Jagodzianki | Buns with berries

Buns with berries


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All they do buns with berries. And it is hardly surprising, when berry season lasts. I did not, although berries for this purpose I bought quite a number of. Just scared. What? Well, this, that will not be the, what is my impression of them. Soft, filled to the brim with berries, excellent. Ale gdy u Kasi pokazały się jej jagodzianki, not think for a moment. I found, either that these, or no. And you know what? Kate does not say exaggerated, they are the best. So fluffy and delicious cake never did. So if you do not have a favorite recipe for buns with berries, or you are not completely happy with it, it is necessary to try out this. The dough is very smooth, flexible and well to work with. After baking, just melts in the mouth and buns disappear in unknown circumstances:) I recommend you very much!

The recipe comes from the blog Gotuję, bo lubię. Kasia, I thank you again for a great recipe!

Jagodzianki | Buns with berries

Ingredients 12 big buns:

  • 550g flour (I had to sprinkle a lot of flour, to not be too sticky, depending on the moisture content of flour)
  • 250ml of milk
  • 100g butter
  • 2 full tablespoons mascarpone
  • 2 eggs
  • 7 tablespoons of sugar
  • 25 g of fresh yeast
  • pinch of salt


  • 1 litr berries (imposed after 1,5 tablespoons, not used up all the berries)
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

Sift the flour into the bowl, make a hole in it, Add sugar and crushed yeast. Pour a few tablespoons of warm milk, overwhelm a small amount of flour so, in order to create consistency of thick cream (picture of what's going on). Let stand covered for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile heat the rest of the milk with butter and mascarpone (butter and mascarpone should be dissolved). To add salt slurry podrośniętego, eggs and warm milk. Knead smooth, the dough. Cover the finished dough and allow to stand at room temperature, to double in volume ( with me about 1 time). After this time, put the dough on pastry board and briefly to form, and then divided into 12 of. From every part of the ball and flatten to make it. At the center of each cake put berries. The edges stick together very strongly and thoroughly, that the filling does not run ( I unfortunately 3 jagodzianek slightly flowed). Arrange on a baking tray lined with baking paper, connecting to the bottom. The formed bagels covered for discontinued 20 minutes until puffed up. Before baking cakes can be spread with milk.

Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 15 – 20 minutes (until golden brown). Remove and cool on a wire rack. Decorate.

Royal icing decoration:

  • 1 full glass icing sugar
  • 3 tablespoons hot water

Sift powdered sugar, pour 3 bucket of hot water and rub thoroughly.

Jagodzianki | Buns with berries


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5 years ago

Jagodzianki przepyszne.Robiłam are today and are perfect ☺ Very nice recipe for yeast dough out very nice.
Thank you 😊

6 years ago

Can I use frozen jagódek?

6 years ago

Pysznościowe currant. I gave a little less sugar to the dough and came out great. Well I did a double portion because there is only one. Disappeared still warm. Dziękuję za cudny przepis.

6 years ago

Delights, I love.

8 years ago

Pani Asiu. Yesterday I made currant recipe from Mrs.. they came 16 I like you, I had a lot sprinkle flour. The addition of mascarpone cheese was outstanding idea. This is the best recipe for blueberry muffins from what I used. Buns come out soft, plump, simply delicious.

9 years ago

Najlepszy przepis na świecie,w ciągu ostatnich 3 lat wypróbowałam różne ale ten jest strzałem w 10. Oto właśnie chodziło. Even so, że zamiast serka mascarpone dałam śmietanę 12% kwaśną i do środka jagodzianek jagody z cukrem i bułką tartą. Wyrosły piękne, nie popękały i smakowały wybornie.

Kasia Załuska
9 years ago

Miliardy przepisów na jagodzianki w sieci, ale Twoje są najlepsze! Jeszcze nie zdarzyła się sytuacja, żeby wypiek z Twoich przepisów nie wyszedł. A jagodzianki (na moje nieszczęście!) wyszły za dobre! Zdążyłam złapać gryza od córki (dwuletniej!) bo zostały pożarte (a patrzyli na mnie jak na wariata jak robiłam, po co robisz, nikt nie lubi jagodzianek!)

9 years ago

Witam Czy mozna uzyc suchych drozdzy i ile Dziekuje

10 years ago

Tell me please what gives the egg to the dough?here jagodziankach need to add egg muffins and other yeast wspominacz not about the egg 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

thanks for the reply :)truth without eggs is also well 🙂 Regards 🙂

11 years ago

Jagodzianki are delicious! I was looking for such a provision has long been 🙂

11 years ago

I made these Jagodzianki, Only instead of mascarpone added a quark and I say yes: came WONDERFUL!!! coherently large rolls very fluffy and soft, gone I do not know when ! Only I am a huge supporter “Crumble the yeast into” I replaced frosting and thus a large amount of nice crispy crumb 😉
Best recipe, RECOMMEND! ;D

11 years ago

I pytanko namely, what can I use instead of mascarpone cheese? 😉

moje pasje
12 years ago

Fantastic 🙂 you came too, I saw them at Kate and already waiting in line to do 🙂

Ewa _299
Ewa _299
12 years ago

I'll be doing on Friday,because I have a boy friend at home:-)

12 years ago

My god, what were those delicious jagodzianki! Asiu, You are a goddess:) Neighbor

12 years ago

I tried, Although the recipe a little bit changed, but it came out delicious 🙂

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I look here and use your rules, because you admitted you've nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. Regards 🙂

12 years ago

Beautiful jagodzianki!
We love and I did also have, even 2 🙂 times

12 years ago

I am here in front of the monitor to your jagodzianek wither and berries, unfortunately, no:/boo

12 years ago

ACKGROUND mother but also tempt your jagodzianki! For sure I try soon recipe:)
I greet warmly, Viol

12 years ago

hehe everyone has your best 🙂 but that love for the currant year will certainly try this recipe and 🙂

12 years ago

Unless jagódek…. I snatched a yummy breakfast, consent?

12 years ago

Another delicious jagodzianki tempt me this morning:)

12 years ago

I'm glad Asya, 🙂 tasted with you, I did it again later, and several of the lack of ran raspberries and blueberries are also delicious.
Have a great Monday 🙂

12 years ago

They look great! Invitingly filled with filling well, and this gentle bulging frosting! Racial currant 🙂

12 years ago

look beautiful are the perfect!!!!