Today will be a little privatization, because it is a special day. And as a special day, This unique and cake. Not only because of its taste, but mainly due to the fact, that is for someone special . Today, my husband has his feast. Though not fond (believe it or not) of cakes, I decided to surprise him in the form of this here cake. Aaa, he is a fan of chocolate, nuts also,, the choice fell on this particular cake. It is made quick and easy, and the result exceeded my expectations. If you like Ferrero Rocher pralines, it and you will taste. I recommend a very!
Darling, all the best for your birthday, one hundred years, and thank you, you're!:)
The recipe found in Iza from the blog Mniam-mniam, and comes with this site. Girls, Thanks for the great recipe!
Ingredients for the dough:
- 5 eggs
- 6 tablespoons caster sugar for baking
- 200g ground hazelnuts
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- 2 flat teaspoons of baking powder
Whisk eggs with sugar for a light and fluffy. Sift flour, cocoa and baking powder, mix with the ground nuts and gently stir into egg.
The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter of 22cm parchment paper for baking, Grease the sides of fat and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Transfer the dough, align the top.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes or so. dry stick. After this time, remove from the oven, set aside to cool.
- 200g butter, softened
- 200g dark chocolate
- 5 big tablespoons of Nutella
- 4 peanut wafers
Dissolve the chocolate in a water bath and cool. Light whipped butter mass, add nutella, chocolate and mix thoroughly. Wafers cut into small pieces and add to the weight of. Stir together.
Cut the cake and two tops. Half the weight put on the first surface and spread evenly, Cover the second top. On the top and sides of the remaining mass spread. I decorated the top of cake and pralinami ferrero roche sides showered uprażonymi hazelnuts.
Just before serving remove from refrigerator, to mass a little softened.
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cake looks delicious , that wateringly. I'm on a diet but I'll probably try and cake. The composition is probably quite caloric example. Nutella. As with calories, preferably the mass is replaced by butter cream. Regards.
Welcome 🙂
Even once I made that cake recipe from Mrs. – he conquered our hearts. It is delicious!
I would like to make this cake in a rectangular form and give it in the form “Ciacho maker” at birthday party. Are the ingredients in the proportions given by Mrs enough to metal 20 × 30 cm? We ask for a hint
Probably not, you need to convert a proportion.
Chciałabym udekorować tort kremem na bezie szwajcarskiej. Czym posmarować tort żeby to się wszystko ładnie trzymało? Czy muszę go schłodzić przed ozdabianie? Regards:-)
Posmarować możesz tą samą masą, którą jest przełożony, albo od razu kremem maślanym. Przed dekorowaniem tort ZAWSZE(!!!) musi być mocno schłodzony!
Mam pytanie odnośnie zmielonych orzechów. Or 200 g ma być przed zmieleniem czy po zmieleniu gramatura orzechów powinna wynosić 200 g? 🙂
200 g już zmielonych.
witam jestem analfabetką kulinarną dlatego pozwolę sobie zapytać czy zmielone orzechy to znaczy na pył jak mąka czy może na takie okruszki jak do posypania boków tortu?
Probably too late, ale może innym się przyda. Mielone orzechy, to takie na mąkę, nie siekane, tylko mielone.
As for the sponge cake that I Beat the whole eggs ? if the first protein stiff, sugar and then gradually yolk ?
please answer 😉
In this case, the Whip together eggs. It is given in detail how to perform.
Do you need more baking paper greased with fat and breadcrumbs? the paper itself is not enough?
Baking paper laying all but the bottom of the springform pan. The sides smear grease and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Wow!, ale ze mnie gapa! Actually, that 200 g butter…. Żyłam myślą, że trzeba 2 kostki. I byłam trochę w szoku, it will weight almost half a kilo of butter 🙂 I do not know where it came from. Ale dobrze, że napisałam bo walnęłabym dwie kostki i bym się zdziwiła, że mi nie wychodzi :))) Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za oświecenie. Pewnie przez to, że czytałam mnóstwo przepisów na torty zanim zdecydowałam się na Pani. Thank you again.
Haha! No to faktycznie byłby niezły klops! 🙂
Good luck and best regards 🙂
Czy kostka masła ma u Pani 200 or 250g?
Ale ja nigdzie nie piszę o kostce (unless?). W przepisie jest podane 200g masła, i takich kostek używam, bo to teraz raczej standard na naszym rynku…
Witam mam pytanie czy na ten krem mogę położyć masę z lukru plastycznego czy musze jednak ronić inny maślany
Ten krem jest na maśle, wiec nadaje się pod lukier plastyczny.
Bardzo dziękuję za odpowiedź tak też myślałam ale wolałam się upewnić
hello , nie wyświetlają mi się składniki jedynie opis ;p czy ktoś moze mi je podać
I'm sorry, ale w tej chwili jestem na urlopie i mam bardzo słaby dostęp do internetu. Spróbuj otworzyć stronę w innej przeglądarce.
Hello! Duży jest ten torcik?
It is given in the entry.
Hello! Czy duży jest ten torcik?
Super , tort pycha dzięki za przepis. 🙂
Jutro znowu koniec roku szkolnego, a ja siegam po ten przepis poniewaz moje dzieci okrzyknely go tortem 6.0. Swoja nazwe w moim domu zawdziecza corce, ktora zakonczyla ubiegly rok szkolny wlasnie z takim wynikiem. W tym roku powtorzyla sukces w zwiazku z tym zabieram sie do pieczenia. Thanks to you I could also write down Asia in August for the estimation of 😉 Thank you !
I question whether 🙂 after cooling the cream is so consistent, however, will be whether the soft ?
The cream is based on butter, because after cooling will be hard. It is good to remove the cake from the refrigerator just before serving, as indeed I have indicated in the entry 🙂
Thx for the recipe ! 🙂 ferrero rock /
thank you for the wonderful cake recipe is sensational 🙂 !!!
Hello and biscuits worth something Soak? I like not very dry cakes (Biscuit)
This walnut sponge cake is very wet. But if you find, for you that not enough, This, of course, you can soak slightly.
thanks for the reply
in a few days I'll do it for my birthday came as write 🙂
Tomorrow I bake it a cake once again, we love them 🙂
Very nice this 🙂
I did a cake for my birthday. Walnut cake, unfortunately, did not you grown up, but it does not come out of the some zakalec or something. Just had a very flat, So rather than bother with a parting in two parts, dopiekłam light sponge cake and nasączyłam him a little water mixed with whiskey. The taste of peanut cake is wonderful, nuts smelled throughout the house, when they baked. Cream exceeded my expectations. Only I modified it a little (because my guests and family is a huge łasuchy) and instead of two bitter chocolate, dissolve half and half – milk and bitter. The cream was very good in taste – kids up to the ears… read more »
I am very happy, despite unleavened cakes walnut cake was a success and tasted 🙂
Thank you for the comment and best regards!
Freak 🙂 Saturday I 🙂
Biszkopcik already baked and waiting for cool down. The cream is unearthly 🙂 My kids go crazy with happiness tomorrow Thank 🙂 :)))
Thank you for the comment and best regards!
I instead I added ground hazelnuts ground almonds (only that I found at a local store). I had no problem with the dough has risen, was so high, to cut them into two parts. Cake came out delicious – provision remarkable 🙂
Thanks in comment, I'm glad, that cake is gone 🙂
where you can buy ground nuts? or how I add just a simple sugar that spoil?
I buy in cerrefour and Auch you can also get a larger warzywniakach. Regular sugar did not spoil.
As long as the cake must be refrigerated before serving?
In principle, this can be consumed immediately, does not need to be cooled in the refrigerator before administration. On the other hand you always need to remove it before, that the mass softened.
I did not come first sponge cake. I took second with a much smaller amount of nuts.
I am in the process of doing this cake and I think I can see, that the sponge does not grow so that should. There is a lack of photos of the stages of making the cake. I did everything according to the instructions provision. However, I hope, and so that the cake will come out delicious 🙂
But here there is nothing to show in stages. Difficult cakes usually show, ale tu? I hope, However, that everything will be ok.
Recommend popruszyć nuts a little flour,before adding them to the ground biszkoptowej.Orzechy then there will fall to the bottom.
Cake pride, August just bakes. Injury, the second time I not grown 🙁 :'(
Hej.Mi or not grown:/
I now do the second approach, I hope,it will work,husband's birthday today and I wanted to make a cake for him.
For the first time there has grown up a cake and nuts dropped me down…in the second approach, nuts sprinkled with flour,not to fell a second time.
I do not know why there has grown, maybe some weathered powder? I hope, that everything comes out ok:)
I do not use ” of weathered” powders:)
Hi:) ps if protein or sugar slaughtered and then I add the yolk and at the end of nuts and flour if it would change anything?
In theory, nothing should be, but once I tried to do that with a little cake and scored another defeat. But as you want, try:)
Cake looks really sensational:) I'll kill him for the Feast of my boyfriend:) I have a few questions about cake;) When it comes to eggs and whisk the whole mass or individually doing albumen and yolk?? Do you use for baking convection oven or on the plain you do??
The provision after it is written:) 'Whisk eggs and sugar in a light and fluffy.’ If it were to be separately, would have written that protein and then whisk egg yolks add. Always bake on the heater up and down. If it is not, It always point out the recipe.
This cake looks przesmacznie! As much as I look forward to the opportunity to try it out, because I feel like I consume more than one such piece 🙂
Is the weight can be milk chocolate? or necessarily bitter? for which I do not like 🙂
So, You can add milk chocolate, but remember, that she is more sweet so that the whole cake is probably more sweet.
How many inches in diameter has a cake tin, wherein piekłaś??
It is stated in the entry, 22cm in diameter.
What do you mean with wafers? Are they cookies wafers or only the wafer? And what size they have to be?
You can use peanut wafers like this
(4 wafers x60g)
Hi, I'd love to make this cake, I do not know how I beat the butter? How does it work? Please help;)
Butter slaughtered trzepaczkami same as proteins, there must be a clear and heavy weight.
OK, thank you, or butter must be soft to be able to beat them?
So, butter must be soft compaction, Thus as indicated in the recipe:)
Cake made ! I can only say, that is delicious and, it is delicious. I would add , it is delicious. Thank you
I'm glad, that's so delicious:)
Thank you:)
Hello, whether the provision should be only 2 tablespoons of flour or perhaps 2 glasses ..? 2 Bucket seems to me a little less.
They are to be 2 tablespoons flour, for sure. There are major component of ground hazelnuts and they replace flour.
With beautiful, today is taking the burning of wonders. Please keep your fingers crossed 😉
I have a question, as' sprinkle’ the sides of the cake nuts?
I greet warmly.
I'm sleeping on the hand and gently attach to the sides of the.
Cake looks great
I pytanko
Are these not waffle in pastry zmiekkna I felt turns into a pape?
How long will they keep?
Robie husband to work dough,He sells them to pieces or in whole;)
First, it slightly easier for them przymraza to carve up(Is not the problem)
Not, the wafers do not do mush. Weight in the dough after cooling is compact and rigid. Not froze the dough, so I do not know how to keep after thawing. As for storage, to be honest, I had no way of checking, because the cake was gone in one day, but I think, that the 3 days will still be good.
🙂 looks great tomorrow if I do this cake can be instead of Italian hazelnut (the tops)?
But the provision is nuts:)
if the cake can be done the day before or on the day of better serving?
The most you can do to make them the day before.
Asiek, the recipe looks delicious, but I am not sure what “peanut wafers” are . Maybe this doesn’t translate to English very well. Can you show a picture of what these look like ? Many thanks, Vikki
You can use peanut wafers like this
Many thanks Asiek. I am not sure that we have that kind of wafers in Australia, but I will look. Thanks again, Vikki
uUse any waffle you’ll find, but they must have peanut mass.
Thank You ! We found these peanut wafers in specialist Chinese grocery store. Now we can try your recipe 🙂
I did this and left a delicious cake. Nice recipe…. twice baked a cake in my life, and I think we made it work pretty well:) It was not as beautiful as in you but I loved it. Thanks and regards
I could not buy ground nuts, I bought them all if I can chop or grind necessary to somehow?
Should be ground.
Hello, tried this cake. It looked interesting, but it tastes so so, I think not only me, After Christmas I left it alone. Definitely not I'll add it to the “my favorites”.
For me, the first disappears, everyone has different taste:)
I've done it now for Christmas, but unfortunately I did not work out as it should… chocolate cake came to me as high as the one your after przekrajaniu… I did everything according to regulation but did not want to grow 🙁 Do you know what could be the cause ?:)
Yours sincerely
Thanks for the recipe for garlic-herb scones- PRIDE!
The only thing I can think of is this, that may be too hard and long to add mieszałaś cake flour? Then it may happen, that the dough does not grow:(
I greet and wish you a happy new year!
Can I give instead of Italian hazelnuts?
But this is no longer the flavor. I do not recommend…