope, prizes:

the prizes - Bake something for Sweet Muffins

And of course, short rules:

  1. The dough must be baked alone, the picture must be placed chit 'Hunk for Sweet Cupcakes’ (pictures without a card and the photo was taken in a graphics program, will not be taken into account).
  2. The proposed baking does not have to come from my blog, but you can be inspired by the provisions contained thereon.
  3. You can send up to 3 Application.
  4. Selection of winners will be subjective and mastered my preferences.
  5. The competition is open to people from outside the country, provided, that the shipping address is in Polish.
  6. Photos should be sent to, in the mail, please give the name of baking, a brief description of what the cake (need not measure) Nick and author, which will put the photo.
  7. All photos submitted to the contest will be posted in the contest album on fejsbuku.
  8. The deadline for submitting photos – the end of the day 14.11.2014 (the date on my mail server).
  9. Announcement of results 16.11.2014.
  10. Taking part in the competition you accept the rules.

    The main prize competition is a sonic toothbrush Hydrosonic company Curaprox – because as you know, after eating sweets thoroughly brush the teeth 🙂
    I am convinced, that is the best choice as regards the electric toothbrush.
    More details: visit the product page Curaprox Hydrosonic.
    the prizes - Bake something for Sweet MuffinsSecond place – wykrawaczek set cookie with with stamps + set of silicone baking cups for muffins.the prizes - Bake something for Sweet Muffins
    Third place – book Pascal vs. Lard – Okrasa against Pascal.the prizes - Bake something for Sweet MuffinsThe sponsor of the grand prize is a store run by INDENT, which deals with professional preventive mouth and is representative of the brand Curaprox in Poland.
    The award is the second and third Sweet Cupcake in person!We cordially invite everyone to have fun and good luck!!

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10 years ago

You are cordially invited to casein range. The choice of New York cheesecake – how creamy and delicious and the cheesecake with cranberries and white chocolate – cranberry tart sweetness broken. Something for everyone. For morning / afternoon coffee at the same time 🙂
Babeczko sweet recipes for cheesecakes come from your blog, and the cake is like the movies – These best, we already know. And since these two cheesecakes are on your blog, are tried and tasty, what could be better? 🙂

Anna B
Anna B
10 years ago

and that, along with a photo and a description must provide a justification (inability poetic always troubled me)?