


in recipes for:

Long ago, when I was a little (wounds! as it was a long time ago!), Our neighbors across the eastern border sold on bazarkach strange things. Mój Tato, that he had quite a crazy and original ideas, endured home – and to the delight of our despair we – strange “useful” equipment. And one immediately dragged home a strange thing, that looked like a frying pan but it was in the middle of the holes. At the beginning it was not clear what the device is, even so, Dad claimed that, that for cakes. After some time, it turned out, Everyone ze (as usual) was right, and cakes have become very fashionable. Wypiekaliśmy them very often on different occasions and no occasion. Everyone liked them very. Until someone borrowed from us this miraculous razor and no trace of it was lost 🙁 But fortunately a wise man invented the waffle iron with replaceable cartridges, I stood her happy owner. And now, to the delight of his household baking these little cookies. I recommend you very much!


Ingredients for approximately. 80 Cookies*:

  • 3 glass of flour
  • 250g butter, softened
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 glass caster sugar
  • flat teaspoon baking soda

Sift the flour into a bowl mixer, add all remaining ingredients and knead the dough. Set aside in the fridge for about half an hour, to some hardened, would be better to make balls of dough. The dough tear tiny pieces and form into balls. The beads put into the prepared mold and heated. Bake until a nice golden brown to.
In a food processor to waffles which I baked it was literally a jiffy, but you have your razor just feel.
After baking, peanut halves nadziewać any cream, cover the second half. In my house, it was getting a filling of oatmeal and everyone liked them very. His nuts ran just such a filling, but still the mass of caramel, because the most loved Susan and ground coconut.

Weight with oat flakes:

  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 3 – 4 tablespoons sifted cocoa
  • glass flakes shrouded
  • optional chopped nuts, raisins – according to taste preferences

Flakes in a pan broil, set aside to cool.
In a saucepan, heat the milk with the butter and sugar, until the sugar is dissolved, add sifted cocoa, mix thoroughly together. To the resulting mass add oatmeal and possibly other components.

Weight coconut:

  • 50g butter
  • half glass of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • glass of milk powder (or more)
  • glass of coconut (250ml)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a saucepan, heat the milk with the butter and sugar, until the sugar is dissolved. Add milk powder and mix thoroughly. If the weight is too thin, add more milk powder, if too thick add a little plain milk. Sprinkle grated coconut and mix together. This mass can be freely modified, instead of chips can be added, eg. chopped and pre-baked almonds, bakalie Club placenta.
If you have a favorite weight, can you share with me in the comments.

*baking cookies need a special pan or waffle iron with the contribution of baking nuts.






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3 years ago

Hello, unfortunately I can't eat gluten,Would you have a recipe for a cake for these peanuts based on flour, e.g.:oat,buckwheat,from chickpeas,chestnut or other gluten-free?

4 years ago

And I'm doing my first taste of peanuts is huge because I hold the experience counted your advice and see, well that the daughter will be offered help merrier

5 years ago

where you can get the waffle irons???

5 years ago
Reply to but

I ordered the Allegro and wait .Moja electric .

7 years ago

It's time for pastries such marvels .Zrobiłem ,I will add only the mass and can be enjoyed.

8 years ago

A jak sprawdza się ten opiekacz?

9 years ago

pyszne orzeszki z tego przepisu mi wyszły. I did a double portion, troszkę mi zajęło czasu ich wypiekanie ale warto było. Mojej mamie najbardziej smakowały kokosowe z mojego autorskiego przepisu. Masę budyniową podzieliłam na 3 części i zrobiłam kokosową orzecową i budyniową wersję orzeszków. Orzeszki spokojnie można zamrozić już z masą lub bez wyjęte po dwóch miesiącach są nadal świeże i kruchutkie. I recommend

9 years ago

Extremely charming 🙂
Ja nigdy takich nie jadłam…

9 years ago

I just bought a sandwich at the monthly search, but unfortunately this was not stronger. Only the power of approximately 700, and now it's August freaked low temperature will. Does anyone have the weaker sandwich and baked it about August.

8 years ago
Reply to aniaZ.

I'm looking for such a toaster for peanuts- does anyone know, where you can buy something. I did not find on Allegro

9 years ago

I am not the original and stuffed with nutella, no matter how much I do, disappear in a jiffy.

8 years ago
Reply to but

Nutella I use it as a base by modifying the additives. The easiest way is finely chopped walnuts. It would not hurt the addition of a very dark chocolate increases the palatability … grain spirit.

9 years ago

I did it the second time, this time reduced the amount of butter. Come out crisp and delicious, I really recommend, especially butter-cream pudding with nuts 🙂

Thanks for the recipe!

9 years ago

why milk powder does not give me a mix, but are hard lumps ?

10 years ago

Finally I bought a pan for peanuts – toasting time went, two, longer worked with the cream, because something did not want to thicken – I made milk powder, but with the ground almonds. The whole came out delicious, although in practice the ideal baking łupinek I have yet to come 🙂

Thank you for the recipe, They are delicious 🙂

10 years ago

Asiu, I live in France and very often I visit your blog!.
Of those peanuts that dreams have long, remind me childhood.
with us we did not have such a pan, but a friend of my mom and I always had them on their name day did the! it was just a treat! I remember he was eating with them in August!
when I read your blog with the offer at Lidl immediately called my dad and he sent it to me bought teeth, but already it was not :((((
on Allegro also has no, maybe you know where could I get a toaster?
Unfortunately I do not have a gas stove so I can not buy paelni.

10 years ago
Reply to Kasia

That allegro in bank! Sam once looked 😉

10 years ago
Reply to Kasia

alegro definitely on there because I ordered a sandwich called pan to peanuts

10 years ago

How long can you keep these nuts?
Tomorrow I will take for them I hope 😀, that I come. Mam foremki.

10 years ago
Reply to basienka12

Hello! I bake a double batch and keep in a dry month as well “of chomikuję” I'm doing a surprise because the filling is “cyk myk” and are peanuts! Enjoy!

10 years ago

Test carried out! Peanuts emerged such as photo, Delicious, kruchutkie and how to eat it I do not remember, that during the application of filling said to himself: “a marmot sits and wraps them in these sreberka… never again” 😉
Best regards and thank you very much for the recipe.

10 years ago

I really like these cookies, and ages have not eaten ;))

10 years ago

Hello! I once bought molds for baking peanuts ( how to muffins – only are fe molds in the form of husks of nuts). Peanuts are adored by the household.

10 years ago
Reply to Barbara

And, I just had to write – they are also selling molds for peanuts. Maybe not very widely, but it is impossible to find. Already several times I passed this in one of the local shops, each time vowing, that they buy (like a small expense, but always victorious different needs – the more, that unless zdecydowałabym to buy two sets of). I remember, that I ate the cookies at one of the aunts, I liked them very much. The filling was thick, slightly crunchy cream mandatory (under the name of baking) nutty – przyrównałabym it unless the interior of the type of candy trivia, cha-cha or nut layer tiki-Takach. Super, that when… read more »

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I agree, certainly for molds you need much greater determination 😉 I just wanted to hint, any, that are still available for purchase – even if someone, who likes peanuts and as I have a kitchen “narrow in the hips” and easier upchnie molds in the drawer than a waffle maker in the cabinet (though this equipment is ill since I can remember).
As for the filling – podpytam, and if my aunt did not odgrzebie recipe, pokombinuję itself. Anyhow, certainly a pleasure to share 🙂

10 years ago

Geez what they must be good! And how beautiful they look!
greetings 🙂

10 years ago

This cool waffle :).

wolf aga
10 years ago

Asia, I yesterday holding the waffle maker in paws mused sharply, but gave up, But I would not be happy with it. In Macro waffle makers are now in the new offer, good company 1200W for $ 60 with a tail and gave up lidlowskiej for this in the macro. On Tuesday I'm going to buy…and is still on offer patera rotation at me very fit to decorate torcików (and the old smashed) So I'll do a very satisfactory purchase

wolf aga
10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

It normally costs a lot more but now it is a promotional offer

wolf aga
10 years ago
Reply to wolf aga

She is the only waffles but since I broke the old and since I have a pan for peanuts, However, I prefer to buy this at a higher power, because I like the fast frying

wolf aga
10 years ago

I have this Soviet pan and anyone no longer borrow, because a few years gave me her friend…and peanuts are always allowed at any age and time

10 years ago

I'll have a basket of wonderful content 🙂
Grandma had the pan – peanuts on the stove hell, but the pan wcięło…
Your are absolutely wonderful.

Anna Muszyńska
Anna Muszyńska
10 years ago

Beautiful peanuts ao nazieniu of oats have not heard:) also I have this strange equipment from our eastern neighbors and still is in use-hit every family event:)

10 years ago

Can you say something more about this waffle maker?What should have power, because it supposedly important…? Best regards and thank you for przepis.Tylko molds me no peanuts, unfortunately.

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Well just about baking peanuts I mean. What the company? Folder cena? Where to buy the waffle iron with a contribution for baking peanuts?

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks ,I'm running to buy.

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

You can tell what is hunted and whether it has the form of a peanut, I'm looking for a decent waffle maker,and these beautiful and delicious cookies stimulate me to buy.

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Thanks for your reply, but I had in mind this is what 1400W 🙂

10 years ago

Oj….taste of childhood. I used to often it was getting peanuts.

10 years ago

Also once had such a form, but the trail after it was lost. It was possible for these cakes- peanuts add different filling:)