Muffinka serowa

Cheese Muffins


in recipes for:

Muffinka serowa

I had a great desire for cheesecake, but I had no time to wait for him. Rummaging in his notes and books came across a recipe, that satisfies the desire for cheesecake and yet not spend in the kitchen more than 20 minutes. Recommended for both fans of cheesecakes and muffins.

Muffinki serowe z kawałkami czekoladyIngredients:

  • 2,5 glass of flour
  • 1/2 glass of sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • vanilla sugar (small pack 8g)
  • 100g melted butter
  • glass of milk
  • 2 eggs



For the cheese:

  • 250g of cheese curd
  • 1 yolk
  • vanilla sugar according to your taste

Traditionally, as the muffin in a bowl mix the dry ingredients in the second wet. The contents of both vessels to combine fast, only to mix the ingredients.

Ingredients for the cheese to combine together. Put the molds alternately a spoonful of dough and curd. Molds to be filled 3/4 of.

Bake at 170 degrees by 25 minutes. For me I had to extend the baking time to 35 minutes.

Sera was enough to 12 muffinek. Since I have been a cake, used them to bake minimuffinek, to which I added chocolate chips. They came out delicious, most children to taste.

Muffinki serowe z kawałkami czekolady



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8 years ago

Czy make pszenna moge zastapic bezglutenowa?

9 years ago

zniknęłyz talerza szybciej niż zrobiłam :). wprowadziłam tylko małe modyfikacje i zamiast twarogu dałam serek naturalny od Bielucha

12 years ago

In June, I found your site with these wonderful sweets. I read all summer, watched, and recently started to try to. How did these cheese muffins I had to write something for the first time. Pride. My husband says the Muffinkach, that such nodules without slipping. But how did the cheese eaten at least half. However, my little daughter less than 3 year old not eating white cheese eating with them and let Mom says muffin.
I greet and wish you many such sweets.