English translation by google
Panned a cool job… the whole family sits down to ground biscuits and 'struggling'. Pick-up the color, ideas for decorating cakes and a shape… We spend time together!
Many times I asked to Sweet Cupcake posted a recipe for icing… no chance 🙁
But I have a login for this blog because of the administrative functions so use.
I do not really know where it is icing in bags takes – important, that is, It has a good texture and vivid colors 😉 [However, this provision wydębiłem!]
- powdered sugar (screened)
- egg white
The exact proportions can not be given – because both sugars are different (are ground differently) egg and the egg is not equal. Best to start with one glass (250ml) of sugar to egg white.
Grind the sugar in a bowl, a wooden ball (or mixer, robot at low speed) until the sugar dissolves. Look at you rubbing your fingers a little bit (should not feel the particles).
After manufacture, the icing should be poporcjować, add colorants as needed and distribute the bags. Asiek so far used the usual breakfast – however, are too weak and holes are “same” expanded… This year she used bags for frozen food – are much hardier. Amazingly professed sleeve Wilton profiles Tylka not won popularity among decorators – However, the bag is much more handy.
We frosting, we have colors, Also available in bags – You can have fun!
For the warm-up is good to colorize ginger. First, we outline on the cake, then after light curing, fill the center, Making movements, if we paint brush.
How to get bored, you can decorate a Christmas tree straight stained glass:
And while decorating gingerbread and manufacture of Christmas decorations to get bored – You can build yourself a hut custard 😉
Feel free to experiment!
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Przeglądam twojego bloga i chatki z lukru powaliły mnie dosłownie. Można liczyć na tutorial jak krok po kroku robi się lukrową chaciate? I mam z dział głupich i dziwnych pytań, ponieważ u mnie zawsze się robiło lukier z cukru pudru i cytryny (super przełamuje smak maślanych ciasteczek, a po za tym mój kwaśnożerny facet kocha ten lukier za kwachowaty posmak ^^). W tym roku robię podejście do chatki z piernika i kilkupiętrowej ciasteczkowej choinki, więc lukier królewski jak mniemam mnie nie ominie. Po pierwsze w czym ucierasz lukier pałką? W zwykłej misce czy makutrze? Secondly, which sticks in the mixer… read more »
I am very happy, że blog Ci się podoba. Chatki i ozdoby z lukru robił mój mąż, nie ja, więc raczej nie mogę obiecać trutorialu, the more, że tam nie ma co zbytnio pokazywać. Każdy element chatki rysujesz na kartce, potem na to kładziesz papier do pieczenia, mocujesz taśmą klejącą, żeby się nie przesuwało i “rysujesz” po liniach lukrem. Zostawiasz żeby wyschło i potem sklejasz również lukrem. 1. Ucieram lukier robotem, końcówką do ciast kruchego. Takim jakby skrzydełkiem. Można ucierać pałką, wszystko jedno czy w misce czy makutrze. 2. To zależy do jakiego ciasta. Do drożdżowego jest hak, for biscuit and… read more »
Super 🙂 thanks for your comprehensive answer. Lukier udało mi się ogarnąć, ale jednak nie zostanę fanką lukru królewskiego. Głównie smak mi nie pasuje, za to właściwości sklejające ma super. 🙂 glazing to the things that I'm going to eat, but I will use powdered sugar icing + lemon. I przy okazji klejenia chatki sama doszłam do konsystencji która pozwoliła mi na klejenie a nie na wkurzanie się :). Fakt faktem samemu trzeba jednak próbować
..I can not get a good look at these marvels…I admire you for your patience…Lovely stained glasses, Cottage revelation…well I can still write…the whole family is talented to the max:):)Regards:)
I already think I'm so tired after a day's work, I do not think I understand that this provision… Grind the raw eggs manually – no mixer- , together with sugar, until you do so creamy texture, in order to? Beautiful ornaments, Also gingerbread. So far slaughtered protein (fastest speed mixer) until, when you do not fall out of the pot on the head. Now add sugar and – and honestly obtain the effect of completely different than here. Therefore, I ask as much detail about this recipe. Regards 🙂
But you do not have to make meringue, only royal icing. To co opisałaś, This way of making meringues. A recipe is given way to frosting 🙂 powder proteins must grate and it najniżsych speed, not to aerate icing. And uciery tip how to mix the dough rather than as a whipping. You can also manually grate, wooden club.
Thank you! Thank you very much for removing me from error, and thus for – maybe – godsend for my annual gingerbread. Buy wooden 🙂 ucieraczkę and this time I will take the matter in icing “your hands”. Regards 🙂
Services 🙂
Welcome, I know, że już dawno po świętach, ale dopiero teraz do tego dotarłam. Dziękuję bardzo za jasne i szczegółowe podpowiedzi co do lukru, bo pierwszy raz w życiu wyszedł mi taki jak chciałam. Pierniki były cudowne, miały piękne kolory. Thank you very much, I wish you all a good and sweet New Year 🙂
I am very happy, that the provision in handy. Thank you for the comment and best regards!
Amazing work!
O people, if these beautiful chalet is doing your invaluable Hubbie? Nothing but admire and sigh 🙂 bye bye bye
Nooo:) his work!:)
And I have a question maybe a little silly but I do not know :).
This sponge cake frosting but the protein alone or in what form it is white? Slaughtered or glutowate :).
Glazed Decorations are beautiful :).
There are no stupid questions:) Crude protein, whisk together the powdered sugar to get the right consistency.
I guess I'll go to sleep now…..hut I put on two blades and barely breathes.. iden is a world championship!!!
No icing muffin great but the raw protein scare me a little you have another option for frosting???thanks for the rip:)
Such permanent, not. And what is wrong with patients proteins? You blend the eggs in boiling water and the fear. You can also buy protein powder or meringue powder. I have not used, so this topic does not counsel.
Hello. So after pouring boiling water over the eggs, the raw protein is safe?
It is definitely safer than not soaked in boiling water. I have been using liquid pasteurized protein for a long time (because too many yolks were left).
Wonderful decorations!! Oh, I see talent here 🙂 This year, I'll try a recipe for gingerbread with icing. Dyes are at home with the family to pway 🙂 Regards
ICED is fun for the whole Rodzinki. I love it:)
I like to look for interesting blogs.. injury, that the parties can not be added to your favorites.. I greet
Why can not?
Dear tell me how to build a house, whether each element of the wall we Stoli and wait to be related to the house and the composition of the whole ?
Exactly, each item separately and we completely dry glue all the pieces together.
Hello, how can you tell whether you are doing exactly the house of icing on the Christmas tree or witrazyki? Do you squeeze the icing on the cellophane,paper, Silicone material?Regards Agata
Thanks for the kind words! It was an exercise – I will try on the occasion of the coming Christmas surprise something fajniejszym 😉
Something beautiful!:)
Asiu, where you have found this Pafkę? I also want such 😀, hahaha 😉
Lovely! The real work of art!
Shack is impressive!!
Capable of your beast of a man !
Beautiful ażurki he came ! 🙂
I can not do well for me this recipe given ,Pafka probably do not want to share their pierniczkami hihihi
Blasters. They look just great. It's my favorite frosting 😉
Hooray for Paul:)
Checking if I add a comment, and the work of your husband,I will say again is a super idea:)
So… ;> And such intricate, Openwork, undoubtedly require extraordinary ability not only to perform manual (without much effort, I guess :P) person, which not so long ago wrote about the, there is no talent… 😀
Oj, Asiu, Asiu…! 😛 I like you believe…? 😀
Kasia, but it did not me:) This mężuś:) sam, personally!:)
Wow!!! It is amazing! I would never have done such wonders with icing!!
But beautiful, I can not get a good look 🙂
I like these they are gorgeous stained glasses 🙂!!!
I greet
and the nawychwalał! but capable, beast, is, there is nothing!
Hooray for Pafki 🙂
Cuda, cuda, cuda… and tell me what colors you use are, icings that are such lovely colors?
Margarytko, Wilton dyes, I can recommend in good conscience!!
And they are in powder, Liquid, gel? Happy I try.
The gel, you can buy on the auction or in the kitchens of the world… with such a look: http://allegro.pl/barwniki-spozywcze-farby-wilton-najtaniej-i1999462731.html
I always take advantage of this icing, because with it you can really do anything unless they 😉 Great trinket 😉
hihi we already know what happened yesterday with you has ;), very cool idea from the stained glass
The icing ażurki are just beautiful. Congratulations idea 🙂
What can I say? Just a revelation!!!!
simply do not have the genius of her husband Asia 😀 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! His sensational it came 🙂