Coconut biscuits - pyszotki

Keeling pyszotki


in recipes for:

When a long time sitting at home with a sick child and not yourself too bursting with health, it eventually reaches the so-called crazy. To this craze does not dominate me I had to come up with something to do, because it does not like working:) Today's lessons were those delicious little cakes, that their fragrance filled the whole house:) Delicious, coconut with a chocolate bottom. Ten, who likes coconut flavors will not be disappointed. I recommend!

The recipe comes from the book 'Chocolate'.

Kokosowe ciastka - pyszotki


  • 225g chocolate biscuits (I used biscuits in chocolate)
  • 85g butter
  • 175g sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 beaten egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 tablespoons of flour
  • 1/3 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 125g desiccated coconut

Biscuits crush Blender, Dissolve the butter and combine it with biscuits, that was' wet’ sand.

The form with dimensions of 20x20cm baking parchment paper or grease smear. Pour prepared biscuits and press.

Whip the egg and vanilla essence until smooth. Add flour and baking powder, Coke chips and mix thoroughly. Put the weight on the bottom of the biscuit and smooth surfaces.

Bake at 190 ° C for 25 minutes or until, when the coconut is hard and gold. Cool 5 minutes, cut into small pieces and leave to cool.

Kokosowe ciastka - pyszotkiKokosowe ciastka - pyszotki




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12 years ago

They look great 🙂 I'll start tomorrow, only, I do not have a blender, I mash the roller?

12 years ago
Reply to Asiek

They came out great, quickly disappeared and I order, to make them for a friend's birthday 🙂 This is the seventh baking, I did with the provisions of your hand, each is a hit, On Saturday I will begin a mini vanilla serniczki, definitely come out great 🙂

13 years ago

Babeczko waiting for this wonderful recipe for ginger cookies with FB!!! 🙂
It's time to start pre-Christmas baking!

moje pasje
13 years ago

I also love the coconut!!!!!!! but I ate a piece of!!!

13 years ago

After such magnificence at once a person feel better, truth? 🙂
P.S. I love coconut…mmmm!

13 years ago

delicious coconut

13 years ago

itis is disgusting, but sometimes they will bring something good… and even delicious!

13 years ago

I see that you consume “chocolate” page after page :):)

13 years ago

but these treats look nice 🙂 I can do one?

13 years ago

Great idea for a delicious cookie:) Immediately me feel better seeing them on a plate:) Much zdrówka for baby!

13 years ago

Such a nice, and this provision does not somehow caught my attention! ;)))