Crispy pastry with custard and strawberries / Pudding cake with strawberries

Crispy pastry with custard and strawberries

Strawberry season in full, So today, another proposal was the use of these fruits. Of course, strawberries may be substituted with any favorite fruit, and the off-season for fresh, we can use frozen. Pie crust dough, sweet pudding and fruit covered with a layer of bread crumbs. Quick, simple and very, very tasty. I recommend you very much!

Recipe found at

Kruche ciasto z budyniem i truskawkami / Pudding cake with strawberries

Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

  • 300g of wheat flour
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 100g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

In a bowl sift flour with baking powder, cold butter cut into pieces and chop with flour. Add the sugar, eggs and knead dough. The dough away 1/3, wrap in foil and place in freezer for dough preparation time. The form with dimensions of 25×25 m parchment paper for baking. The bottom of the form put the dough.


  • 2 puddings (Vanilla for me, but there might be such. cream or raspberry)
  • 3/4 liter of milk
  • ca. 500g strawberries or any fruit

Cook pudding according to package directions. Ready to postpone the cake (need not be cold). Wash fruits and put the pudding. At the top of the grate remaining pastry.

Bake at 180 ° C for about 50 minutes (top of the dough should be well flushed). Remove from the oven, cool slightly, Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Kruche ciasto z budyniem i truskawkami / Pudding cake with strawberries

Kruche ciasto z budyniem i truskawkami / Pudding cake with strawberries

Kruche ciasto z budyniem i truskawkami / Pudding cake with strawberries


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6 years ago

If too much water came out of the fruit you probably will not succeed 😣

6 years ago

I forgot to add the icing sugar pastry if I can add somewhere else?

7 years ago

Yesterday I made 🙂 came out beautiful and pyyyszny !!!!! I made with frozen raspberries because I had ,only what the bydyn zrobolam 4 paczekbo somehow it seemed to me little 😛 thanks for the recipe !!

7 years ago

All we have done according to, measured, calculated, and pudding płyyyyyyynie like a river. I do not recommend, wasted products.

8 years ago

Is the pudding after baking will not spill?

8 years ago

Thank you for the recipe. Cake came out b. tasty. I used sheet 25 x 30cm and almost just inches from the cake I used and in addition I made separate crumble because for me the more the better 🙂 delicious. Although next time the makings on the bottom half fragile because it seems to me that will be even tastier. in any case, a super recipe, Tomorrow again rbie :)I greet

8 years ago

Cake looks delectable. Today, I'll do it. It will be white – red to match 🙂
But how do I take this form? 25×25 m? 😉

8 years ago

Hello, I did this yesterday cake recipe with minor modifications. I used krupczatki flour and added cocoa . The rest of the recipe exactly as your. It came out great. Cocoa cake to cool zgrało with vanilla custard and strawberries 😋 recommend 🍴 🍰

9 years ago

Super Ciasto, ja dodałam więcej cukru, bo przy kwaskowatych owocach, mało słodkie, I recommend

9 years ago

Asiek w przepisie podane jest : 2 puddings , 3/4 l mleka a pod spodem pisze, aby ugotować budyń wg wskazówek na opakowaniu. Twój wychodzi twardy, więc trzeba zmniejszyć tę ilość mleka z 1 litra na 0,75l , in order to?

9 years ago

chcialabym upiec to ciasto w wiekszej formie, powinnam ją mierzyc przy dnie czy w najszerszym miejscu?? bardzo prosze o odpowiedz

9 years ago

I'm glad, ze znalazłam twój blog! A ten przepis na pewno wykorzystam:)

9 years ago

Today will be 🙂
It looks very inviting 🙂

10 years ago

The recipe is great.! Cake with strawberries and raspberries in the heat we tried already worked out perfectly 🙂. I think the best I've baked in my life :))))thanks

10 years ago

Instead of the normal pudding did so on the basis of potato flour just I tried 🙂, all worked, next time I'll only more fruit.

10 years ago

buildings that came out rare? 🙁 I made everything as you had 🙁

8 years ago
Reply to Sledge

hello:) I just read your problem with pudding-about ways; If the packaging is indicated,that “of 1/2 l.mleka Mixing the piss a little etc.…”,I always I reduce milk 5oo ml., and the 400ml boiling milk, I add a little butter and sugar as you need it,zawszae me wychodzi.Życzę you powodzenia.Pozdrawiam Field with solar Wrocka:)

10 years ago

And if you want to 24cm springform pan pole in the ingredients Aug. somehow reduce?

10 years ago

I think it'll be every week on your blog writing, because every week I bake something with your rules. In this Saturday fell on it just pie. It came by the book. Podpiekłam first very bottom, because I was afraid, that August is not dopiecze. I did the frozen strawberries, Next time I'll do with cherries. I'm beginning to wonder who would choose the recipe here next Saturday 🙂

11 years ago

mi ciasto wyszlo twarde ;(

11 years ago

WŁASNE access. But the smell:-)

11 years ago

Do you like frozen fruit added to the dough or to another lady with fruits that have previously razmrazać fruits?

11 years ago

Hello cake looks very appetizing 😉
I do like this, First bake the bottom of the cake itself around 20-30 minutes then give it to the pudding and the rest, as in you and I have never dressings 😉 I just modified the heheh greet
12 years ago

Gee what fajowe the cake, WILL KECI as strawberries are doing it right away great recipe thanks :*

12 years ago

Husband asks me every day bake this cake, I've produced about 5 an average of one day trying 🙂 today with berries 🙂

12 years ago

Hello 🙂 is the best pie I bake I did 🙂 recommend revelation 🙂 I did came out of frozen raspberries divine:)

12 years ago

Damn, I also did not work out 🙁 Pieke much harder dough without problems and I think the makings of a fast because I have no more time for other and ass… Scary zakalec (60min hell) buildings after baking as water pours (in 2,5 600ml packs for preventive) I think buildings like this just does not give to this and because of its rarity did zakalec… and for half an hour I have guests 🙂 rewelka

12 years ago

Great cake!!! very cool and I can not wait along with daughters:) husband probably will throw at them as he gets back from work;) Super recipe, unless you can not spoil:) visually work out with you as Asya. Thanks and recommend to all!

12 years ago

I prepared the dough according to the recipe, and unfortunately could not be. came zakalec.

12 years ago

It's me again 🙂 cake appearance pychota, but perhaps I added too much milk to pudding (900ml) I left me a little sparse and spread over the dough. I gave a taste of cream, which was perhaps too bland as to the dough, next time just give raspberry, as radziłaś 🙂 A and made in blaszcze 25×30 and also work out the right size. Yours and wait for more so easy to make and taste delicious cakes 🙂

12 years ago

You look great in a Cake, therefore be tempted, and today I baked them. Half an hour ago I took out of the oven and I can not wait, until well cool and I can try. Then I write something more about the taste 🙂

Monika Ł.
Monika Ł.
12 years ago

Hello 🙂 I have done today but I replaced strawberries and raspberries also came out tasty and slightly sour thanks 😉

moje pasje
12 years ago

looks great!!!! I just recently did it with pudding and piekładm czałość but with cherries. Somehow I have not ran into a pudding to the oven 😉 With strawberries must be pychota!!!! Regards 😀

Wieczorek Kaja
12 years ago

Delicious cake, easy and quick execution. As the season for strawberries take full advantage of this. Then you can use frozen fruit, or simply replace them with other. I can not wait, to try cake with berries. It will definitely be an excellent!

12 years ago

Great, appetizing photos. I love this cake.
Pychota !
greetings 🙂

12 years ago

I, that in Asia you still dominated by strawberries 🙂 was curious to me that pudding baked with the cake. It never did, what more, did not think, that it can…
Spread And certainly tasty 🙂
Regards 🙂

12 years ago

My mother often does such a combination of strawberries and custard, I am a little less, but usually my tastes;) Your looks very appetizing;)

12 years ago

Podsunęłaś me an idea how to use the excess fruit:) Cake with pudding! that is what I wanted:) Through!!:)

12 years ago

The last 3 days of my competition pear. All information is here: To win 15 sets of valuable prizes!

12 years ago

crisp pastry with fruit is always amazing.. simplicity and delicious taste.

12 years ago

It looks fantastic! 🙂

12 years ago

such a connection it is!!

12 years ago

A delicious combination of flavors. I love this time of year, These seasonal fruit, live and tuck;) A delicious and beautiful cake!

12 years ago

Asiu, beautiful, I like them very much. I do this with apples, but the strawberries did not fall – I have to catch up yet 🙂

12 years ago

pysznościowe cake, a season for strawberries is slowly ending, unfortunately,….