Pineapple Cake - Coconut | Pineapple and coconut cake

Pineapple and coconut cake


in recipes for:

This cake is not good. It is very good! One of the best cakes with cream, they ate. Light, Refreshing, with a touch cytusową. Fluffy sponge cake with a delicious cream with chunks of pineapple and it's all covered with crunchy meringue with coconut. I'm corresponds to a combination of pineapple and coconut. And if you also, it can not be indifferent to this Ciacho. I assure you, that one piece is over:) I recommend a very!

The recipe comes from the blog Moje Pysznosci, although I did from my own sponge cake recipe.

Ciasto ananasowo - kokosowe | Pineapple and coconut cake

Ingredients for the sponge:

  • 6 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • 3/4 glass caster sugar *
  • cup flour
  • 4 tablespoons of potato flour

Beat egg whites until stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing all the time. Then add one egg mix, each. Finally, gently stir in sifted flour (I did it on the slowest speed mixer).

The bottom plates of dimensions 33×23 cm parchment paper for baking, Do not grease the sides of the grease or lined paper. Transfer the dough and smooth surface.

Bake at 170 – 175° C for about 30 -35 minutes, or what is called a dry stick. After this time, remove the sponge from the oven and cool completely. Sponge cake cooled down completely remove plaque. My sponge has grown strongly, So she cut it. Quenched sponge cake soaked.

When saturated sponge:

  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Meringue ingredients:

  • 4 egg whites
  • half a cup of caster sugar
  • 200g desiccated coconut

Beat egg whites until stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, mixing thoroughly. At the end pour the chips and gently mix (manually, no mixer).
The same badge, We baked sponge cake in the baking parchment paper, postponed until the meringue. Bake in a preheated oven at 175 ° C for 20-30 minutes, to a nice golden color. Remove them from the oven and let them cool.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • one can of pineapple (my weight was 340g drained)
  • 1 vanilla pudding
  • 1/3 glass of sugar
  • 250g butter, softened
  • 4 yolk

Pineapples drain (Do not pour the juice!), and cut into small pieces. Pineapple juice should be glass. If it is less, should be supplemented with water. Drain a small amount and distribute the pudding. The remainder of the sugar juice boil. The juice Pour cooked pudding and bring to a boil while stirring vigorously. Boil for a few minutes. Allow to cool completely.
Beat softened butter on the bright and fluffy. The slaughtered alternately add the butter and egg yolk portion of cold custard, thoroughly mixing. At the end add the chopped pineapple and mix gently.

The soaked sponge cake with pineapple cream put, Cover the cooled meringue, lightly press. Cool in refrigerator for at least a few hours. You can decorate the top of the melted chocolate in a water bath.

*my glass = 250ml

Ciasto ananasowo - kokosowe | Pineapple and coconut cake

Ciasto ananasowo - kokosowe | Pineapple and coconut cake

Ciasto ananasowo - kokosowe | Pineapple and coconut cake

Ciasto ananasowo - kokosowe | Pineapple and coconut cake




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3 years ago

I have not tried such a combination yet, for sure I'll bake them, I'm curious about the combination of flavors, but I was eating something similar, there was a banana in the cream, 3 layers of dark biscuit postponed 3 layers of light cream decorated with chocolate, delicious, addictive !

6 years ago

podczas przekładania beza kokosowa pękła mi na kilka części jak tego uniknąć??

8 years ago

Ciasto GENIALNE! It will be my number one for different occasions 🙂

9 years ago

Znam ciasto od bycia nastolatką, First, które nauczyłam się piec.Do dzisiaj budzi ten sam zachwyt i tak samo rozpieszcza kubki smakowe.

9 years ago

W domu mam tylko budyń śmietankowy z cukrem… Czy taki się nada? Jeśli tak to czy nie dodawać już w ogóle cukru do masy? Please reply. Regards

9 years ago

Super ciasto,zrobiłam tylko nadzienie w inny sposób.Miałam świeżego ananasa do zużycia, wiec go zmiksowałam, dodałam cukier, trochę podgrzałam i dodałam mąkę ziemniaczaną, zrobiłam coś w stylu frużeliny ananasowej. Posmarowalam nią biszkopt, na to serek homogenizowany waniliowy i oczywiście ta boska beza kokosowa. Heaven in my mouth. Pozdrawiam Doti

9 years ago

I love this cake!!! od lat u mnie jest obowiązkowe na każdej imprezie

9 years ago

Revelation!Jadłam już kiedyś ale pierwszy raz piekłam i chyba ostatni… Ten placek działa na mnie jak wąż-kusiciel:-)Ha,ha,chyba tak go nazwę:)Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za udany przepis!

10 years ago

Piekłyśmy it today with my mom for Christmas
He came out great and the taste is very good 🙂
Merry Christmas 🙂

10 years ago

Hmm piekłyśmy with my mom for Christmas today it came out great and feels even better 🙂

10 years ago

Hell and came out great, a delicious cake. Goga

Pineapple Coconut Cake-
Pineapple Coconut Cake-
11 years ago

Witam.Wczoraj baked coconut cake ,wspaniałe.Przypominam came out wearing that somewhere already jadłam.Dziś them I recommended this recipe to your siostrze.Czekam other przepisy.Do hear greet Sophie.

Kasia M.
Kasia M.
11 years ago

Sponge wonderful! Really, I wonder if he was such a good day for baking, whether such a provision is good, I did not have time with the addition of potato flour, but such an effect can not remember. This meringue with coconut also came out great, just a bit when turning cracked me, but it can wine about 2-3 minutes too long in the oven. Changed but little pudding, because the yolk roztrzepałam with pudding powder and just the whole I cooked. Yes, I felt more confident (ah I would ever jump to the uncertainty of raw eggs). Well, but it all worked out, pudding came out pride! The whole won great acclaim and its lightness captivated grandmothers and grandfather 🙂

11 years ago

I'm just finishing them prepare for my husbands birthday, cream has not left me too dense I'm afraid the cake comes out rather flat:( but we'll see!
I greet, thanks

11 years ago

Delicious Cake. Great combination of flavors. I did like, We tasted:)

11 years ago

the sponge does not have to give a powder d p?

11 years ago

confirm, very good cake ,have this recipe for years with home guide,good that he came back into favor

11 years ago

this looks so yummy!

11 years ago

?..and pineapple is a favorite of my daughter duet…..

11 years ago

The dough is super! Yesterday I baked, Moreover summary of coconuts

11 years ago

Delicious flavors 🙂

11 years ago

Such exotic taste Spread 🙂
The cream had to be divine 🙂

11 years ago

I believe the word you – I write and get down to testing:)

mushroom mouse
11 years ago

It is insane! 🙂

Eva Capri
11 years ago

I also baked a cake, very good

11 years ago

Cake is delicious! I come back to it regularly. I make it a peach version – I recommend 🙂

11 years ago

Affirmative, delicious cake, I know it under the name ananasowiec and guests at my table from 3 years. I plan to do them for the holidays.