Poppy seed cake with cream cheese homo

Poppy cake with cottage cheese


in recipes for:

Greet you in the new year. So, in order to, almost embarrassed to say, but this is my first entry in this year… Something out of the way of blogging recently I. Anyway, probably not only blogging but also everything else. I do not like winter, I do not like, when there is no sunshine. I miss the energy and desire to do anything… All the enthusiasm and motivation gone somewhere far away, hid or think deeply and exit back to the light of day. What time is harder for me to collect regular blogging, although in my soul I miss you very much for. And that your e-mails with questions what is happening and, that waiting… Thank you, you have not forgotten I hope 🙂, however, that the coming spring will change and the entries will appear more frequently than in recent times.
I have to warm up for you cake, which – when they saw – I immediately liked it. And about him not mistaken. It's delicious! Delicate poppy tops perfectly with the light weight based on homogenized cheese. The dough is light, moist, not too sweet, sweetness is further broken sour jam with berries. Story! You have to convince themselves necessarily. I recommend a very!

Cake recipe I received from Gretel (thank you very much!), who won the third place in the competition “Bake the cake for Sweet Cupcakes”.

Poppy seed cake with cream cheese homo

Ingredients for sponge cake:

  • 5 eggs (separate yolk and albumen)
  • 3/4 cup sugar *
  • 1 cup of dry poppy
  • 3/4 glass (250ml) of flour
  • 3 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 2 teaspoon oil
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons hot water

Beat egg whites until stiff. At the end of the compaction add sugar batch, mixing all the time. Then mix the egg yolks with the oil and hot water, add a thin stream slaughtered proteins, mixing all the time. Sift together flour, baking powder and gently stir into the egg. Finally, add poppy seeds and mix gently.
Plaque size 25x35cm baking parchment paper. Insert the prepared mass, align.
Bake in preheated oven 175 – 180° C for 35 – 40 minutes or so. dry stick. After this time, remove and allow to cool completely. Quenched sponge remove plaque and cut in two tops.

Ingredients for the mass:

  • 1 kg of processed cheese homogenized
  • 200g butter, softened
  • 1/2 cups granulated sugar (or more, if you like a more sweet treats)
  • 1 Sugar with real vanilla
  • 1/3 glass of milk [250ml]
  • 2 tablespoons gelatin


  • sour jam jar (me with berries)
  • ca. 80g flaked almonds

Cream the butter on white fluff, small portions, add powdered sugar. Then add the cheese, all the time to a smooth paste by grinding.
Boil milk, Pour into a glass of gelatin, mix well, until it dissolves. When the dissolved gelatin with a slightly przestygnie, add a couple tablespoons of curd and mix together – doing this will prevent lumps. Pour gelatin into the bowl with the ground and quickly mix.
On the first part of the biscuit put half the jam and spread evenly. At the jam put 2/3 weight, top weight smear jam and cover with the second ladyfingers. The top of the sponge cake spread with the remaining mass.
On a dry frying pan until golden brown roast almonds. Garnish top of cake them.
Refrigerate dough.

*my glass = 250ml

Poppy seed cake with cream cheese homo

Poppy seed cake with cream cheese homo

Poppy seed cake with cream cheese homo


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1 a year ago

This year I am baking again for the school fair. My daughter says it always turns out good.

5 years ago

Cake came out wonderful! We all tastes ☺ Instead homogenized cheese (because there was), I bought the cottage cheese and zhomogenizowałam same 😉 which he mixed in the cup for cocktails until smooth (cottage cheese 1kg, 150g natural yoghurt, 4 tablespoons of sugar, vanilla). It's wonderful cake certainly not once will settle on my table ☺

naleśniki z serem
naleśniki z serem
8 years ago

Your cake looks delicious, very cool recipe 🙂

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
8 years ago

No i ciasto upieczone na urodziny wczorajsze. Krem może faktycznie być nie lada wyzwaniem. Bałam się że będzie to ciasto słodkie, ale z dżemem i makowym biszkoptem wyszło wszystko idealnie. Smaki dobrze się komponują, ciasto jest bardzo dobre. Regards 🙂

8 years ago

Asiu jakiego (jakiej firmy) używałaś serka homogenizowanego? Czy taki będzie ok http://www.biedronka.pl/pl/product,id,3009,name,serek-waniliowy-president-200-g ?

9 years ago

I did 🙂 is delicious! 😀

9 years ago

fajny przepis ja na Wielkanoc zrobilam babke z makiem, nastepnym razem zrobie tez z kremem i dzemem, bo na zdjeciu wyglada wysmienicie

9 years ago

bardzo proszę o szybką radę mój krem jest rzadki a właściwie lejący. Zrobiłam wszysstko zgodnie z przepisem. Jak mogę go uratować?

9 years ago

Looks pretty, I'm going to do for the holidays, but I'm not sure what the poppy. It has to be ground or minced? 🙂

9 years ago

Super ciasto, seems a little “complex”, but I hope, that I can do it somehow 🙂

9 years ago

But it looks beautiful Asya! Yum, yum 🙂
For the holidays will also be ideal.
Yours very sincerely.

9 years ago

Beautiful pictures. Cake certainly is insane. Pride.

9 years ago

But I love presenting pięknie.Mak,cake because my taste flavor;)

Sweet Abstract
9 years ago

Ground poppy seed pudding to my liking, So it probably also tasted to me 🙂 looks awesome!

9 years ago

what delights, 'd eat the cubes:)

Margaret Lewicka-Jaśkiewicz
Margaret Lewicka-Jaśkiewicz
9 years ago

I am very happy, that tasted 🙂 Yours sincerely 🙂

9 years ago

It looks beautiful, I think I'll do on Easter 🙂

9 years ago

Asya but this delicious cake tempting

9 years ago

Beautifully presented…Spread it Asya took third place