Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums

Tart with plums


in recipes for: , ,

Commonplace. So in short, you can specify today's cake. No frills, without inventing and frills. Just the usual, pastry and a whole lot of delicious Plums on top. And in that simplicity is the beauty of this tart. I was surprised, how delicious it can be given a cake. If you want to, You can provide them with the blob of whipped cream. I'd prefer this time without. It tastes delicious both hot, and cold. I recommend you very much!

Podpatrzony recipe in the book "Baking cakes'.

Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums

Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 250g flour
  • 150g cold butter
  • 60g caster sugar
  • 1 1 egg


  • about 1 kg plums
  • coarse sugar

Sift flour, Mix the sugar with the butter and chopped. Add egg and mix quickly shortcake. Form dough into a ball, wrap in foil and put in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Wash plums, slit, but not fully, in order to, were connected to the bottom, remove seeds.

Roll out the dough to a diameter of 26cm and put the form (may be a simple springform cake tin, then you should also sides, at about 2cm). Pin several times with a fork and place on the plums in the shape of a rosette. If you have a very juicy plums, This well is the bottom of the dough lightly sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake the cake before 10 minutes.

Bake at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes (sides until nicely browned cakes will). Remove from the oven, cool, sprinkle with coarse sugar.

Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums

Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums

Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums

Tarta ze śliwkami | Tart with plums



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Janusz Wasser
Janusz Wasser
8 years ago

Is it me or cancellation at any time stops working ?

9 years ago

A po co się ciasto wkłada do lodówki na 2 h?

10 years ago

I have a question and if I have a form with a diameter of 31cm? I have double the ingredients or just a half servings?

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

ok thanks

Dorota K.
Dorota K.
10 years ago

Omnomnom…. cudoo… Tomorrow I'll try, mega looks appetizing.
This tart is almost no dietary 😉 creams, mas itp.

11 years ago

Delicious tart. Thank you. Not yet cool and has already been eaten, and even household shout. Yours nice and warm

11 years ago

Beautifully ułożyłaś plums friction 🙂 For me it was just tart plum pudding arranged on weight 🙂

12 years ago

Jola and jolek the same person haha ​​bet;]! But the apology goes to the Jolu aka Jolek way hihi anyone happens to have misunderstood, but poco immediately explode?;D

12 years ago

I think you pogieło… 60 g of sugar!! I do not know, people may want to do diabetics?! Take this recipe variables, because soon you will have diabetic, if you have not already…

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Someone probably mistook the play of ounces and she thought this person ,of these are more than half a pound of sugar ,but anyone can make it in August ,but you never think of until somebody to………………..
I greet 🙂

Neighbor Christopher
Neighbor Christopher
12 years ago

I was given a piece by Christopher, his own handmade, This delicious tart, as revenge for an egg to it. Sensational!!!

12 years ago

Maybe for you, but we have all adapted the, but apples are!;)

12 years ago

Not!!!!!!!! such a great recipe and I will not have Węgierek ;'[ no this year!…;D

12 years ago

Beautiful and delicious wygląda.W soon will do its a family of Asya from your przepisu.Dziekuje

mushroom mouse
12 years ago

Sweet babeczko 🙂

I would like to tell you, that your baked goods are wonderful! What one is better!
Tart first class 😉

12 years ago

Wow, Your tart looks wonderfully, idealna co do milimetra – confectionery masterpiece 🙂

12 years ago

I love tarts. 🙂 and this looks perfect. 🙂

The Fast and the hungry

And this is the cake for golden Polish autumn! I just need to try 🙂, how come the pastry with wholemeal flour. We are doing is the latest approach to the bottom of this, and unfortunately it is still closer soles of shoes, friction than ;( How will finish formula of, I know it…

12 years ago

Asiek, This wonderful cake! How much for the delicious śliweczek. Very tempting. 🙂
I send greetings 🙂

12 years ago

Sophistically delicious, so najpyszniej 🙂

12 years ago

is pretty, fruit and has the great “curtain” at the edges – idealna cake

12 years ago

me too often the tart guests 🙂

12 years ago

It's probably the most beautiful plum tart, what I saw. Looks like, the language escapes… not, We know where 😉

led astray aa
12 years ago

for lunch I would gladly eat

12 years ago

Asiu…cake is amazing!!