No I do not know how it happens, that always makes me podkusi, and agree to do something, you've never done before and did not really know, how to go about it. This time the challenge was a big, because the cake was supposed to be for little Lightning McQueen fan!!
I do not really know, what I was thinking agreeing to this… 🙂 Well, but where is the internet? Looked at some interesting sites and more or less had a picture of, I want, cake to look like. But to this, to look like, how they came up with, the road was loooong. I'll just say, it was worth it, because even though I am aware of the many shortcomings, I am also very proud of this cake! Is it difficult? I do not know, but definitely requires patience and accuracy. Tried also with a manual image for you, if anyone would like to face the challenge.
And how it came out and see for themselves judge it 🙂
P.S. Very helpful was my home private engineer, who watched over the correct proportions and helped cut the cake and bravely wałkował mass, because I did not have the strength 🙂 Thank you darling!! 🙂
Ingredients for the sponge:
- 10 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
- 1,5 glass* of flour + 2-3 tablespoons of flour
- 1 cup of potato flour
- 1,5 glass caster sugar
Beat egg whites until stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing all the time. Then add one egg mix, each. Finally, gently stir in sifted flour (I did it on the slowest speed mixer).
The bottom of the plaque of dimensions 37×25 cm in diameter (preferably with removable side, as in springform pan) parchment paper for baking, Do not grease the sides of the grease or lined paper. Transfer the dough and smooth surface.
Bake at 175 – 180° C for about 35 – 40 minutes, or what is called a dry stick. If you have a problem with falling ladyfingers, should you remove it from the oven and drop on a soft surface (np. on a folded blanket on the floor) from a height of about 60 cm in diameter. Do not be afraid of, this is a brilliant way to nieopadanie sponge cake, and I assure you, it works. Set aside to cool. Quenched sponge cake cut into three or four tops (it is best to bake a sponge cake the day before, then it is much easier to cut). Each of the tops soak.
To soak:
- glass tea light
- teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 6 mascarpone cheese 250g each
- 750ml cream cream
- 300g dark chocolate
- 100g milk chocolate
Chocolate broken into small pieces, add 300ml cream and heat, complete dissolution of the chocolate (from time to time to confuse the mass). Rozpuszczoną masę czekoladową schłodzić w lodówce przez kilka godzin a najlepiej prze całą noc.
Mascarpone, fondant and chocolate mass beat together until fluffy.
The first top of the cake arranged on a large pad, lubricate part of the mass (best to divide the mass into equal parts, then the layer will be equal), Cover the second top, It again put weight, Cover the top third, put the weight back and cover the last top. The last top and sides of the cake does not smear cream.
And now the fun begins with cutting 🙂 .
We need to identify, how much is to be our Zigzag. I narrowed his rectangular sponge cake by about 7cm, and shortened by about 5 cm in diameter. The pieces that were I formed the cabin and the still rough shape autku. Everything is shown in the manual picture, I think, it is better not impossible to describe, as just through photos of the next steps.
After the mass ratio and the initial shaping of the cab and sides of the cake should be very cool. Then pościnać sides respectively, zaoblić cabin, Lightning cut a smile and wytaliować toy car according to your pattern and cut out holes for the wheels.
Once we have given the desired shape, we have yet to autko “wytynkować”. This step is so important, as this is the final look of the cake.
For occupancy (“wytynkowania”) cake:
- 400g butter, softened
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 2 tablespoons dark cocoa
All components mix and fluffy. The finished ground thoroughly and carefully smear cake. Before laying the fondant cake cool in the refrigerator.
Before rolling the fondant should knead like plasticine, to make it more soft and flexible (I did not do it and the first attempt to position it on the cake was a fiasco and panic downloading mass of cake). Roll out on a large piece of (much larger than our cake). Do not rehash too thinly, because the frosting is torn when applying. Rolled out put icing on a cake and a fairly rapid movements powciskać it in all the cavities and crevices of our toy cars, at the same time trying to smooth it. Unnecessary frosting cut (the whole autko rozwałkowałam 1kg of weight and a little sorry for her was). Smooth out all the bumps and decorate toy car according to your design or by. own invention.
Wheels are made of biscuits “hit” lined in icing. The individual decorative elements from adhering to the toy cars on the protein, You can also do light frosting and stick to it, or obtain a special glue to icing.
my glass = 250ml
The most important, This project have 🙂
Preliminary design of Lightning.
I've podocinany, zaoblony and ready to “plastering”.
Plastered and smoothed.
Application of the hardest part of the whole cake – at least for me.
And the end result is 🙂 .
Good luck!!
What cream can still match the cake? 😉
Good morning, Will any other cream go with this cake?? 😉
Thank you for the recipe. I did step by step as written, came out beautiful and delicious. My son's delighted! Grandparents impressed. Thanks again! The photo does not want to be attached although I am trying. It is difficult to. I greet and thank. P. S. I was making a cake for the first time in my life 💪
I am very happy, that the tips came in handy and the cake went well. You can post a photo on my FB (
There can draw, Can you share project, sketch? Please
I do not have such a sketch, I just, what you see in the pictures, done on the basis of images from the Internet. Nothing more.
Hi, how to make the mass was smooth multimedia sponge? Mass must be thick? Is she stuck us some weight or directly on a biscuit? 🙂😊
Sponge must be “plastered” the mass of butter. This is described in the entry. The plastic mass can not be too thin sheeted, I will pluck.
And the question for me as I cut it?? Hehe
We managed to! My first cake with plastic icing. Thank you very much for inspiration and instruction 👍
I am very happy 🙂
Hello and where you bought it or the mass of plastic are the same as the mass of sugar
Hello, na ile osób był ten tort? In 20 wystarczy czY trzeba zrobić większy biszkopt?
To całkiem duży tort, wystarczy spokojnie na 30 people 🙂
Thank you!
Hello! Tort jest cudowny i przepiękny, więc postanowiłam go zrobić dla synka. Mam tylko kilka pytań odnośnie masy… Chodzi o to czy mascarpone, kremówkę trzeba osobno ubić w naczyniach, a później razem połączyć i dodać masę czekoladową, czy po prostu do jednej miski włożyć mascarpone, wlać kremówkę i masę czekoladową i wszystko razem ubić? Bardzo boję się, że ta masa może się zwarzyć i stąd te pytania. A i jeszcze jedno… w jakiej temperaturze powinny być te składniki do masy, mogą być prosto z lodówki? Czy masę czekoladową trzeba podgrzać przed dodaniem? Z góry dziękuje za odpowiedź…
Wszystko jest dokładnie opisane i tego należy się trzymać, and certainly succeed 🙂
“Chocolate broken into small pieces, add 300ml cream and heat, complete dissolution of the chocolate (from time to time to confuse the mass). Melted chocolate to cool in the refrigerator for several hours or preferably overnight provided for.
Mascarpone, fondant and chocolate mass beat together until fluffy.
Regards and good luck!
Tort bajka. Będę robiła. Moje pytanie czy moge przełożyć biszkopt dżemem wiśniowym np dodać kawałki czekolady czy to rozluźni krem i warstwy nie będą się tak trzymać jak powinny?
Jeśli to jest taki gęsty dżem, to chyba nie powinno być problemu. Kawałki czekolady na pewno nie rozluźnią kremu.
Hello, tort cudowny! Mam pytanie ile masy kupić białej i ile zółtej. Bo czerwonej to 750 g, in order to? I greet
Czerwonej te 750g powinno wystarczyć, a pozostałych kolorów naprawdę niewiele potrzeba. Jak kupisz 100g opakowanie, to jeszcze Ci zostanie.
a skąd wzięła Pani rysunki zygzaka ? I am looking for a sketch of the car side and from the top and I can not find 🙂
Rysunki robiłam sama.
O kurcze
A moglabym prosic do wydruku wzoru bo niestety nie mam takich zdolnosci :-/
I'm sorry, ale nie posiadam takiego wzoru do wydruku.
Mam jeszcze jedno pytanie.. Czy tą masę do przekładania tortu to pani wszystkie składniki na raz ubijała czy w jakiejś kolejności? 🙂
As it is written: “Mascarpone, fondant and chocolate mass beat together until fluffy”. 🙂
Hello 🙂 how you set the oven to bake a sponge cake? Gora – dół czy inaczej? Thanks in advance for your answer 🙂
Jeśli nie jest podane inaczej, zawsze piekę grzałka góra dół.
Hello, gdzie kupię lukier plastyczny?
Najszybciej przez internet.
Dziś piekę ten tort, ale nie zygzaka a furgonetkę policyjną. I have a question, czy tort “otynkować” mogę masą? Zostało mi jej sporo po wysmarowaniu blatów i się zastanawiam czy pozostałością mogę otynkować tort?
Ten krem nie nadaje się, jeśli tort będziesz obkładać lukrem plastycznym. Lukier w zetknięciu z mascarpone i kremówką się “topi”.
Tak też pomyślałam i zrobiłam krem na bazie masła. Tort gotowy, mój pierwszy tort w takim stylu, nie tak piękny jak Twój, ale najważniejsze, that he went. A cream mascarponkowego excess will go to the dough jelly 🙂
A ja zapytam, gdzie można kupić takie złote podkładki pod tort?
Ja kupuję w hurtowni, ale są dostępne na allegro.
Hello. A beautiful cake. I have a question, czy lukier się nie rozpuszcza na masie na bazie kremówki i mascarpone? I thought, że musi to być masa maślana.
Ale ja obłożyłam tort masą maślaną, jest to napisane we wpisie.
Hi, I'm going to do 🙂 cake for son. Mogę prosić przepis na lukier?
Unfortunately, nie mam sprawdzonego przepisu na lukier, ja kupuję gotowy.
szablony :):):):)
O super. Very handy 🙂
Torcik wyszedł mega. 🙂 old son also planned to do on 1 urodzinki taki torcik zygzaka. Posiada Pani może szablon? Jeśli tak to była bym bardzo wdzięczna jeśli Pani by mi wysłała go. 🙂 My mail
Szablon robiłam na podstawie zdjęć autka z internetu. Nie mam takiego gotowego szablonu.
Hello I have a question, czy byłaby szansa na podanie składu masy która został oblozony Zygzak? Z góry dziękuje.
Hello or plastic mass and the mass of sugar is the same
Dzisiaj czas na mojego zygzaka, biszkopt już czeka. Mam tylko pytanie o te kartki białe podłożone pod tort na czas tynkowania, czy to zwykły blok? Czy bez problemu wyciągne je pózniej, nie namokną? But I stress before 🙂 cake if not for you I would blog itself has not taken… I greet!
Kartki są zwykłe, takie jak do drukarki, nigdy nie mam problemu z wyciągnięciem ich. Wszystko na pewno się uda, fingers crossed waiting for the final result 🙂
Welcome back, I do not know how to add image can somehow be 🙂?
Unfortunately, na bloga się nie da, ale wyślij mi na maila, dodam je do galerii na fejsbuku (
Potrzebuje zrobić taki torcik na ok 20 people, czy ten podany przez Panią wystarczy czy zrobić większy?
Wg mnie ten wystarczy, był naprawdę spory.
Hello, czym wycieniowała pani te płomienie?
Jadalnym brokatem.
A myśli Pani, że uda mi się to zrobic barwnikiem w proszku za pomocą pędzelka i odrobiny wody?
Wg mnie nie, water “rozciapie” fondant.
Hello, jak pani wycieniowała te płomienie?
What I was looking for something like this
I'm in the process of doing the cake auto. I already have tops (I did the black woman because I was afraid that the sponge disintegrates) and I would like to do tomorrow morning cream and have fun in decorating plastering cutting, etc.. Jesem not the best creams. Even the normal round cakes always go for the smooth. Needs a cream, that is compact yet light enough because black women are already plugging in itself. Birthday is tomorrow, so I do not have time to leave the cream on for a long time (max na 1h). Do you have any idea? I tried to make a cream pie on mojewypieki prague, but it is sooooo heavy and greasy. Absolutely… read more »
All creams which do, I based and mascarpone cream. If you give more than mascarpone cream, will really thick cream. To further harden the chocolate mass. If you are afraid, that although it is too rare, to dodaj żelatynę. Or do flan, it can meet your expectations. I do not have any other suggestions on cream, because I do not use other 🙁
Anyway, fingers crossed!
Hi, you can still have the design on a piece of paper? I'd be grateful to me as it has scanned because you do not know how to find and I have no artistic talent, unfortunately,
I'm sorry, but I have no way of digitizing.
Beautiful. I plan birthday son, who loves Cars. I'm glad, I found this manual to assemble the cake <3
Would have the chance to get from Mrs. project?;-)
I'm trying to do the same, but not out;-(
But I do not have a project. I had such drawings as seen in the entry and all. You can also find very similar on the web and print.
Cake came out perfectly 🙂 Son was thrilled Thank 🙂
I am very happy. Thank you for the comment and best regards!
P.S. There is a chance for hotel?
It is astonishing! But I do not know if my strength.. What would it be if I were a joy to do something so beautiful for my son on 2 birthday. I admire and am jealous of talent!
You always have to try!
Regards 🙂
Witam Pani Asiu , tort przepiękny gratuluję talentu , mam pytanie jak duży jest to auto cars , na ile osob mi wystarczy i ile może ważyć
Thank you for the kind words 🙂
Unfortunately, nie pamiętam ile ważył tort (może ok 3,5-4 kg), ale na pewno dość sporo. Jest na podkładce 30x40cm, więc jest całkiem spory. Wg mnie spokojnie wystarczy dla 20 people. A może i więcej…
cake he went on 100%
I am very happy 🙂
I pytanko,when you put the icing is formed in August, such as dress folds,how to smooth out? and whether the car ready to apply skin something that was such a nice shine.
Robie cake for 10 .01 and until boooooję.
While applying the icing once you have smoothed the folds, evenly, because then no longer possible. Smoothed by hand, but this such a special float (I just do not have). As well smooth, so just frosting to shine.
lovely thank you,we'll see what comes out 😉
Maybe I'm weird, but for me the most impressed cake “plastered” 🙂 I was never able to educate the cake under the weight of sugar and it has always been my greatest calamity 😉
Hahaha! You're not weird, I know, how important it is not easy and I'm glad 🙂, that I was able to make an impression on someone 🙂
It's maybe a little tutorial with plastering 😉 ?
Ojjj… It would be very , very boring, because it's just nothing else, patient as smoothing and glazing and glazing… until about 🙂
I have a question masterpiece 🙂,While the icing to cover the car's need,I mean in grams because they sell so Allegro 🙂
Certainly more than half a kg, I, that some 700g.
My son probably would have given up for such a kill 😉 We ate today – cake in the shape of the car, but he did not deviate slightly from my imagination, as well as work with the plastic mass 🙂
Of course, had to be “different from my imagination”
Many thanks for the execution of this gigantic work for my Granddaughter! Our gratitude knows no bounds ! We wish you good health and patience in carrying out such works. Grateful grandparents Ula and Nancy.
The pleasure is mine! Joy Nicholas rewarded “trudy” 🙂 And I'm very pleased to have here Grandma my favorite little neighbor 🙂
Thank you for your kind words and greetings!
I'll just say: WOW!
Great you came!!:)
The real work of art, sorry to cut up such a beautiful cake 🙂
Regards KK
Real masterpiece 🙂
for me, the cakes are works of art!!
I am full of appreciation for the author's work, great applause!!!
Today again I budyniowo caramel cake and went to the site and what's new here such autko :), I did a toy car a few years ago, also took a zigzag pattern with Lego Duplo 🙂 eager Share a photo if you can, Unfortunately, although my look worse – I do not have with such talent, moreover, it was my first cake covered with icing 🙂
This is cute !
Thank you for your kind words. We are happy to see image. Send to email
bardzo prosze o pomoc chcialam zrobic taki torcik i poraz pierwszy zwarzyl mi sie ten krem czy jest jakis ratunek
Podobno można lekko podgrzać, ale ja tego nigby nie robiłam…