Tort "Thomas and Friends" | Thomas & friends cake

Thomas and friends cake – the instructions step by step

When I made the cake with Peppa Pig, I promised myself that, that I'm not doing more cakes from the 'strange’ requirements. I co? A friend called and begged. I do not know, What was I thinking agreeing to this. Because you've never done this type of cake (not, Barbie doll apart, but it was easy). I panicked. I had no idea how to go about it, or what comes out of me. I could not sleep for two nights, I still thought, which will, if you do not succeed… I decided, the base of a rectangular sponge cake will be a condition for the Tom. I've gone to work. I will not tell, I was in 100% pleased with the results, bad because I worked with a mass of plastic (I did it for the first time), was stiff, hardened the fast and did not give so smooth, by what you see on Tom a whole lot of imperfections. But for the first time, I think, and so it is tolerably.

The whole consists of chocolate sponge cake, supervisor based chocolate cream and mascarpone cream, with cherries and chocolate pieces.

Recipe, idea and a way of making their own. I used the bottom of the pie with biscuit Peppa Pig.

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Ingredients for the bottom of the biscuit:

  • 8 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • 1,3 glass caster sugar *
  • 1,5 cup cake flour – 3 tablespoons (remove 3 tablespoons)
  • 3/4 glass of potato flour
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa

Beat egg whites until stiff, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, followed by mixing one egg each. Sift the flour and cocoa and stir gently until egg (I do it at the lowest speed mixer).

The bottom plates with dimensions of 25x30cm smear grease and line with baking paper. Nothing sides of greased. Pour the prepared mass, align.

Bake in preheated oven at 175 ° C, for about 40 minutes, or the so-called. dry stick. After this time, remove the sponge and cool (if someone is afraid, that settles it, can gently drop to the floor from a height 50 cm in diameter, This time I did not).

Sponge cake cooled down completely separated from the wall plaque, Remove and cut into 3 cakes (best to cut the sponge cake baked the day before). Each cake lightly soaked.

To soak:

  • 200ml of weak tea
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Chocolate cream:

  • 4 serki mascarpone (at 250g each)
  • 650ml double cream very cold
  • 50g of icing sugar (or more, If the cream has to be more sweet)
  • 300g dark chocolate
  • 100g grated chocolate or dark chocolate grated on the coarse mesh
  • about 0.5 kg of cherry compote, thoroughly drained

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a water bath (the pot of boiling water put a bowl of chocolate, bowl does not touch the water) and cool slightly. Beat the mascarpone cheese with fondant and sugar until fluffy (no need to separate compaction). To slaughtered cheese add melted chocolate and mix. Finally add the chocolate chips and mix łyżką.część weight (about 3-4 Bucket) put, we'll need to put the 'Tom'.

Place the cake on the first pad, put on it half the weight, align. Powciskać slightly drained half the weight of cherries, cover with second pie, Repeat and cover with the last cake. The whole ground covered with butter and icing sugar.

Weight on top of the cake:

  • 250g butter, softened
  • tablespoon cocoa
  • 20g of icing sugar

Beat the light and fluffy butter with sugar and cocoa. Put off 2-3 tablespoons (weight will be needed to grease 'Tom'). Grease the top and sides of the cake and leave in the fridge to the concentration of.

Sponge on 'Tom’ (I baked an additional rectangular sponge, but I have been very much 'waste’ So according to me, just bake a sponge cake with 4 eggs, for example, in a smaller baking tray. 25x 25cm):

  • 4 eggs (separate the yolk and the egg white)
  • little more than half a cup of caster sugar
  • half a cup of plain flour + two tablespoons of cocoa
  • 3 tablespoons of potato flour

Beat stiff protein, at the end of churning add the sugar in batches, followed by mixing one egg each. Sift the flour and cocoa and stir gently until egg (I do it at the lowest speed mixer).

The bottom plates of baking parchment paper, Nothing sides of greased. Put the prepared mass, align.

Bake in preheated oven at 175 ° C, for about 40 minutes, or the so-called. dry stick. After this time, remove the sponge and cool. Sponge cake cooled down completely remove plaque. Prepare 'Tom'. This is probably the hardest part to describe, but I'll try. If someone is tempted to make a track, and something not quite be clearly written, is willing to serve with. Photos should help in cutting Tom, are not great quality, but because it, they are very helpful have been included in the entry. It is good to take a sketch of the, like our cake to look like. With me was a 'brainstorming'…:

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Tom was my base dimensions 15cm length, width 8 cm in diameter, height of 4.5 cm. And actually, the most important dimensions. Others simply proportionally adjusted to the base. Then, cut the hood and the 'roll'. Do not cut out separately 'roll’ and booths, constitute one part of the, so everything is holding together nicely. Ready-cut elements should be translated into the chocolate mass, in order to, translates as a normal cake. Then smear the 'Tom’ weight of butter and put in the fridge to cool.

Trial 'Tom':

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

'Tom’ appropriate:

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Superior cream:

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

'Tom’ ground smeared with butter, occupied before the plastic mass:

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Now you can 'dress’ cake. Both the base and the top of the 'Tom’ were covered with plastic mass. I did the first time mass, I do not know, if I was doing it wrong, whether the provision is not quite perfect, why not give this recipe. If you want to be sure, that the mass will be flexible, and it will be well with her working, just buy some ready-made. If you have a proven recipe for a really good and flexible mass, you can use it.

Tom decorate their own discretion (I was inspired by a model borrowed from the little neighbor).

In operation:

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

Tort "Tomek i przyjaciele" | Thomas & friends cake

COMMENTS: To make it easier to deal with in making the cake, plastic mass it obkładaniu, Prepare to be a whole day early, in order to, cake that could well chill in the refrigerator.

Good luck and bon appetit!

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5 years ago

Thank you very much for your help and inspiration! My 2 year-old son become very pleased <3

Małgorzata P
Małgorzata P
7 years ago

Asiek bardzo dziękuję za szczegółowo opisanie jak wykonać Tomka moja wnusia Nela zażyczyła sobie takiego na 3 birthday , samego Tomka jako próbnego zrobiłam jej 2 tygodnie wcześniej , uśmiech na twarzy mojej wnusi nie oceniony. A to wszystko dzięki Tobie zdolna kobietko , jeszcze raz dziękuję Asik
Teraz będę poszukiwać inspiracji na torta na 18-tkę

8 years ago

Dzien dobry. Robie wlasnie wedlug przepisu i jak narazie wszystko gladko poszlo ☺ dziekuje za przepis . Torcik rewelacyjny mam nadzieje ze moj bedzie rownie piekny co pani

10 years ago

I have a question for you, what proportion of potato flour to the dough add 3/4 glasses is too much unless. And by the proportions of wheat flour you write 1.5 glasses – 3 łyżka .

10 years ago

Is korzystałaś to the bottom of the biscuit base and Tom with the same mass buttery and chocolate cream?

10 years ago

Hello, This cake is big already know what to do for my son's second birthday, but I certainly did not come out as beautiful as you did? What do you think about these gotwych masses of plastic that you can buy at Allegro? P.S all recipes are great until man would just bake and I just tempted to croissants and I are in the oven 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to Asiek

oh so delicious croissants, thank you

10 years ago

Hejka!Please write me as I slice the sponge to create a base of Tom???Iwona

10 years ago

Hello I has just printed out yourself instructions and proceed to take share my Photos greet

7 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I do not know how to attach photo 🙁

6 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Hello send a photo cake?

10 years ago

Gorgeous 😉

10 years ago

Lovely cake, I've got to do for my birthday goddaughter, because he is fascinated by Tomek, So for a month waiting for me challenged:) And as for the weight I buy ready-made decor on a Roll It can be ordered in any color. A co do lalki Barbi, you do not need to do high-dresses, legs can be removed with a doll, torso wrap a piece of foil food or buy ready-made doll without legs specifically for cakes. Greetings to all

monika 23
monika 23
11 years ago

Hello,able to give you the recipe for a plastic mass ?

11 years ago

Hey 🙂 I would like to ask if this' roller’ was made of the narrower and wider pieces of sponge cake ?

Daria Anna
11 years ago

Hi. I have a question for you, What colors've used the weight of sugar. I ask, because waiting for me in my life, this kind of cake, 've never tried to force the mass of sugar, but I heard, with you should not use liquid dyes available in supermarkets, but only those in the gel. With this I have a little problem, I just need the black dye on my cake and I have access to it only in liquid form. So I do not know whether he is doing it take for the color weight, can destroy it by this experiment.

11 years ago

But I guess this is Edward,well if I see 3 on the side and Tom is the number 1!

7 years ago
Reply to Kasia

Edek ma numer 2 🙂

muffinkowe sky
11 years ago

A beautiful cake, I hope, Also that I can do a similar. Thanks for the instructions

11 years ago

Welcome, Cake is sensational!!! What I would give to me or the left… The more, I decided on this basis to make a cake for my son 🙂 Take advantage of ready-weight. I know, that if you were doing it alone, is difficult to specify how much it went. But as the eye – as I need the blue? Other colors somehow align, but I have no idea how much to buy blue 🙁
I will be grateful for your response 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

I have no artistic ability but I will say, that thanks to your advice with unleavened Tom built a sponge cake with a round metal 🙂 And this is actually the first attempt 😀
Tomorrow tuning and of course I'll know how it goes 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

A man in a hurry, and even good woman did not answer 😉
Cake came out not exactly as your. Not reunites white mass, So I made a very gray face and Tom stood on the cream 😀 By this I had the problem with the eyes, squint came 🙂
How to add a picture here? Paste and the praise, and what 😉

11 years ago

Wonderful! Great! Congratulations talent!

11 years ago

Congratulations,beautiful cake!and how the cake can be covered with plastic mass store in the refrigerator?tzn.jak needs on Sundays so that I can wrap it in plastic mass already Friday?

11 years ago

Super only son was explained to me that it was not Tom and Eddie. cake first class.

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Tom has reportedly another nose, and this is Edek.

Miroslaw Mazur
11 years ago

No .... not again ..... and not. But I'm such a lovely, I will not eat cake. It would be a desecration 🙂

11 years ago

I admire the perseverance, the cake cool thing

11 years ago

Hello, tort super, 🙂 inspiration come in handy especially since Sonny my loves trains 🙂
Recently I found a great recipe on the internet for mass sugar, tried and sensational, previously also had problems with inserting the appropriate amount of powdered sugar, but this I recommend:

11 years ago

Asya where you buy ready-made plastic mass, and whether they are white, and I add the dye itself, or you can buy ready-made color?. Rather, the same will not do. Regards, children's faces at the sight of the cake – priceless!!

11 years ago

I ask for any tips dot. Barbie cake for my birthday in March, her daughter and I would like to make her a surprise! On the birthday boy did totr rainbow and guests were delighted not forgetting the birthday boy! If I already had nieprzespałabym Tom is definitely the night to do this because it is the idol of son:-)
Now as I approach baking it first peek at the interesting and you always find something which can boast in front of guests

11 years ago

Beautiful work, I admire. Well, a wonderful instructional photos.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Super emerged!!The weight of sugar should add some glycerin-then it is more humid, better working with it, and does not dry out so fast- I did a test once and that several provisions of glycerol was almost as good as the finished ground.

11 years ago

It looks brilliant! 🙂

detector taste
11 years ago

capital, Thank you for the picture!

mushroom mouse
11 years ago

BRAVO! Great Respect for you 😉 cake is beautiful!

11 years ago

Asya is a miracle!!!! and how much work needed

11 years ago

looks tolerably?????? are you kidding – It is a great!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can see how much work you put into this cake – estimates :)))

11 years ago

You are capable of incredibly patient and I really like Tom

11 years ago

and lest he not dry out so quickly that margarynkę 🙂 and will add approximately 🙂

11 years ago

Asiu, revelation! Simply bows .:)

11 years ago

I admire! What companies are using mascarpone cheese? I took Galbani twice, and after a few turns the mixer did every time “milk soup” Instead of the expected tiramisu. Discourage me for many months, but as I read about your weights based on cream cheese and I'm ready to take a chance again, but they may be prompted for a shelf to go in the store? Regards 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

Is also pretty good with the mascarpone cheese Ladybugs , used it a few times

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

With 🙂

11 years ago
Reply to Asiek

In fact, the best is Piątnicy, but it is also good cheese from Lidl, Biedronkowego not recommend 🙂

11 years ago

Those came out beautifully:) torture was worth every? decoration looks phenomenally:)

11 years ago

oh I would forget to write that Tom Smiley is sensational!!I greet:)

11 years ago

World Championship!

11 years ago

But with Ms. Gifted, I admire and envy the talent 🙂
and have you written down the recipe for the cake Barbie? I do not see: (

11 years ago

Fantastic cake! I already did a cake covered with “own” plastic mass, and recently bought it and I did a cake. Indeed, the purchase of a lot easier to work. It is more flexible and does not dry out too quickly. I, if it is added to the weight of more glucose, It also would be the flexible, but I have not tried, So I do not know 🙂 Regards!

11 years ago

as for the first time this EXCELLENT!!!

11 years ago

You are amazing, cake is beautiful. I have a question about the plastics and there is a lot of dyes and preservatives? And how it tastes? Maybe stupid question but never with a mass of plastic was not doing anything, I always do marzipan.

11 years ago

Excellent! Just brilliant. Well, that my son did not see, for surely such a zażyczyłby 🙂

11 years ago
