Component: kajmak

  • Tort karmelowy.

    Tort karmelowy.

    Tort był niespodzianką dla Zuzi na jej 11 birthday. Robiłam go w nocy gdy spała, przed wyjazdem na weekend. I wanted, żeby po powrocie do domu czekał na nią tort.

  • Peanuts



    in recipes for:

    Once wypiekaliśmy them very often, on various occasions and no occasion. Everyone liked them very. Welcome to the delicious peanuts! And of course, I would recommend very!

  • Sernik karmelowy

    Sernik karmelowy


    in recipes for: ,

    This is a cheesecake with this series of, that disappear under mysterious circumstances. It was not until the third attempt I managed to take pictures. At this rate, it wanes. It is delicious, contrary to appearances, not too sweet.

  • Tort serce

    Tort serce

    Cake itself is very simple, because I love the simplicity of. But very, so delicious. A delicate sponge cake boss delicious caramel-flavored custard.