To do this cake, long matured. I really liked, an elegant and nice ... but I was afraid to face it, because it seemed to me to be difficult in execution. It turned out, to the contrary. The dough is not difficult, only every, This little time-consuming. Compensates for the effect of any effort. Because what could be better than the Sweet meringue pie, the broken-tasting sour currant jam? Recipe taken from the blog 'My Pastries'.
Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:
- 500 g of wheat flour (3 cup minus 1 spoon)
- 1,5 teaspoons of baking powder
- half cup granulated sugar
- 200 g butter or margarine
- 6 yolks
All the ingredients to form, Knead and shape into a ball. Divide in half.
Meringue ingredients:
- 6 egg white
- 1,5 cup caster sugar or icing sugar
- 1 tablespoon of potato flour
Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually add small portions and sugar, whisking all the time. Finally, add the potato flour.
- 450g Black currant jam
- 120g flaked almonds
Place baking paper form with dimensions of 25×33 cm in diameter. Put half the dough on the bottom and align. On the Spread half of jam evenly. Then put half the mass of beige and sprinkle with half of flaked almonds. Bake at 175 ° C for about 40 minutes. Identical to the second part of the dough to bake. If you have two identical forms can bake two cakes at the same time (of hot air). If you do not have two identical forms of, Without a second cake to be done just before baking, because the meringue can not wait. Cool cakes.
Weight of cream:
- 2 glass of milk [250ml] (500 ml)
- 3 tablespoons of flour
- 2 tablespoons of potato flour
- 2 yolk
- 3 tablespoons of sugar
- 16 g sugar, almond
- 200 g butter
- a few drops of almond flavor
Boil a glass of milk with sugar. The second mix with egg yolks and flour, add to boiling milk. Cook the pudding. Cool.
Beat soft butter to white. Add gradually cooled down mix, pudding all the time. Finally, add the almond flavoring and mix.
At the ready, cooled down put the mass of pudding cake and cover with second pie so, that was on top of meringue. Cool in refrigerator for at least 3 hours.
Cake sensational 🙂 The whole family was delighted with him 🙂 I added extra weight to a handful of flaked almonds – fun to komponowa and gently chrupały 🙂 On Christmas I'm going to bake again 🙂
I'm glad, it all tasted.
proud:) it has baked for the holidays and went 🙂 first thank you for the recipe 🙂
I wanted to ask, Where else can I substitute almond oil? 🙂
Almond oil fits best here, you can instead give amaretto.
Those came out beautiful!!!! Cudne layer 🙂
But Beautiful;) Version with almonds did not jeszczse;) Always with walnuts.