Very soft, very buttery and very delicious! So much to say about them. Simple in execution, although different from my favorite muffins that, that the ingredients you need to mix properly with each other. Beautifully presented in an Easter basket!

Wielkanocne babeczki


Ingredients 10 muffins:

  • 80g butter, softened
  • 110g of wheat flour
  • 80g caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs

Blend butter and sugar till white, add flour and other ingredients. Put the pan into muffin * put muffin cups or grease smear and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Apply the mixture into 2/3 of molds.
Bake at 180 ° C for about. 20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.
*I baked in individual cups and mixed chocolate chips to the dough.

Wielkanocne babeczkiWielkanocne babeczki



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9 years ago

how much came out portion?

10 years ago

or you can bake them in silicone molds? or baking time is different? small sugar? can be powder? or a lot of growing ?

12 years ago

Asiek – I could not buy the chocolate chips . Do you think , the finely chopped dark chocolate has the same effect ?
Last week I tried to bake your buns Butter – were delicious, even after several days 🙂 . Thanks for all the tips and suggestions . Very cool , regulations that specify the quantity , they will come . Best regards and wish you Merry Christmas .

12 years ago

Lovely muffins 😉 . As much as she'll try to bake . I just have a question – eggs does not kill you first need to separate the sugar? Just as you write , mix with remaining ingredients ? How come – I'll send it to parents for the holidays . How nice pack , This probably will remain fresh for 2 days ? Best regards and thank you for your answer .

12 years ago

delectable and easterly…..