Component: rhubarb
Tarta z rabarbarem, strawberries and meringue
If you like rhubarb, I encourage you to try. But if it's just I do not like him, then you have to make sure this tart, because maybe it is just the recipe, which will convince you to rhubarb!
Rhubarb mousse cake and pudding
Fragile, Almond bottom, mousse tart rhubarb and sweet pudding. It can not fail to taste.
Bun with rhubarb
Today, another scene of cake with rhubarb. This time the wallpaper yeast. Soft, fluffy, and to that of the crust. I know, crumble like, as I:)
Cake with rhubarb, strawberries and almond crumble
If you like cake with rhubarb, This will not be disappointed. I broke the sour taste with a delicious one, sweet almond crumble, and that it was not boring, I added strawberries to rhubarb. I hope, you enjoy my invention and miss the chance to try it.