Component: contest
Finał konkursu z Almette Fruit – relacja.
Jak zapewne część z Was wie, w ubiegłą sobotę odbył się finał konkursu Taste the Summer by Almette Fruit. Wzięło w nim udział 10 blogerek wraz ze swoimi 4 osobowymi drużynami, including, of course I 🙂
Wyniki konkursu z Almette Fruit.
Dzień dobry wszystkim. Witam Was po dwutygodniowy urlopie, wypoczęta i z energią do pracy. chciałabym przedstawić Wam zwycięzców – a w zasadzie zwyciężczynie konkursu Almette Taste the Summer by Almette Fruit.
Konkurs z Almette Fruit
Chciałabym Was serdecznie zaprosić na konkurs „Taste the Summer by Almette Fruit” , w którym będziecie mogli puścić swoje wodze fantazji i wykazać się pomysłowością oraz kreatywnością. W roli głównej serki Almette z serii Fruit.
The results of the competition “Bake the cake for Sweet Cupcakes”
Oj, You made me pleasure but these cakes! Injury, that there is no option “try the monitor”, because with great eagerness skosztowałabym by bit with each 🙂
Contest – bake a cake for Sweet Cupcakes!
I invite everyone to participate in the competition for sweet – invite me personally baked cake 🙂 .
Competition - Christmas Pastries
Competition for the holidays I planned a long time ago ... has accumulated too little, I hope cool 'prizes' for awards.
The results of the competition 'Easter pastries’
The first contest on the blog came to an end. I must admit, that the number of entries passed my expectations. The choice was very, but it is very difficult and proceeded in several stages.
Contest – Easter pastries
To further encourage you to baking, I would like to invite everyone to take part in the first competition organized by me.
Competition and some prizes
I would like to cordially invite you to participate in a competition organized by friendly portal iLunch. He is young but very rapidly growing and extremely interesting portal, that seeks to promote the idea of healthy eating.