Cake with decoration in Lusk

Chocolate cake with lemon cream + film

This specially prepared a cake for my mother, who recently celebrated her birthday. It was important to me at this, he may be clogging or sweet. Rather, light and refreshing. At the base I used chocolate sponge cake, such as in the cake truffle and it moved the mascarpone and cream lemon curd. It came out better than I had expected. Sour cream perfectly composed with chocolate tops. As my brother said, the cake came out “freszowy” :). And I agree with that and I recommend you very much!

Unfortunately, this time will not be cross-, no conditions, and then there was a cake 🙂

Cake with decoration in Lusk

Ingredients for the chocolate sponge:

  • 4 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • 3/4 glass of flour
  • 3 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 1/2 glass caster sugar
  • 1,5 Bucket chocolate powder
  • 1,5 tablespoons of cocoa
  • 30g of finely chopped bittersweet chocolate

Beat egg whites until stiff. At the end of the compaction add sugar batch, mixing all the time. Then add one egg, mixing after each. Sift together the flour with the chocolate and gently stir into the egg. Finally, add the chopped chocolate and gently stir.
The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter of 22cm parchment paper for baking. Insert the prepared mass, align.
Bake in preheated oven 175 – 180° C for 35 – 40 minutes or so. dry stick. After this time, remove and allow to cool completely. Quenched sponge remove plaque and cut into three tops. Top baked sponge cake the day before, then it is better to cut.
Each deck soaking.

To soak:

  • 200ml of weak tea (I used vanilla earl gray)
  • 1 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 – 2 teaspoon of juice from citrine

For mass preparation will be needed lemon curd cream, which you can buy ready, or do nothing but.

Lemon curd (lemon cream):

  • 75g butter
  • grated rind and juice squeezed 3 cytryn
  • 250g of sugar
  • 3 large eggs

The heat-resistant bowl placed over a pair of warm sugar, butter, zest and juice of lemons. Mix, until sugar is dissolved and the whole will be warm. Eggs exactly fluff and add to the warm ground. Heat, stirring constantly until, until the mixture begins to stick to the spoon. It is a sign, the eggs thickened. Be very careful, heat not to place undue weight, because the eggs may be cut. Dough is left to cool completely (dobrze jest go schłodzić w lodówce). Given a rule came to me ok. 460g kremu.

Krem do tortu:

  • 380- 390g citric cream (according to your own tastes savory)
  • 500g mascarpone
  • Optional 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, if for someone it will be too sour cream

All the ingredients for the cream to put in the bowl of a blender and blend until fluffy.

The first top place on paterze, spread with cream part, Cover the second top and again put some cream, Cover the final top, top and sides of cake covered with cream. Freely decorate.
I decided to do the decoration in “scales” and show you, how easy it can be interesting to decorate a cake. Just a good cream, Pastry bag and Tylka No 12.

Cream for decoration, of course, on the basis of Swiss meringue:

  • 400g very soft butter
  • 130g protein
  • 260g of sugar
  • pinch of salt

Protein transfer to a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Place the bowl over a pan of boiling water, lightly fluff protein. Add sugar and beat until, when all the sugar dissolves. Best to check the foam rubbing between fingers – sugar should not be perceptible.
Remove the bowl from the pot and if you get too much protein should be heated the cool. Then pour into a mixing bowl and blade for whipping protein mix until, until the protein will be very dense (about 10 minutes).
After this time, change the end of the grating, and gradually add a piece of butter, softened, mixing all the time. When mixing can occur, that the weight starts to look like a blighted. Do not worry about it, after a while, further mixing everything will return to normal. I did this cream twice, and has not happened to me nothing.
Cream divided into as many parts, if we want to have color. For me it had to be shades of yellow, but the dyes did not want to work with me and as a result I used only two colors, and not, as initially planned three. Each color translate into a bag with a round tip No. 12. Unfortunately, I have only one end and I had to translate it into another bag.

Superior cake with a thin layer of butter cream (one color).
The tip Tylki applied perpendicular to the side of the cake and squeeze the ball. Rounded tip, eg. spoon or knife put about half squeezed dots, and pushing to the side of the cake drag it to the right. Another dot squeeze in a spot, where the cream ends. In this way, to decorate the cake around and up. This is a laborious, but I, it's worth a little toil.

Remove the cake from the refrigerator about 20 minutes before serving.

Cake with decoration in Lusk

Cake with decoration in Lusk

And yet previous cake, made for Susan, decorated “the scales” Vertical.

Ombre cake with decoration in Lusk

I know, it may seem difficult and complicated, therefore made a short video, so you can see, that it is not. I hope, that it will be helpful.

Good luck and bon appetit!


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7 years ago

I'm not sure, or sent. How so, I apologize for spam.

I prepare to do for my men in the car-shaped cake, finished meringue Schwarzwald. 3May thumbs, because of ladyfingers I can handle. I do not know how the rest will come. My question is,: what I meant by the cream base? It is this one, which translate cake? This may be a cream cake?

Ewa Master
Ewa Master
9 years ago

One more pytanko 😉 which have the consistency of a cream to cool down already as cytrnowy? Mi wyszedl taki lejaco gesty i obawiam się,że masa bedzie plynna. Nie wiem czy nie za krotko mieszalam na parze. A co do biszkoptu to podana temp jest z termoobiegiem? Bo jak tak pieklam i tez nie bardzo urusł(na górze zrobily sie pecherze). Mind, że na przekroje go tylko na pol. Regards.

Ewa Master
Ewa Master
9 years ago

Jakie najlepsze jest maslo do bezy szwajcarskiej? Decoration cudne 😉

Ewa Master
Ewa Master
9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks a lot . I did not know what the contents of fat, the best 😉

9 years ago

Hello, dekoracja cuuuudowna, ale czy łuski wyjdą również z masy śmietanowej (sour cream 30% white chocolate)?
I greet

9 years ago

Hello. Tort cudowny. Czy zamiast czekolady w proszku można użyć rozpuszczalne kakao?

9 years ago

Gdzie można kupić tak piękne literki??

9 years ago

Upieklam dziś na dzień mamy tort z twojego przepisu z jedna mała zmiana zamiast dac 2 mascarpone dalam jedno do tego dalam śmietanę z żelatyna mimo ze dalam cały Lenin Curt to jest on słabo wyczuwalny a i ozdobilam tort twoja beza szwajcarska

9 years ago

The mother! Ale ten tort ładny, ale jaki pracochłonny! Aż szkoda go jeść!

9 years ago

Stunning decoration 🙂

cell is
cell is
9 years ago

or the finished lemon cream is a powder? and where you can buy it?

cell is
cell is
9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

torcik wyszedł super,smak mocno kwaskowaty naprawdę dobry.Trochę się bałam robienia kremu ale ok,niechciął mi zgęstnieć mocno ale po wystygnięciu było wszystko dobrze.
Again, thanks for the recipe 😉

9 years ago

Dear Sweet Babeczko your baked this cake and it was delicious. Lemon curd,super,most of my tastes,a brisk ,yum 🙂 based cream meringues to decorate szwardzwaldzkiej great but for me a little too sweet. Only what is sponge cake with this provision did not want me to grow. Thank you for the recipe.

9 years ago

I have a question ,because I did not have never cake with meringue based mass Swiss ,and this cake looks beautiful and also a dream to me for my birthday daughter . Is it easy to do,if you have to have it not accustomed to weigh? And if this is not what your weight is to propose to the decoration .

9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Therefore, I will try on Saturday,how come I will send the image to be proud of .

anna s
anna s
9 years ago

Cake looks beautiful, I would like to make it to the ceremony rodzinną.Mam hope ,that the children will also be tasted(does not contain alcohol and described him as your brother is freszowy) .I just have a question ,how did so lovely letters?

anna s
anna s
9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks and regards

10 years ago

Asiu, beautiful scenery, wonderful cakes!
Congratulations talent.!
Yours sincerely.:)

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
10 years ago

What you use here no Tylki?

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

actually, I think I have something eye 😀 because I'm going to stock up on those and try Tylka, but whipped cream, I wonder if comes 😀

10 years ago

It's not often comment on something babeczkowym blog, These sweets will consume 😉 But this time I have to write something. To begin with, I do not like that tortami, usually I eat “compulsory” a small piece and so – but in the case of this cake until I am ashamed to admit, While I ate 🙁
He was BRILLIANT taste :-)))

10 years ago

or cream which is for the pie (lemon mass, mascarpone) suitable for decoration?

10 years ago

super tort:) and this mass of lemon it has to be delicious. but I'm still curious how letters are made? I greet

10 years ago

Beautiful cake 🙂 Actually it is not so difficult, but require time and precision. Congratulations 🙂

10 years ago

napracowałaś with this cool decoration 🙂

10 years ago

WOW!!Looks like a winner! I like them terribly August so decorated cakes,but because they practically do not do cakes decorated with cream and butter I do not have the opportunity to try out this method:/ Your looks perfectly! Uklony!!:)Regards