Cake with mascarpone cream-kajmakowym / Sponge cake with mascarpone-caramel cream

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The weekend we were at friends. Their daughter recently celebrated 7 birthday. In addition to the present, who chose Susan, I thought, I'll do a small yet sweet gift jubilatce. I remember my delight Susan, when I made her heart-shaped cake, therefore, settling on the cake. I was hoping, that bring a smile to your face gifted. And he was not at all. The joy at the sight of cake – Heart was a huge:). To the extent, that for a moment was more important than the other gifts. A cake itself is very simple, because I love the simplicity of. But very, so delicious. A delicate sponge cake boss delicious caramel-flavored custard. I recommend you very much!

The recipe for sponge cake is the same as the torcie tiramisu, while the mass was invented I.

Tort z kremem mascarpone-kajmakowym / Sponge cake with mascarpone-caramel cream

Ingredients for the sponge:

  • 6 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • cup flour
  • 4 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 3/4 glass caster sugar

Whip egg whites to stiff peaks, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing all the time. Then add one egg mix, each. Finally, gently stir in sifted flour (I did it on the slowest speed mixer).

The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter 24 cm parchment paper for baking, Do not grease the sides of the grease or lined paper. Transfer the dough and smooth surface.

Bake at 170 ° C for about 30 minutes, or what is called a dry stick. Remove from the oven and drop on a soft surface (for example, the folded blanket on the floor) from a height of about 60 cm in diameter. Do not be afraid of, This is a brilliant way to nieopadanie sponge cake, and I assure you, it works. Set aside to cool. On a sheet of solid, cardboard stencil template heart, applied to the sponge and cut out the shape. When completely cool down (preferably on the second day) Cut the sponge cake into three tops. Each countertop lightly soaked.

To soak:

  • 150ml of weak tea
  • 1,5 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • 500g mascarpone
  • 150ml double cream very cold
  • 170g of kajmakowej (if you like very sweet cakes, can add more)

Mix all the ingredients together in a light and fluffy. Not slaughtered separately fondant, because I always have this problem, then mix together and go together perfectly. Cream split into 3 of (the third part, to grease the top and sides of cake should be the smallest).

Put the top on the first paterze (plate) and spread some cream on it, Cover the second top, spread with cream, arrange on top of latest top. Spread top and sides of the remaining cream. You can freely decorate a cake. This time I am sides of cake embellished with pink chips waflowymi.

Forgive me, that this time we do not have photos section, but unless you understand why:) You have my word, the cake is very nicely presented, so innocent:)

Tort z kremem mascarpone-kajmakowym / Sponge cake with mascarpone-caramel cream

Tort z kremem mascarpone-kajmakowym / Sponge cake with mascarpone-caramel cream



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7 years ago

Hello, how many grams of sprinkles wafer needed for the cake?

9 years ago

Dziś gosci u nas na stole. Pychotka. Thank you for the recipe.

9 years ago

Krem z tego tortu wychodzi przepyszny. Wczoraj robiłam na urodziny mamy i wszystkim bardzo smakował, dziś zrobiłam taki sam na urodziny męża. I hope, że dzisiaj tort podbije również serca gości mojego męża. Poza tym mało z nim tak naprawdę roboty. Tort ozdobiłam wokoło rurkami waflowymi z czekoladą, a wierzch posypałam starą na tarce (grube oczka) czekoladą białą i mleczną. I hope, że goście mojego męża będą zachwyceni. Yours sincerely.

9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

in order to! Był pyszny! also I congratulate the idea of ​​mass 🙂 Simple and delicious 🙂

9 years ago

Przepiekny cake:). Already getting ready to make this cake for the birthday of her husband, but every time I aa Pieke sponge cake is beautifully grows and then falls :(. Flocks of my questions. 1. Is biscuit baking with convection or gora-down? I would add that in my oven is not an option, and both termiobieg only the hot air heater or heater alone. 2. Is to throw it ladyfingers should take out of the oven right after been switched off? Always always assumed that you should not change the temperature so rapidly :/. Please reply and greet! Maybe this time I will come out of your recipe perfect 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you for your reply :). Taking the opportunity I have another question, or on cake plates 22 cm decrease the proportion skladnikw on sponge cake?

9 years ago

Sliczny cake :). Is planning to bake a birthday…. meza, but every time you Pieke biszkopot it grows great but for the moment falls :(. Flocks of my questions. 1. Is sponge pieklas convection or gora-down and that immediately after the oven removes been switched off and throw it? Always I thought he should have “reach” warm :).

10 years ago

Asiu, Saturday I made a cake for her daughter inspired by your recipe, but because of small problems really came out quite different namely 😉 sent her husband shopping for cheese and sour cream, and apparently there was no cheese.. well then I told him to buy the same cream 😉 The second problem I have met along the way is to add melted chocolate into whipped cream, chocolate because I “zbryliła” and instead of a nice chocolate cream came out straciatella 😀 but it was delicious 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Exactly chocolate was already quite cooled, I was afraid, that for the moment I start to freeze in the pot 😉 no apparently meant to be 😉 Thank you for inspiration, corciano was satisfied. Even so, at the earliest opportunity “Cake” I have to try your, the original version of the cream 😉 now I begin to think, How to make a cake for son in May 5 😀 year-old greeting, Magda.

10 years ago

I think we will use this idea, my daughter will have in this Saturday 3latka only I'm afraid at this weight but I hope he goes greet:-)

10 years ago

Can you tell me how many grams of granules needed for the cake, I greet

10 years ago

Hello, great cake, you can know how to carve out such a heart, my daughter ends 7 years and I want to make her a cake, thank you in advance and best regards

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much for your quick reply, I noticed today that the provision is shown how to do it 🙂 And anyway it takes you just a great podrukowałam rules and I will be hell, today on the first throw goes “chocolate cake Reni”.
Thank you

11 years ago

Is the sponge cake is not added baking powder?I would ask for your prompt response ;-).Thanks in advance

11 years ago

I've always had a problem Whip the cream but it is best to give it to the freezer for some time, eg. ok fields h and then sometimes I even beat a little longer zlodzone lumps – buy 30% bag with us these are.

my passion
my passion
11 years ago

Welcome on Saturday, my son and I have birthday cake was going to do with this cream but I wonder what it takes to be śmietana.Czy can be a fondant 30% or rather some thick?Thank you very much in advance and warmly greet 🙂

my passion
my passion
11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much for your help with this cream cake came out just what it was delicious taste on the second day:)

11 years ago

your recipes for cakes are superrrrrrr ,I have a request ,Can you tell me a cake for polecicć 50 my husband's birthday ,Thank you and best regards:)

11 years ago

I wonder IF A little ADD TO sponge beet juice as a dye SPONGE CAKE BY SUCH came out pinkish?RATHER IT IS STUPID IDEA?

12 years ago

Ms. Asya and where you can buy chips wafer? I care just for a decorative element but bezsmakowym and these are adorable pink wióreczki – I can see my face when he sees this Corcia cake (If we are to worship the ubiquitous pink ) Yours sincerely 🙂

PS And now I'm doing the double chocolate cookies Corciano and the hut of Baba Yaga – Please keep your fingers crossed

Best wishes for a Happy New Year!!!!!

12 years ago


It’s a beautiful cake! Can you tell me where you purchased the letters on top of the cake? “D L A M A D Z I”. I’ve been looking to purchase tiny letters to decorate cakes but i can’t seem to find any .

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks for responding. Okay i did just google the product and it seems like it’s sold in Britain. I’m located in the U.S. so hopefully they ship to America. I’ve never seen anything like that being sold over here. The most i’ve seen are alphabet cookie cutters. Thank you so much for responding and giving me the info. I’m forever thankful. I’ve actually been searching for something like those letters for a while now since i started cake decorating and then i stumbled on your website.

12 years ago

And I have – may be less volatile pytanko, but I was tired 😉 How ułożyłaś cake on this rootstock is not messing her?

Cake on a plate smarowałaś, and then go on washer przeniosłaś? (how, that is not broke? I'm VERY grateful for the info, not rest, until I find out what's going on with the washer 😉

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Super! Nice way, I will try it for sure! Thanks and best regards hot 🙂

12 years ago

I have one more question if you can use ready-made sponge cake such as. bought? 🙂

12 years ago

Good morning Mrs. Asia cake looks przeprzepięknie 🙂 I have a question if she could help me lady how she would bake a cake for 45 year-old because I do not know if it would be appropriate heart? 🙂 highly Regards :*

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

In that case, thanks Asia 🙂

12 years ago

I also baked this cake for my daughter to 5 birthday. So it tasted, that today we are burning next to the neighbor's birthday, a friend, she took the recipe and give up the cake bought in the Owl! Revelation, gladly Also try the other provisions!

12 years ago

Ms. Asia yet Pania pomecze Troszke 🙂 I would like to bake a cake on Saturday and, I'm a person who has to have everything well planned that I think about it quite some time and 🙂 my questions sounded: whether this cream the day before to do it better the same day? I'll be hell because the sponge the day before. or 21cm diameter cutter will be relevant later because I have a second but it has 26cm. and at the end you 🙂 as it had done, from the sides of the cake are so beautifully decorated?? surely cake council can not turn it on its side 🙂
Thank you and best regards 🙂

12 years ago

Mrs. Asya and whether the caramel cream is thick and quite rare?? I trauma to creams which flow down from the biscuit and the will to make sure 🙂

12 years ago

I made this cake and I am delighted……..Although I have not tried the birthday evening, but it looks pretty…….and dropping it on the blanket does not actually hurt the dough ,which remained overgrown and puszyste.Dziękuje, My Granddaughter will be delighted in his 2 urodzinki.Pozdrawiam cordially.

Kasia, slodkiefantazje
Kasia, slodkiefantazje
12 years ago

Asiu, is pretty! I just have a moment, to watch it 🙂 🙂 looks delicious and the caramel cream, what more could you want 🙂

12 years ago

Asiek, not enough, the cake is a heart-shaped, is still made with love, because it is such a wonderful 🙂

12 years ago

absolutely gorgeous! the joy of a child – the invaluable

moje pasje
12 years ago

Asia is a beautiful 🙂 kolorki is sensational 🙂 I am not surprised that the birthday girl was delighted 😀

12 years ago

Cake was delicious! It really was a nice gift Thank 🙂!

12 years ago

Mind, that maybe in the after chrcie would look nice too?

12 years ago

but pretty cake! looks super :))) envy jubilatce

12 years ago

lovely cake :), very girly

12 years ago

Lovely cake 🙂 I'm not surprised jubilatce, Also I would be delighted. And I really must try the weight. I greet warmly 🙂

12 years ago

Lovely! Beautiful! I do the very fact – priceless!!!! Best!

12 years ago


Smaczna Pyza
Smaczna Pyza
12 years ago


12 years ago

Asya and maybe have an idea for a birthday cake for a two-year-old boy? I did toy car last year and now I have no idea:(

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I made a cake with a wafer on my children's birthday. Decoration simple and nicely presented, and that the main dining area and neutral in taste. You can do wonders with a mass of sugar, pies with her look beautiful, but I know that not every flavor of this mass corresponds to. I once ventured on to the cake, and most guests it just took off with the cake.

12 years ago

ooo this is for me the cake, heheh, lovely:))))

Panna Malwinna
12 years ago

A wonderful gift;)

12 years ago

What a beautiful cake! And these wonderful kolorki! :))

12 years ago

I'm not surprised, the birthday girl was delighted 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to mamabartka

I wanted I would like to know how the taste of the masses kajmakowskiej??