When I was a little baking biscuits. Having learned from home, that food is not thrown, I decided to use it. I thought I, Susan thought… And together wymyśliłyśmy. A delicate sponge cake, superior weight and caramel pudding and whipped cream on top. Such is the cake wykombinowałyśmy. Sweet, and can not eat it more than one piece, but it may be well-:) I recommend a very.
This is my own recipe.
Ingredients for the sponge:
- 3 eggs
- half a cup of caster sugar
- half a cup of plain flour
- 2 heaped tablespoons of potato flour
Whip egg whites to a stiff mass, at the end of churning add the sugar, add one egg whisking all the time. Finally, pour the sifted flour and gently stir in egg (I did it at low speed mixer).
The bottom of the springform pan with a diameter 20 cm parchment paper for baking, Do not like the sides of greased. Pour prepared cake, sand with.
Bake at 170 ° C for about 30 minutes or so. dry stick. Cool in the springform pan. When the sponge is quite wystudzony remove springform pan and cut into two parts.
Weight puddings:
- 2 eggs
- 1,5 glass of milk [250ml]
- 2 tablespoons of flour
- 2 tablespoons of potato flour
- less than half glass of sugar (125ml)
- spoonful of sugar with real vanilla (ca. 15g)
- teaspoon vanilla extract
- 70g butter, softened
- half cans of mass kajmakowej
- 250ml double cream 30% + 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
Boil a glass of milk with sugar and vanilla extract. The remaining milk, mix with eggs and flours. Pour the boiling milk and cook, stirring constantly pudding. Cool. Beat the soft butter in a fluff, added to a cold pudding and mix until smooth.
Spread half the weight of the first top biscuit kajmakowej. It put 2/3 weight of the prepared pudding. Put on the weight of the remaining pudding and cover with second kajmak top. The top spread with the rest of the pudding. Whip cream to stiff, slaughtered at the end add 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Brush top and sides of whipped cream torciku. Przed podaniem schłodzić w lodówce ok 2 hours.
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A czy biszkopt nie jest suchy ?? Because I always soaking And there is not a word about it 🙂
Probably not, but you can always soak for peace of mind 🙂
Cake looks yummy!! combination of sponge cake, pudding and mass kajmakową is brilliant, I necessarily do it 🙂
Great pies here are, very inspiring simple, Tasty, aesthetic, elegant and glamorous thanks !!!
Is the glass 250ml?
So. with me forever.
Today was baking this cake, ie he did with his biscuit recipe because of this I did not grow :(, and what he did to the weight of buildings and as she put the second disc, the biscuit is unfortunately trickled under the weight of me a little sideways, What he did not?
Sponge can not grow, if it is too long and hard mixed after the addition of flour. A cooked custard should be very thick, maybe it depends on flour, I do not know, but I also sometimes goes too rare, and have not yet come to the, why this happens:(
Already know everything, I used bad flour, flour from which the wonderful pizza dough but not. Before Christmas in the heat of battle just I'm getting ahead 🙂 Generally cake came out in good taste, mass of the pudding in the refrigerator froze. The only thing that can change it is to give a much more mnien sugar pudding weight because he is mega-sweet, it so badly by my guests and I were right. Taste is delicious so I recommend to all. Cream sweetened or not because I felt the weight already very sweet, but it did not help those Sweet. Best wishes and congratulations on talent
I'm glad, that taste, I agree, that where possible, You can reduce the amount of sugar, because the cake is actually very sweet:)
I greet and thank you for your comment.
or potato flour is in any way replace the baking powder or poiprostu forgot to mention it?? son's birthday on Sunday and she ambitiously decided to make a cake, we'll see what comes up:)
Not, Potato flour is not a substitute for baking powder, but they have not forgotten about him:) Do not bake the powder biscuit, there is no need. How well do protein and slaughtered all guess the rule, everything will be ok:)
Looks cool, My beloved loves this cake, unless it Uracz such delicious trocikiem 🙂
Brilliant for a christening or wedding. Delicate. marvel!
Thank you for your words of appreciation. These are very encouraging, in particular if, when she invent their sweetness:)
But you have a talent for decoration! I always create something beautiful, what pleases the eye 🙂
very elegant, Thank you for the picture!
A beautiful cake. The mass krówkową and pudding must taste great.
It looks otherworldly!!! and in addition to my beloved mass kajmakowa- happy to try it someday!:)
Looks great, congratulations!
Ahem…..I love caramel. I love the dough, not dry, just like you here zaprezentowałaś. Even with the annotation jot recipe “necessarily and quickly”. A recent picture of me totally charmed!
But the lovely winter cake :)) Mniamuśny!!!
The perfect combination of taste 😀
Asiu, beautiful cake. nothing more nothing less, ideal!
Well it wymyślałyście, talented of you girls presents itself beautifully 🙂. Yours sincerely 🙂
proudly thinkin
dear! I have birthdays on Tuesday, you should treat me this cake… as ski, let us know.
This beautiful cake, and to the simplicity of delights… 🙂
is delicate and lovely.
marvel!! 🙂 had to be delicious
A beautiful cake! It looks very elegant and tasty:)
Regards 🙂
This is called a cake! 😀
The combination of custard and caramel… I guess I'm in heaven!
excellent… and how nicely decorated:))
This combination had to be delicious… 🙂 And that one piece you can eat… coz no, the cake, to akurat zaleta ;)) greet nice and warm and pleasant trip Asya! And I already know, you come back with a head full of ideas for the next delicious pastries 🙂