Humphead on krakersach

Humphead on krakersach


in recipes for:

It's probably the fastest cake I've ever done. Just buy crackers, cook pudding and cake ready! Can you even simpler? No more already rather not be 🙂 .
To be frank, that somehow had not met with the cake. When on fejsbuku one of my “fans” Catherine, asked, if I know and that I will, it just started to look for it. It turned out, I think that everyone is familiar with this cake and did, apart from me. But whatever. I searched, I read and did. Of course, after his. I used cream cream recipe for cake 3 bit, it only slightly modifying.
Cake is delicious, kremowe – because it basically 2/3 cream and very addictive. It's hard to stop at one piece…
I would recommend you, in particular, if you have not had the opportunity to try it. And Catherine, thank you for the idea of ​​a delicious Spread!

Humphead on krakersach


  • 1250 ml of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 6 heaped tablespoons of plain flour
  • 6 heaped tablespoons of potato flour
  • sugar-free vanilla pudding
  • Laski z ziarenka wanilii
  • 150g of sugar
  • spoonful of sugar with real vanilla
  • 130g butter
  • ca. 200-220g saltine crackers (used up a little more than a pack of 180g)

In a saucepan boil a liter of milk with butter, sugar. Vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape rozkroić grains. Add milk, together with a cane. The remaining milk mix with eggs, pudding and meals. (Just before pouring the mixture, remove the vanilla pod!!). The brewing pour the milk mixture with eggs and flour and cook pudding. It should be thoroughly and vigorously stir, the pudding is not burnt and there were lumps. Cook for a few minutes.
Badge with dimensions of 25x30cm baking parchment paper or aluminum foil (I recommend the film, because it adheres better to the gills). At the bottom of the plaque put crackers, close to one another. Pour the hot pudding and cover with another layer of crackers. Allow to cool and chill in the refrigerator.
Przed podaniem wyjąć ciasto ok 20 – 30 minutes earlier, it is more soft and creamy. Liberally sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Humphead on krakersach
Humphead on krakersach
Humphead on krakersach
Humphead on krakersach


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8 years ago

Nie wiem co zrobiłam nie tak, bo krok po kroku trzymałam się przepisu. Wyszedł mi budyń, simply… Nic nie zgęstniało i zupełnie inaczej wyglądało niż to na zdjęciu…:(

9 years ago

🙂 great recipe simple and tasty 🙂

9 years ago

Robiłam ostatnio już 2 razy z tego przepisu i jest rewelacyjna – drugi raz na specjalne życzenia męża, tak mu posmakowała za pierwszym razem. I would recommend 🙂

Jola z B.
Jola z B.
9 years ago

And I've got a question. Ponieważ parę kremów z miarek na łyżki ,,popłynęło” my, czy mogę liczyć na wagę mąk? Każdy mierzy inną łyżką. Bardzo chciałabym zrobić tę napoleonkę, bo wygląda obłędnie a ja je uwielbiam. Bardzo proszę o przelicznik na wagę. Regards

6 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Tylko żeby przeliczać to trzeba wiedzieć z jakiej bazowej gramatury etc

9 years ago

about how I long not eat napoleons!

10 years ago

Welcome to! 🙂
The first Napoleon did on salty crackers and taste me somewhat disappointed. Somehow too I mingled the sweet-salty… Another decided to make biscuits with butter and it worked great. Very fast and good dough to prepare only for me without savory pastries. Yours sincerely.

10 years ago

I made a cake from your recipe, It was scrumptious 🙂

10 years ago

thanks for the info

10 years ago

hello. I have a big problem, My son has a birthday next month and I have no idea what to do because the cake is allergic to gluten.Próbowałam already done two cakes with corn flour and it was a great klapa.Może you have any idea,please help.

10 years ago

I love the Napoleon! 🙂

10 years ago

Also never eaten such… And it looks great 🙂

10 years ago

I love Napoleon on crackers. I know, that is not the same, what is real, but it is delicious. It was getting with us it often. I just love muffin you have to thank for the reminder, ages because I did not put it on the table. It will be next Sunday 🙂

10 years ago

It looks deliciously! I write to be done! 🙂

kulinarny blog samanthy

Dream cake. Beautifully made and probably delicious. Yours sincerely 🙂

10 years ago

Asiu, is a wonderful! And these bits of vanilla, that you see are just adorable. Napoleon must be delicious.
With best wishes. 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I have a small problem, just as I finished doing this marvel, but it seems to me, that a very dense cream that left me worried 🙁, I messed something. What should be the proper consistency of pudding?
1 a year ago
Reply to Asiek

Or you can have one layer of cookies and another layer of crackers ?