Marysieńka cake | Marysienka cake

Marysieńka cake

Today cake aptly named Marysieńka. It is this name attracted my attention. Because if something, what is so nicely calls may taste bad? I was not wrong, cake first class. Elegant, very tasty and filling. It will be perfectly presented at a reception or holiday table. Fluffy cream and sponge cake boss between moist walnut cake. You have to try and convince themselves. And I sincerely recommend them!

The recipe comes in book “103 cake sister, Anastasia” (with my minor changes).

It may interest you other recipes for holidays?


Today, a great event. Great for me, but I hope, it will also be great for you. Well, I am pleased to inform you, that I publish Sweet Calendar 2014! More on this topic can be found in the tab Sweet Calendar 2014. I invite you to read.

Marysieńka | Marysienka cake

Ingredients for the sponge:

  • 7 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • 3/4 glass of sugar
  • 2 full tablespoons of cocoa
  • 5 heaped tablespoons of plain flour
  • 2 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder (I gave no)

Egg white with a pinch of salt beat stiff. At the end of the compaction add sugar batch. Then add one egg, whisking all the time. Sift flour with baking powder and cocoa. Stir gently until the egg.

Plaque measuring 25×30 cm parchment paper for baking, translate into prepared cake, top level.
Bake in preheated oven 175 -180° C for 30-40 minutes, or a dry stick. After this time, remove and allow to cool completely. Quenched sponge cakes cut in two. Top baked sponge cake the day before, will be easier Kroll.

Ingredients for walnut cake:

  • 250g walnuts
  • 5 egg white
  • 200g of sugar
  • 1,5 tablespoons of liquid honey
  • tablespoon of potato flour
  • spoon flour
  • flat teaspoon baking powder

Egg white with a pinch of salt beat stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, whisking all the time. Nuts chop into fairly small pieces, Mix the flours, baking powder and honey. Gently stir slaughtered proteins.
Plaque size 25x30cm baking parchment paper. Put the prepared mass of walnut, top level.
Bake in oven at 180 ° C for 30 – 40 minutes, to a nice golden brown in.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • 0,5 liter of milk
  • 1 Sugar with real vanilla
  • 1 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 yolks
  • 180g of sugar
  • 1,5 tablespoons of potato flour
  • 250g butter, softened

With 0.5 liters of milk half a cup of pee, add the flour and egg yolks and mix to a smooth paste. Boil the remaining milk with the sugar and vanilla extract. At the boiling milk flour and mix well – egg and cook the pudding, all the time mixing thoroughly, that no lumps formed. The cooked pudding cool.
Beat the softened butter on the bright and fluffy, add batches cold pudding, mixing all the time, mixer at medium speed.

Folding the dough:

In the first half of the top biscuit put cream, align. On cream laid pecan pie and put him second part of the cream. Cover with a second biscuit topped. Active pour chocolate icing and decorate freely.

Perfect chocolate sauce:

  • 4 tablespoons of milk
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar
  • 4 tablespoons sifted cocoa

Boil milk with sugar and butter, add cocoa and mix thoroughly. The density of frosting can be adjusted by adding cocoa (if I am to be denser) or milk (if you want to be thinner).

Marysieńka | Marysienka cake

Marysieńka | Marysienka cake

Marysieńka | Marysienka cake




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death machine bruder
death machine bruder
2 years ago

I must try this interesting recipe at home, because I don't know what I taste, but it looks really interesting.

6 years ago

Hello 🙂
I have a question. I would like to make a cake on the basis of this provision.
I came up with a way to do this:
From the bottom of the standard dark sponge cake, masa, nut cake, masa…
And now upiekłabym another nut cake or… was no… something else? I thought that instead of nuts would give coconut. He thinks that you come out with coconut? It again mass and dark sponge cake.
What do you think?

7 years ago

cake superaśne:) thanks for the recipe:)

8 years ago

Thank you:) a czy lyzki mąki pelne to takie bardzo czubate ? Czy z gorka? A moze ile gram ? Jeszcze jedno pytanie czy 1.5 lyzki maki ziemniaczanej nie wyjdzie rzadki budyn? Czy trzeba dodac tez pszenna ? 🙂

8 years ago

Czy jajka maja byc duze do biszkoptu czy male M ?

8 years ago

cake looks like a winner, a ja chyba go zepsułam….:( do masy orzechowej przypadkowo wrzuciłam żółtka i upiekłam jako biszkopt – niestety jest gumowy i trudno go odciąć (próbowałam wyrównać brzegi). Moje pytanie – jaki jest ten placek orzechowy??? czy w moim przypadku na cito muszę ponowić pieczenie tego wkładu???
I greet

8 years ago

Ugotowałam budyń wydawał mi sie troche rzadki ale taki zostawiłąm, Robiłąm tak jak w przepisie.. masa gotowa ale taka rzadka….nie posmarowałam nia jeszcze placka tylko siedzi w lodówce. jak mam zagęścic? help!

8 years ago

Zrobiłam dziś to ciasto , trzymając się przepisu co do przecinka – wyszło idealnie znakomicie, fantastically. zawsze wszystkie ciasta udaja się bez problemu. polecam serdecznie jest pyszne:))

9 years ago

Ciasto wyszło PYSZNE! idealnie jak na zdjęciu! Domownicy również są tego zdania! Warto go wypróbować! I recommend! Thank you for the recipe ! 🙂

9 years ago

Today I baked for my husbands birthday and I have to admit that this was one of the most spectacular najpyszniejszych and cakes that I made in my life 🙂 And all this is quite simple and does not require a sophisticated and expensive components 🙂 certainly have them repeat, thank you very much for the recipe 🙂

9 years ago

Delicious cake, but the best for the fourth dzień.Pychotka.dziękuję 🙂

9 years ago

Despite, the distraction that I was wrong size sheet (baked in a much larger) cake flavor was delicious. Certainly it was not the last time “Marysieńka” Thank you for the recipe 🙂. Regards

9 years ago

or vanilla extract is the same as the vanilla extract?

9 years ago

insane cake:)

9 years ago

I want the cake to make for kindergarten tomorrow. If I do today must be refrigerated?

10 years ago

…and I already know how to bake a cake and Babciów Dziadziów on Friday to kindergarten 🙂 but I think I will take for him today, I, that as a cream giftbox will be better than it tasted so on “freshly”. I am right…?

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

and even ask: one sugar with real vanilla is 16 g? and what you can substitute vanilla extract? Unfortunately, such a miracle I do not have… 🙁

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I did have in my life many creams but this goes beyond imagination taste… is incredibly DELICIOUS! Spread 😀 ready 🙂 all on success, as I hope never 😉, that a half day aging in the refrigerator will not hurt Marysieńce…

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
10 years ago

Delicious cake! We tasted. Personally, next time I'll give a bit less sugar pudding 😉 to shame, that it does not volunteered for the competition but in the whole preparation for the holidays and bustle forgotten 🙁

10 years ago

I'm going to make this cake for the holidays, I just wonder whether in fact the sponge grow enough, that it could be cut in half due to only 7 tablespoons of flour. To date, the legislation was 1 or 1,5 cups of flour away my fears. Or maybe something else depends on how high will grow sponge? Perhaps the amount of eggs? I'll be grateful to dispel doubts and clarification. Regards. Days

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thank you very much for dispel doubts, I do not hide, I was relieved that. Compute the bucket itself by conversion metrics somewhere and found by him coming out half a cup. A little confusing these resolvers, because it looks like that is given weight tablespoons flat and as a person aspiring to be problem. So thank you for your help.

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
10 years ago

immediately ask how to make sugar with real vanilla? Be mam Laski, that can not wait to use (but gosh it sounds 😀 ) It may finally be their time, and somehow it will utilize 🙂

10 years ago

Can I zastopic hazelnuts instead of Italian was?

10 years ago

Revelation !!!! Another is your recipe turns into a “heaven in my mouth” 😉 cake tastes very delicious and all household. Thanks a lot . Regards

10 years ago

what about liquid honey in the dough nut?

10 years ago

Super Spread necessarily have to bake a birthday Spread on son ,which are in December;-) A calendar also pile 😉

10 years ago

Asiu, peanut fritters as one of the ingredients you handed liquid honey. When it mixed into the dough, at the end?I greet:))

10 years ago

A wonderful recipe Asya! I take the necessary, Just print.
Maybe I'll do for the holidays, and maybe some other time,but I really have to bake a cake. 🙂
Congratulations calendar! Regards:)

10 years ago

It presents a very elegant 🙂

10 years ago

I know this cake!!! It is delicious.. 🙂

10 years ago

This cake is tempting me for a long time. Looks wonderful on you:)

10 years ago

so to be honest, This most from your blog cakes try out at home 🙂
it will settle on the table on Sunday, I know, that surely succeed and will be delicious 🙂
thank you, You are sharing your passion with us here 🙂

10 years ago

But this cake must be delicious!!
Congratulations; )

10 years ago

Wonderful cake and above all beautiful images 🙂

10 years ago

It looks delicious 🙂

Miss Apron
10 years ago

Wow, wow, wow! I have it, what I ate for Christmas! 🙂

Eva Capri
10 years ago

Asiu !!!! CUDA !