Raspberry cheesecake brownie on the bottom | Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom

Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom


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Totally did not plan to do cheesecake. But since the refrigerator was a cheese and raspberries, somehow it just came out. Earlier I made a cheesecake with raspberry mousse, but this is quite different. More cream, delicious brownies on the bottom, with raspberry mousse and raspberries. Melts in the mouth. Seriously. I encourage you to try and recommend!

I'm leaving this entry with you. Quietly, not forever:) I'm going on a long awaited and deserved holiday. Really need it. I'm going to take a break, rest, recharge your batteries and come back with a head full of new, delicious ideas. Wait for me, I yearn for you.

This is my own recipe.

Sernik malinowy na spodzie brownie | Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom

Ingredients for the bottom:

  • 120g dark chocolate
  • 120g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar (If you prefer a more dry taste, You can skip)

Melt butter in a saucepan, add the broken chocolate into small pieces, Stir to melt. Add eggs and fluff, then add the sieved flour and baking powder. Stir the mass jednoilitą.

The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter of 26cm parchment paper for baking, Grease the sides of the fat. Pour the chocolate mass. Bake at 175 ° C for 10 minutes. After this time, remove from the oven.

Ingredients for the cheese:

  • 500g curd milled at least twice (I used "My favorite’ )
  • 400g mascarpone
  • 3/4 glass caster sugar
  • 1 sugar-free vanilla pudding
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla paste


  • 400g raspberries

Wash and dry raspberries. Blend half of the mousse, rub through a fine sieve. Stir with a spoon of honey.

All the ingredients except the cheese in the eggs placed in a mixer bowl and mix, until all the ingredients are well combined. Then add one by one eggs, mixing thoroughly after each, but briefly, that too does not aerate the mass. Pour half of the cheese on the bottom of the brownies podpieczony, Well, put a teaspoon of raspberry mousse. With a fork to make zigzags on the surface. Put the rest of the cheese. On top put together raspberries.

Bake at 180 ° C for 10 minutes, then reduce temperature to 150 ° C and bake for 30 minutes. After this time, down to 130 ° C and bake for about 60 – 70 minutes. The finished cheesecake hit the middle of the stick, can easily spring. Allow to cool in oven tilted, then remove and cool in the refrigerator overnight.

Sernik malinowy na spodzie brownie | Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom

Sernik malinowy na spodzie brownie | Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom

Sernik malinowy na spodzie brownie | Raspberries cheesecake with brownies bottom



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11 years ago

Booooski cheese cake ;)) made and eaten at a glance…

detector taste
12 years ago

Successful holiday and thank you for adding another great photo! 🙂

12 years ago

I love reading your blog nominated him for the Versatile Blogger Award!

12 years ago

Wonderful cheesecake ! I wish you a wonderful holiday !!!

Pan Deserek :)
12 years ago

Something wonderful – it looks delicious, until ślnika leaking 🙂 mnia mnaim – beautiful picture 🙂

12 years ago

I like your blog so nominated him for the Versatile Blogger Award: http://kuchniapelnamagii.blogspot.com/2012/08/versatile-blogger-award.html
PS: I hope, that successful holiday 🙂 and cheesecake looks delicious 🙂

moje pasje
12 years ago

🙂 delights in you again 🙂 Asia a successful holiday!!!!

12 years ago

You came out beautifully 🙂 Pleasant rest!

12 years ago

Oh, the taste of chocolate and cheese.. it must have been the perfect combination

12 years ago

Asiu – Relax and recharge batteries:) A delicious cheesecake, as everything in your blog:)

12 years ago

Successful rest and beautiful weather:)

12 years ago

great, that we leave such a delicious cake! rest!:*

12 years ago

This wonderfully and deliciously wymyśliłaś, willing to call spróbowałabym cheesecake – raspberries

12 years ago

Asya wish you a successful holiday. Serniczek looks great as always, I like cheesecakes with mascarpone, have a great texture and taste fantastic. I'll try this recipe certainly 🙂
P. S. I also already counting down the days to leave 🙂

12 years ago

gee, you wrote so seriously, that I thought, that really leave!
which we began, without these your goodies?
successful holiday. but back to us, back!

12 years ago

Asiu…cheesecake wonderful and enjoyable vacation for you